Entre moltes de les coses que vàrem fer amb en D&D...cal destacar una visita a un karaoke de disfresses!! Ja us ho he comentat alguna vegada la passió que hi ha al Japó pels karaokes, es tracta d'un esdeveniment social molt comú i molt divertit. A diferència dels karaokes europeus aquí es tracta de sales privades on cadascú es monta la festa, cantar, menjar, beure o dormir...i bé aquest cap de setmana passat vàrem anar en un karaoke especial on a banda de cantar també et podies disfressar i bé us deixo algunes fotos perquè veieu el resultat...
Amongst many things we did with D&D...I want to highlight the visit to a costume karaoke!! I've already mentioned before that Japanese feel the karaoke with real passion being a common social event. Unlike the typical karaokes in europe here everyone books his own private room and make their own party, singing, eating, drinking or sleeping...and well this last weekend we went to a special karaoke where besides singing you could also use different costumes to dress you up, so here some pictures to see the result...
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
Karaoke de disfresses - Costumes karaoke
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Societat japonesa
aquesta setmana he estat bastant ocupat i és que he estat amb una visita molt especial...els "americanos", els meus amics Dani i Danielle han vingut directament de Chicago per visitar-me i viatjar pel Japó. La primera visita després del terratrèmol! I bé ha estat una setmana molt intensa i com és habitual de ruta gastronòmica per la ciutat, yakitori (brotxetes), sushi al mercat del peix, okonomiyaki (pizzes japoneses), ramen (fideus) o nabe (cassserola japonesa)...mmm
I've been quite busy this last week since I was with a special visit...my friends Dani and Danielle, came directly from Chicago to visit me and travel around Japan. This was special not only for them but because it was the first visit after quake too! Thus it's been a busy week and as usual we really enjoyed of the different gastronomic variety of Tokyo, yakitori (chicken skewers), sushi from Tsukiji market, oknomiyaki (japanese pancakes), ramen (noodles) or nabe (japanese hot pot)...mmm
traditional nabe with chicken, meatballs and cabbage |
this is how it looks like the sushi at 7.30 am... |
okonomiyaki!! |
yakitori |
protestes anti-nuclears / antinuke protesters
M'ha agradat molt que s'hagi decidit donar el Premi Internacional Catalunya 2011 a Haruki Murakami, continua la connexió catalana-japonesa! probablement l'escriptor japonès més conegut internacionalment i des que el vaig descobrir un dels meus favorits també, Com ja haureu sentit en la recepció del premi, Murakami ja va dir que ho donaria tot per ajudar l'àrea de Tohoku i sobretot va fer un discurs molt crític en contra l'energia nuclear fins al punt que la notícia també ha arribat al Japó on alguns mitjans s'han fet ressò d'aquesta crítica.
I bé, sembla que Murakami no està sol...ahir es van complir 3 mesos del terratrèmol i les organitzacions antinuclears van organitzar manifestacions per tot Tokyo, curiosament a diferència de les nostres aquí en van fer moltes durant tot el dia en diferents punts de la ciutat. Vaig arribar-me a la que van fer a Shinjuku i déu ni do, hi havia un ambient interessant interessant...per fi els japonesos s'han aixecat i han dit prou! Una gran mobilització de gent, cridant, saltant i xiulant però evidentment molt pacíficament. Tot i això el desplegament policial va ser molt béstia, jo diria que mai havia vist tal concentració de policia, això sí desarmats i sense porres...us deixo un vídeo i quatre fotos.
I really liked that the 2011 International Catalonia Prize was for Haruki Murakami, proud to see the Catalans recognized him to deserve this award since he is certainly the most well-known japanese writer nowadays and I must say one of my favourites too! In his speech in Barcelona, Murakami said that the prize will go to Tohoku relief efforts and did a strong anti-nuke position, criticism that even drew the attention of some media in Japan reporting it in their news.
And well, it seems Murakami is not alone...yesterday did 3 months since the earthquake and several anti-nuke groups, organized several demonstrations around Tokyo, curiously unlike us where usually there is a single big demonstration, here they organized several demonstration all day long in different places of Tokyo. I took part of the last one in Shinjuku and well, the atmosphere was very lively, people shouting, jumping or whistling but of course all done peacefully. Nevertheless the number of policemen was huge, I think I've never seen such a big concentration of police...but at least they were disarmed and everything went well.
I bé, sembla que Murakami no està sol...ahir es van complir 3 mesos del terratrèmol i les organitzacions antinuclears van organitzar manifestacions per tot Tokyo, curiosament a diferència de les nostres aquí en van fer moltes durant tot el dia en diferents punts de la ciutat. Vaig arribar-me a la que van fer a Shinjuku i déu ni do, hi havia un ambient interessant interessant...per fi els japonesos s'han aixecat i han dit prou! Una gran mobilització de gent, cridant, saltant i xiulant però evidentment molt pacíficament. Tot i això el desplegament policial va ser molt béstia, jo diria que mai havia vist tal concentració de policia, això sí desarmats i sense porres...us deixo un vídeo i quatre fotos.
I really liked that the 2011 International Catalonia Prize was for Haruki Murakami, proud to see the Catalans recognized him to deserve this award since he is certainly the most well-known japanese writer nowadays and I must say one of my favourites too! In his speech in Barcelona, Murakami said that the prize will go to Tohoku relief efforts and did a strong anti-nuke position, criticism that even drew the attention of some media in Japan reporting it in their news.
And well, it seems Murakami is not alone...yesterday did 3 months since the earthquake and several anti-nuke groups, organized several demonstrations around Tokyo, curiously unlike us where usually there is a single big demonstration, here they organized several demonstration all day long in different places of Tokyo. I took part of the last one in Shinjuku and well, the atmosphere was very lively, people shouting, jumping or whistling but of course all done peacefully. Nevertheless the number of policemen was huge, I think I've never seen such a big concentration of police...but at least they were disarmed and everything went well.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Societat japonesa,
Tokyo Sky Tree
Ahir al diari vaig llegir que ja han posat preu a l'entrada a la nova Tokyo Sky Tree (o sigui la torre de l'arbre del cel). Aquesta torre és la nova nineta dels ulls de la ciutat i tot i que no estarà acabada fins el 2012 ja és avui l'edifici més alt de Tokyo, i quan estigui acabada amb els seus 634metres (!!!) serà la segona storre de telecomunicacions més alta del món (la primera és una torre a Dubai). En tot cas, el que em va cridar l'atenció és que ja li han posat preu, 3000 iens per pujar-hi!!barato barato no és que diguem i ahir la premsa en va fer bastant rebombori (mireu el vídeo) però bé personalment crec que pagarà la pena, no cada dia es pot dinar a 600 metres d'altura...
La torre està a prop del barri d'Asakusa al costat del riu Sumida en una zona de gran renovació urbana.
I was reading yesterday that there is already a fixed price ticket for the new Sky Tree Tower. This tower which is the new tourist attraction in the city is already nowadays the tallest building in Tokyo, even though the construction won't be completed till 2012, and once done it will be a 634m tower, the second biggest telecom tower in the world (first one being in Dubai). In any case what drew my attention is the price fixed for the ticket, 3000 iens!!! it wouldn't be cheap precisely and thus yesterday many media criticized it and made comparisons with other towers (see the video), but well personally I think it will be worthwhile, no everyday one can eat at 600m height...
The tower is located nearby Asakusa, next to the Sumida river in an area of large urban regeneration.
La torre està a prop del barri d'Asakusa al costat del riu Sumida en una zona de gran renovació urbana.
I was reading yesterday that there is already a fixed price ticket for the new Sky Tree Tower. This tower which is the new tourist attraction in the city is already nowadays the tallest building in Tokyo, even though the construction won't be completed till 2012, and once done it will be a 634m tower, the second biggest telecom tower in the world (first one being in Dubai). In any case what drew my attention is the price fixed for the ticket, 3000 iens!!! it wouldn't be cheap precisely and thus yesterday many media criticized it and made comparisons with other towers (see the video), but well personally I think it will be worthwhile, no everyday one can eat at 600m height...
The tower is located nearby Asakusa, next to the Sumida river in an area of large urban regeneration.
Juny 2011 |
Agost 2010 |
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Visita a Tohoku - Visit to Tohoku
aquesta setmana vaig anar fins a Tohoku, l'àrea més propera al nucli del terratrèmol. Va ser una visita curta ja que sols vàrem anar per feina a visitar la universitat de Tohoku que està a Sendai, capital de la prefectura. O sigui que de bon matí vàrem agafar el shinkansen i camí cap al nord, passant per l'àrea de Fukushima (tranquils lluny de l'àrea d'exclusió) i amb un parell d'hores ens vàrem plantar allà. La veritat no m'esperava grans desperfectes perquè Sendai no es va veure afectada pel tsunami, ara tot i això em vaig quedar sorprès del bon estat general que hi havia arreu, només alguna esquerda en alguns edificis però per la resta tot ben correcte. Més tard ens van dir que alguns edifici antics els hauran d'aterrar però a banda d'això us asseguro que ningú diria que allà hi va haver el terratrèmol que van tenir, evidentment vulguis no vulguis de seguida em va fer pensar en la situació completament contraposada que s'ha vist a Llorca on el terratrèmol, molt més petit, va causar tot els desperfectes coneguts, tela amb el poder de l'enginyeria antisísmica...
A banda d'això dir-vos que a nivell polític la cosa està calenteta al Japó, aquesta setmana l'hi han fet una moció de censura al primer ministre, Naoto Kan, que la va passar pels pèls però tot sembla indicar que deixarà el càrrec ben aviat. Evidentment a en Kan li està passant factura la mala gestió de tot el tema nuclear, i és que la gent està molt emprenyada allà dalt i amb raó, finalment ja és oficial que la situació a Fukushima no estarà 100% controlada fins al 2012, i de moment doncs continuen treballant-hi però no sembla que evolucioni molt depressa i cada dos per tres tenen alertes a la zona per augment del nivell de radiació...imagineu-vos viure a prop de l'àrea d'exclusió, increible. A Tokyo totes les mesures segueixen indicant valors dins de la normalitat, tranquils.
this week I went up to Tohoku, the closest area from the earthquake. It was a short visit since we just went there for work to visit the university in Sendai, the prefecture's capital. So early morning we took a Shinkansen and headed north, passing by Fukushima area (no worries, far from the exclusion area) and after a couple of hours we were there. To tell you the truth I didn't expect to find much damage in Sendai because it wasn't effected by the tsunami, nevertheless I was really surprised with the perfect condition around, just few cracks in some buildings. Later we were told that some old buildings will have to be demolished because the structure was damaged but besides this no one would say that they had such a big quake, for me obviously it made me compared it against the situation in Spain, in the city of Lorca where with a smaller quake the impact was unfortunately much more bigger...amazing the power of the antisismic engineering...
Besides this, these last days the politics situation in Japan is a hot topic, the prime minister Naoto Kan had a non-confidence motion on wednesday that passed satisfactorily but very tightly, and it seems that he will quit quite soon. Obviously he is having repercussions from the crisis management of the nuclear threat, the criticisms are raising everywhere and with foundations of course, now is official that the situation in the plant won't be fully stable till 2012, for the time being they continue working with it but it doesn't seem evolves rapidly and often they have to raise new alerts for sudden increase of radioactivity level in the area...so just try to imagine what is living nearby the exclusion area nowadays. In Tokyo all measures up to date are within the regular values, don't worry.
A banda d'això dir-vos que a nivell polític la cosa està calenteta al Japó, aquesta setmana l'hi han fet una moció de censura al primer ministre, Naoto Kan, que la va passar pels pèls però tot sembla indicar que deixarà el càrrec ben aviat. Evidentment a en Kan li està passant factura la mala gestió de tot el tema nuclear, i és que la gent està molt emprenyada allà dalt i amb raó, finalment ja és oficial que la situació a Fukushima no estarà 100% controlada fins al 2012, i de moment doncs continuen treballant-hi però no sembla que evolucioni molt depressa i cada dos per tres tenen alertes a la zona per augment del nivell de radiació...imagineu-vos viure a prop de l'àrea d'exclusió, increible. A Tokyo totes les mesures segueixen indicant valors dins de la normalitat, tranquils.
this week I went up to Tohoku, the closest area from the earthquake. It was a short visit since we just went there for work to visit the university in Sendai, the prefecture's capital. So early morning we took a Shinkansen and headed north, passing by Fukushima area (no worries, far from the exclusion area) and after a couple of hours we were there. To tell you the truth I didn't expect to find much damage in Sendai because it wasn't effected by the tsunami, nevertheless I was really surprised with the perfect condition around, just few cracks in some buildings. Later we were told that some old buildings will have to be demolished because the structure was damaged but besides this no one would say that they had such a big quake, for me obviously it made me compared it against the situation in Spain, in the city of Lorca where with a smaller quake the impact was unfortunately much more bigger...amazing the power of the antisismic engineering...
Besides this, these last days the politics situation in Japan is a hot topic, the prime minister Naoto Kan had a non-confidence motion on wednesday that passed satisfactorily but very tightly, and it seems that he will quit quite soon. Obviously he is having repercussions from the crisis management of the nuclear threat, the criticisms are raising everywhere and with foundations of course, now is official that the situation in the plant won't be fully stable till 2012, for the time being they continue working with it but it doesn't seem evolves rapidly and often they have to raise new alerts for sudden increase of radioactivity level in the area...so just try to imagine what is living nearby the exclusion area nowadays. In Tokyo all measures up to date are within the regular values, don't worry.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Cuinetes, botiga catalana a Tokyo
La curiositat del dia...ahir anava en bici per Shirokanedai, un barri d'aquí a la vora i de cop passo per davant d'una botiga amb un cartell que posava "Cuinetes"...i jo que em dic "ep que això sona català!", m'hi vaig parar i des de fora ja vaig veure un noi que feia tonta la pinta de ser de la terra i dit i fet, en David que porta un bon grapat d'anys per aquí és el propietari d'aquesta botiga on venen vins i productes delicatessen catalans però també d'altres zones d'Europa. Curiós eh...en fi un bon descobriment i per donar-me el capritxu li vaig comprar carquinyolis fets a Ripoll! (tot i que la distància és un factor subjectiu de gran pes val a dir que estan boníssims :-)
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Barça, Barça Barça!!!
Ja la tenim aquí!!!Per si algú encara no se n'ha assabentat el Barça ha guanyat la quarta champions league i com no podia ser menys a Tokyo també ho vem seguir en directe! Això sí el dia se'm va fer moooolt llarg, penseu que aquí el partit va començar a les 3:45 de la matinada i clar jo el dissabte al matí ja em vaig aixecar amb rum-rum de final, a sobre va estar plovent tot el dia o sigui que poc va afavorir a esbargir-me, al vespre vaig anar a sopar amb uns amics a Ebisu però clar a les 21h jo ja estava a punt pel partit i clar encara quedavem 6 hores!!! Cap a les 2am ja no podia aguantar més i vaig fer cap un bar que s'havia que passava el partit i al arribar em trobo una cua a fora i tot de color vermell, si si la majoria del Manchester i jo "collons...", ara un cop a dins la cosa va canviar, estava ple de culers, molts d'ells amb la samarreta del Barça (una amb la d'en Pedrito!) i fins i tot un bon grup de catalans (ja era hora!). El partit excel.lent, un ambient de gal.la i el resultat collonut, hauríeu d'haver vist els japonesos cantant l'himne amb un català perfecte...efecte Karaoke :-). Al final vaig arribar a casa a les 7 de la matí però amb un somriure que no hi cabia!! (a veure si em reconeixeu a la foto)
Hello, we got it!!!! In case someone is not aware yet, Barcelona won his fourth champions league!!! and of course Tokyo had it live! however it was a very loooong day, just think that here the game started at 3:45am and of course when I woke up on Saturday I was already feeling the sense of the game, in addition it rained all day long so I couldn't do anything but thinking on it, in the evening I when out for dinner in Ebisu with some friends but of course at 9pm I was "mentally" ready for the game and we still had 6 hours ahead for it!! Around 2 am I could wait any longer and I headed to a bar I knew they would have the game but when I got there there was a huge cue outside....red! yeap most of them ManU supporters and I was there with my Barça t-shirt thinking where the hell I was going to...for god's sake once inside surprise....it was full of Barça supporters most of them Japanese )one even with Pedrito's shirt) but also a nice group of Catalans (about time to meet them!) . The game was excellent, nice atmosphere and the best result possible, you should had seen the Japanese singing the Barça hymn with a perfect Catalan...Karaoke effect! :-) At the end I got home around 7 am but grinning from ear to ear!! (do u recognize me in the pic)
Hello, we got it!!!! In case someone is not aware yet, Barcelona won his fourth champions league!!! and of course Tokyo had it live! however it was a very loooong day, just think that here the game started at 3:45am and of course when I woke up on Saturday I was already feeling the sense of the game, in addition it rained all day long so I couldn't do anything but thinking on it, in the evening I when out for dinner in Ebisu with some friends but of course at 9pm I was "mentally" ready for the game and we still had 6 hours ahead for it!! Around 2 am I could wait any longer and I headed to a bar I knew they would have the game but when I got there there was a huge cue outside....red! yeap most of them ManU supporters and I was there with my Barça t-shirt thinking where the hell I was going to...for god's sake once inside surprise....it was full of Barça supporters most of them Japanese )one even with Pedrito's shirt) but also a nice group of Catalans (about time to meet them!) . The game was excellent, nice atmosphere and the best result possible, you should had seen the Japanese singing the Barça hymn with a perfect Catalan...Karaoke effect! :-) At the end I got home around 7 am but grinning from ear to ear!! (do u recognize me in the pic)
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