Així doncs fa uns dies vaig anar a fer una mica de muntanya, aquesta vegada als Alps del sud del Japó (Minami Alps) per pujar el Kita-Dake, el segon pic més alt del país amb uns 3300 metres.
Back again to the blog after some weeks of abscence....gomenasai! Several things came lately and I didn´t have time to dedicate to the blog. Anyhow, I´m back to Japan, after another hot summer now the weather is much better, temperature dropped and September is perfect to enjoy outdoors activities (providing it doesn´t rain....and this is not uncommon though).
So, some days ago I went again hiking to the mountains, this time at the South Alps of Japan (Minami Alps), to climb Kita-Dake, the second highest point of the country with around 3200m.
Al fons el Kita-Dake / Kita-Dake at the back |
A mitja tarda arribàrem al refugi que hi ha a 3000m abans d'encarar l'ascens final l'endemà d'albada on teòricament ens esperava una de les escenes més boniques del Japó.
Great experience, the Alps are amazing, as usual dense and greenery mountains everywhere. We took the ascent at easy pace. walking for 5-6 hours in a nice trail with progressive changes of the vegetation and environment around, all in an excellent sunny day for hiking.
At mid-afternoon we made it to the hut located at 3000m, last stop before facing the last part of the ascent the next day at dawn, where theoretically one of the best landscapes of Japan was expecting us.
El refugi tota una experiència, sopar a les 17h (en ma vida hauria dit que es podia menjar tan d'hora!) i esmorzar a les 04h quan encara estava tot fosc. Entre mig unes quantes (poques) hores de son dormint a terra en una habitació a rebentar de gent, en un ambient carregat i tot acompanyat d'alguns ronquets i altres ventositats intestinals...idílic.
Our stay at the hut will be unforgettable, we had dinner at 17h (in my life I'd have ever said I could eat that early!!) and breakfast (traditional Japanese) at 04h when was still dark. In between some (rather few) hours of sleep, sleeping at the floor in a room packed of people, with a quite "dense" atmosphere, some snoring and other kind of physiological noises...lovely.
Els companys d'habitació / Our room-mates! |
La sorpresa va ser al llevar-nos i trobar-nos que estava plovent! Galleda d'aigua freda (mai més ben dit) i com plovia! Amb tot no ens quedava altre que continuar o sigui que vàrem seguir el trajecte arribant a la cima on evidentment no es veia res de res (ni la forma del Fuji) i hi havia una pluja i un vent que una mica més i se'ns endú.
The surprise came when we woke up and found it was raining! and gosh, I tell you it was! Yet with this situation we couldn't do anything else but keep going so we continued our hike to the summit where obviously we couldn't see anything (nor even the shape of Fuji!) and there was such a strong rain and wind that we almost flu away.
Que quedi constància que hi vàrem arribar ! / At least, a reference that we were there |
Aquesta és la vista que ens vàrem trobar / This is the view we got from the top |
I aquesta és la que suposadament hauríem d'haver vist... / And this is what we were expecting to see... |
From there we started our descent to the other site of the mountain and with it another adventure. The path was really nice and funny, jumping stones, crossing improvised bridges, rafting down...very nice but of course with the rain we had to watched out very carefully! Luckily after 4-5 hours we finally made down safe and happy. Then as it starts to be traditional, before going back to Tokyo we stop by in an Onsen to relax a bit, and it felt really good!