Aquest post va dedicat a l'amic Ale :), un gran exemple del poder del (bon) màrqueting en l'indústria alimentària. Resulta que aquesta setmana Pepsico ha començat a comercialitzar al Japó ¨Pepsi special" una nova beguda funcional que es diu que actua bloquejant lípids (greix) i clar vinguén d'una de les grans empreses alimentàries mundials ha esdevingut un "trending tròpic" per la xarxa. No obstant, el que pocs apunten és que de fet Pepsico l'únic que ha fet ha estat pujar al carro de l'èxit obtingut per una de les grans empreses locals, Kirin (en essència productora de cervesa) que a principis d'any va treure al mercat "Kirin Mets Cola", la primera beguda carbonatada de cola amb aquest ingredient "màgic" que bloqueja el greix! El famós ingredient màgic no és res més que un tipus de fibra soluble que suposadament evitaria que part del greix consumit s'absorbeixi a nivell intestinal. Un concepte simple però que ha tingut un èxit sorprenent i alguns ja ho consideren un dels grans èxits dels productes funcionals de l'història japonesa. Imagineu-vos al mes d'haver sortit el producte de Kirin, l'empresa va anunciar que ja havien superat les previsions de venda de tot l'any 2012! Típic japonè genera un trending tòpic i multitud de consumidor s'hi aboquen de seguida! Així doncs vist l'èxit de Kirin, Pepsico ara doncs ha decidit pujar-hi al carro, però bé què en podem dir d'aquesta experiència?
This post goes to my friend Ale :), it's a (good) example of the marketing power in the food industry of Japan. This week Pepsico launched "Pepsi special" in Japan, a new functional beverage said to act as fat-blocker, so coming from one of the big companies in the world it quickly became a trending topic and got the attention of world-wide media. However what very few say is that Pepsico just jumped in the success obtained by a local company, Kirin (a traditional japanese brewery), who earlier this year already launched ¨Kirin Mets Cola¨, the first carbonated cola drink containing a "magic" ingredient that blocks fat! This famous ingredient is nothing else but a type of soluble fiber that supposedly would limit intestinal fat absorption. An easy concept but it had a complete unexpected success and it is already being considered as one of the most successful examples of the functional food's history. To put some numbers just think that after its first month of commercialization Kirin announced that sales had already overpassed their forecast for the whole 2012! Looked like a typical japanese example...a new product goes to market, for some reason it becomes a hit and then lots of consumers jump into it. Now, following Kirin success Pepsico decided to join this new segment but what can we say about it?
Un bon posicionament de producte. Aquest ingredient màgic no és nou, present en tot tipus de productes al mercat japonès des de fa anys, aquesta és la primera vegada que es ven com a bloquejador de greix. Fins ara se n'havia destacat el seus suposats beneficis a nivell intestinal o per control el nivell de sucre en sang, tots sense gaire èxit. Aquesta vegada però els de màrqueting s'han adonat que al Japó el sobrepres està pujant, els canvis en el tipus de dieta són evidents amb augment de la proporció de greixos i per tant una recomenació general per part dels actors en salut pública de reduir-ne el consum, i han posicionat el producte per homes de mitjana edat amb interès per mantenir la salut. Aleshores tenim l'evidència científica de l'ingredient, del qual a dia d'avui es podria concloure que hi ha certa evidència que el seu consum també tindria un efecte en la regulació dels greixos, evidència no molt contrastada però suficient per a les autoritats japoneses per permetre aquestes empreses fer al.legacions de salut en... atenció, "modulació del nivell postpandrial de triglicèrids en sang". Això que evidentment pel consumidor no vol dir res, ha estat traduït per aquestes empreses com un benefici "bloquejant l'absorció de greixos" i per extensió és entès com reducció de calories (energia), una traducció però que s'hauria d'agafar en pinces ja que en realitat no seria el mateix amb l'evidència científica present. Finalment per rematar-ho, els productes van acompanyats per unes campanyes publicitàries molt explícites i tendencioses posicionant el productes com la solució davant de dietes desequilibrades i altes en greixos...un missatge completament sobrevalorat però que evidentment ha fet bingo entre els consumidors. A sota us deixo dos anuncis utilitzats per les empreses, el primer de Kirin utlitzant un famós caràcter anime parla per si sol. El segon de Pepsico es veu un home debatent-se entre menjar una hamburguesa i una pizza i acaba dient que amb la nova Pepsi special ara ho pot consumir tot.
First a good product positioning. This magic ingredient actually is not new, it's been present in many products of the Japanese market since years, nevertheless this is the first time it's been positioned as fat-blocker. Up to now it was positioned providing a benefit at intestinal level or as regulator of blood glucose levels, both without much success though. This time I guess the marketing team knowing of the raise of overweight prevalence in Japan and the changes in dietary patterns with increased consumption of fat that have made all actors of the public health sector advocate to decrease its consumption, decided to position the product as fat-blocker targeting Japanese adult men with concerns on their health.Then we have the scientific substantiation of the ingredient benefit, which up to now it could be concluded that there is as well some evidence it has a benefit regulating fat blood levels, not much evidence but enough by the Japanese authorities to allow these companies make health claims such "modulation of the postprandial blood triglycerides levels". This that means very little by consumers, has been translated by these companies as a benefit "blocking fat absorption" -a translation that doesn't really reflect the evidence- and further understood as reducing calories (energy), something much more meaningful for them. The last piece of this success is the explicit CM campaign that accompanied these products with advertisement suggesting the consumption of this product to contra-rest the consumption of all kinds of junk food ....certainly misleading but obviously a key factor of the success among consumers. Below the two CM used by the companies, the first, Kirin using a famous anime character and the ad speaks by itself. The second, Pepsico, we see a middle age salaryman struggling between eating a burger or pizza and concluding that now with the new beverages you can eat everything...excellent message to promote balanced diets!
En conclusió un exitós exemple de màrqueting d'uns productes amb un benefici sobredimensionat i poc fonamentat que molt probablement acabaran esvaïnt-se quan un altre producte miraculós arribi al mercat...així funciona el tema al Japó.
In short, a good marketing success of two products having an overstated benefit, little substantiation and thus is likely to eventually disappear from the market as soon as other miraculous product reaches it...this is how it works in Japan.
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
Una beguda anti-greix? - A fat-blocker drink?
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Food industry,
functional food,
Al Sant Pau de Tokyo amb la Carme! - At Tokyo's Sant Pau with Carme!
Continuo amb el meu mes gastronòmic per Tokyo! Si ho recordeu fa un any us parlava que havia anat al restaurant Sant Pau que la Carme Ruscalleda té al Japó. Aquella va ser una gran experiència però malauradament no hi havia la Carme. Al sortir els vaig dir que la propera vegada que vingués m'ho diguéssin i bé quan ja pràcticament ho tenia oblidat, sorpresa! fa uns dies vaig rebre un correu dient-me la Carme visitaria el Japó uns dies de novembre...i evidentment sense pensar-ho dues vegades vaig reservar-hi taula i amb una colla d'amics -que no em va costar gaire convèncer- fa uns dies hi vàrem anar a dinar. Com ja us he explicat en alguna ocasió, aquí per dinar tots els restaurants tenen menús i axò fa que sigui una bona oportunitat per anar a grans restaurants sense deixar-hi un ronyó! Segona experiència al Sant Pau i de nou tot un plaer gastronòmic, un menú molt equilibrat combinant preparacions d'aires mediterranis amb productes locals...em va encantar la gelificació de basílic del segon plat, al ser en forma de gel feia que l'aroma del basílic es dissolgués gradualment...mmm. En fi tot molt bo, tot i que potser no sóc gaire objectiu i tinc tendència d'escombrar cap a casa ;) El millor però va venir al final quan la Carme va sortir de la cuina a saludar, vàrem estar parlant una estona i molt molt bé, és tal qual la imatge que projecte, una persona molt oberta, modesta i que desprèn molta energia positiva! La propera vegada a Sant Pol de Mar!
My gastronomic month in Tokyo keeps on! If you remember, last year I wrote about my experience at Sant Pau restaurant, the restaurant that the famous catalan chef Carme Ruscalleda has in Japan. That was a great experience even though we couldn't meet Carme at that time. Before leaving I told the staff to let me know the next time she would come to Tokyo and well when I had almost forgotten about it...surprise! few weeks ago I got an email saying that she would be coming to Tokyo soon. So without thinking it twice I made a reservation and I easily convinced some friends to join me. We went there few days ago at lunch time (most of the restaurants in Tokyo have affordable menus at lunch time which make it a great opportunity to experience all these restaurants) . It was my second experience there and again it was a pleasure for the senses, excellent cuisine with a very balanced menu combining preparations of mediterrenean touch with local ingredients...I particularly loved the second course with the basilic jelly, being in form of a jelly the basilic flavour got diluted progressively with the other ingredients...mmm. Everything was great, although I may not be very objective and have tendency to over-rate it for being from home :) The best of it however came at the end when the chef Carme Ruscalleda came to the table and we had the opportunity to chat for a while. She is an excellent person, projecting the same modest and passionated image that always projects , even my friends who didn't know her at all pointed it! So after it the next one is time to go to the original restaurant in Catalonia!
Oli de Siurana! - Olive oil from Siurana (Catalonia) |
Carta dels aperitius - Entrees menu |
Primer plat: espècie de calamar japonesa farçida de bolets amb salsa d'all negra - First course; type of japanese squid with mushrooms and sauce of black garlic |
Tercer plat: costelles de porc ibèric amb una salsa dolça, acompanyada de bolets i albergínia japonesa / Third course: pork iberic ribs with sweet sauce and as sidedish mushroom and japanese eggplant |
Primer postre: gelat de pera amb salsa de vi / First dessert: pear ice-cream with wine sauce |
Segon postre: combinació de gelats de diferents textures i sabors / Second dessert: combination of ice-creams of different taste and texture |
L'equip amb la Carme / The team with Carme Ruscalleda!! |
Etiquetes de comentaris:
El nou negoci de les belles dorments - New business of sleeping beauties
Bueno, bueno, ultima que m'ha arribat és de les d'agafar-s'hi fort, exemples com aquest reafirmen el fet que d'aquest país se'n pot esperar qualsevol cosa i demostren que realment hi ha un diferència sociològica important amb la mentalitat occidental. Resulta que hi ha hagut un il.luminat que sota el supòsit que en aquest país hi ha molta gent soltera (sola), mancada d'afecte i "carinyo¨, hi hauria una oportunitat de negoci intentant cobrir aquest buit emocional. I com fer això? Agafeu-vos que aquí vé lo bo...van decidir montar un negoci on un pot anar a per dormir amb una noia desconeguda. Sí, sí...dormir, res més ni sexe ni res estrany que us pugueu imaginar. La idea es basa en que no hi ha res millor que dormir abraçat a una persona que et faci carantoines i a partir d'aquí han creat el primer servei d'aquest tipus al món. El local obert fa poques setmanes, s'anomena Soineya o "cafè de les abraçades" i està ubicat a Akihabara, lloc per excel.lència dels otakus (els nostres frikis) i tot tipus d'extrevagàncies. Pel que es veu, el servei vé ofert en forma de noia joveneta i atractiva (les anomeades bijins) vestides en robes més aviat justetes. Aleshores un va allà i pel mòdic preu de 60€ es pot passar 20min al costat d'una noia, a partir d'aquí com més temps més car és fins a uns 500€ per 10 hores. A banda es poden afegir tot tipus d'extres, tan variats com dormir amb el cap a la falda de la noia, un massatge als peus o poder mirar directament als ulls de la noia durant un cert temps...(!!). Realment una proposta bastant sorprenent, ja es veurà si funciona, de moment però ja han aconseguit ser un èxit a la xarxa, a sota us deixo un reportatge que ho explica tot (atenció al presentador, un altre personatge de cuidado).
Ja ho veieu...innovació japonesa 100%, qui deia que en aquest país no hi havia emprenedors? ;)
Alright here it is the last news I heard around...and it's a good one, examples like this reaffirm the fact that in Japan everything is possible and show that certainly there is a sociological difference with the western mindset. The story is about someone who based on the observation that in this country there are lots of single (and lonely) people who lacks affection, there could be a business opportunity to fill this emotional gap. And how to do it? Here it comes the unconventional part...they decided to create a cuddle cafe business, so a place where one can have the possibility to sleep with an unknown girl. Yes, just sleeping no sex or any other thing you can imagine. They claim that to improve affection there is nothing better than sleeping cuddled to someone, and from here they built the first service of this type in the world. The place opened few weeks ago, called Soineya or "cuddle cafe" is located in Akihabara, the area for otakus (japanese term for geeks) and all kinds of extravagances. For what I've seen the service comes with young and cutes japanese girls (the so-called bijins) dressing short and quite sexy. Then, for the ¨reasonable¨ price of 60EUR you can sleep for 20min with one of these girls, and from here the price increases up to around 500EUR for 10h. In addition to the basic service, costumers can include all kinds of extras such as sleeping in girl's lap, receiving a foot massage or staring at each other for a while... (!!!). Really a surprising proposal, we'll see if it works, for the time being however they have already succeed being a hit in internet, below a video report explaining the concept (the presenter another character!). So, you see....innovation 100% Japanese, who said that in this country there was no entrepreneurship ? ;)
Ja ho veieu...innovació japonesa 100%, qui deia que en aquest país no hi havia emprenedors? ;)
Alright here it is the last news I heard around...and it's a good one, examples like this reaffirm the fact that in Japan everything is possible and show that certainly there is a sociological difference with the western mindset. The story is about someone who based on the observation that in this country there are lots of single (and lonely) people who lacks affection, there could be a business opportunity to fill this emotional gap. And how to do it? Here it comes the unconventional part...they decided to create a cuddle cafe business, so a place where one can have the possibility to sleep with an unknown girl. Yes, just sleeping no sex or any other thing you can imagine. They claim that to improve affection there is nothing better than sleeping cuddled to someone, and from here they built the first service of this type in the world. The place opened few weeks ago, called Soineya or "cuddle cafe" is located in Akihabara, the area for otakus (japanese term for geeks) and all kinds of extravagances. For what I've seen the service comes with young and cutes japanese girls (the so-called bijins) dressing short and quite sexy. Then, for the ¨reasonable¨ price of 60EUR you can sleep for 20min with one of these girls, and from here the price increases up to around 500EUR for 10h. In addition to the basic service, costumers can include all kinds of extras such as sleeping in girl's lap, receiving a foot massage or staring at each other for a while... (!!!). Really a surprising proposal, we'll see if it works, for the time being however they have already succeed being a hit in internet, below a video report explaining the concept (the presenter another character!). So, you see....innovation 100% Japanese, who said that in this country there was no entrepreneurship ? ;)
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Societat japonesa,
Dinar al Robuchon! - Lunch at Robuchon!
Hola, hola! la setmana passada aprofitant la visita expres de l'estimada Cecília vaig aprofitar per portar-la a dinar a l'Àtelier Robuchon a Roppongi Hills. Feia temps que hi volia anar, el Sr. Robuchon (per aquells que no el coneguin, un dels grans entre els grans de la gastronomia francesa), té varis restaurants escampats pel món, entre ells tres a Tokyo, Le Chateau Robuchon (3 estrelles Michelin), Le Tableau Robuchon (dues estrelles Michelin) i el susdit Àtelier Robuchon (també amb dues estrelles). D'aquest últim m'havíen dit que per dinar era molt recomenable dos feien un menú a un preu molt asequible que et sortia per una gran relació qualitat-preu. Així doncs, finalment vaig trobar una bona ocasió per fer-hi cap. Dit i fet, per dinar tenen diferents menús a preus molt raonables, des de 2000 JPY fins a uns 6000 JPY un pot dinar en un dues estrelles Michelin (no està gens malament).
El local sense ser res de l'altre món el vaig trobar molt correcte per un menú de migdia amb un toc més "chic". Vàrem dinar a la barra acompanyats d'un cambrer francès molt simpàtic que ens va explicar cada aspecte amb tot detall. Menú de dos plats, postres i cafè per 3900 JPY més el vi vàrem acabar pagant menys de 6000JPY (uns 60EUR). El menjar molt bo, amb una bona combinació de gastronomia francesa i productes japonesos, bona presentació, realment una molt bona relació qualitat-preu. Una bona elecció!
Hey, hey! last week taking the opportunity of the express visit of my dearest Cecilia, we went for lunch to the famous Atelier Robuchon at Roppongi Hills. Since some time ago I wanted to go there, Mr. Robuchon (for those that don't know him, he's one of the best among the best chefs in the French cuisine), has several restaurants over the world, three of them in Tokyo, Le Chateau Robuchon (3 Michelin stars), Le Tableau Robuchon (2 Michelin stars) and the so-called Atelier Robuchon (also 2 stars). From the latter, I had been told their lunch offer was good value for money , so I finally found a good occasion to head there. It was our day since we went there without reservation and got some places, and then indeed they had a lunch menu with different offers from 2000JPY up to 6000JPY, which thinking it was a two star Michelin it wasn't bad at all.
The restaurants is nothing impressive but I thought it fits quite well with this concept of affordable lunch menu. On top we had a French waiter with us who was very considered with us and explain each one of the details over the course menu. We took the average menu consisting of two dishes (starter and main), dessert and coffee for a more than reasonable 3000JPY which after the wine went up to around 6000JPY (about 60EUR). The food was really good, with a good combination of french cuisine and local ingredients, excellent presentation and therefore a really good value for money relationship. Good choice!
El local sense ser res de l'altre món el vaig trobar molt correcte per un menú de migdia amb un toc més "chic". Vàrem dinar a la barra acompanyats d'un cambrer francès molt simpàtic que ens va explicar cada aspecte amb tot detall. Menú de dos plats, postres i cafè per 3900 JPY més el vi vàrem acabar pagant menys de 6000JPY (uns 60EUR). El menjar molt bo, amb una bona combinació de gastronomia francesa i productes japonesos, bona presentació, realment una molt bona relació qualitat-preu. Una bona elecció!
Hey, hey! last week taking the opportunity of the express visit of my dearest Cecilia, we went for lunch to the famous Atelier Robuchon at Roppongi Hills. Since some time ago I wanted to go there, Mr. Robuchon (for those that don't know him, he's one of the best among the best chefs in the French cuisine), has several restaurants over the world, three of them in Tokyo, Le Chateau Robuchon (3 Michelin stars), Le Tableau Robuchon (2 Michelin stars) and the so-called Atelier Robuchon (also 2 stars). From the latter, I had been told their lunch offer was good value for money , so I finally found a good occasion to head there. It was our day since we went there without reservation and got some places, and then indeed they had a lunch menu with different offers from 2000JPY up to 6000JPY, which thinking it was a two star Michelin it wasn't bad at all.
The restaurants is nothing impressive but I thought it fits quite well with this concept of affordable lunch menu. On top we had a French waiter with us who was very considered with us and explain each one of the details over the course menu. We took the average menu consisting of two dishes (starter and main), dessert and coffee for a more than reasonable 3000JPY which after the wine went up to around 6000JPY (about 60EUR). The food was really good, with a good combination of french cuisine and local ingredients, excellent presentation and therefore a really good value for money relationship. Good choice!
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