This week I've got the first visit!!! Concha on her worldwide tour decided to stop by in Tokyo and it has been lot of fun, socializing a bit and I took profit to do tourism and to know news things as well!! Above all, it has been some days of gastronomic is sooo good here!!!
Gonpachi: restaurant on van grabar la peli Kill Bill! Hi ha molts estrangers i el menjar tampoc és d'escàndol però em va agradar sobretot pel local. // Restaurant where the movie Kill Bill was shot! There are many expats and the food is not the best one but I liked it above all for the local.
Un altre dia vàrem anar a un restaurant especialitzat en Sashimi (peix cru) que estava boníssim, però poca cosa més us en puc dir ja que tot estava en japonès...normal...
We went to a Sashimi (raw fish) restaurant another day, as usual it was excellent but I cannot tell you many things because everything was in japanese...normal, isn't it?...
Sashimi |
i com no podia ser d'altra forma, doncs també vàrem anar a Tsukiji (mercat de peix) a esmorzar sushi, em sembla que serà un clàssic!! Aquí ni mongetes amb botifarra, ni res de res...peix cru a primera hora del matí i està boníssim, això sí llevar-se a les 5am és una mica dur!!!
and finally as expected, we went to Tsukiji (fish market) to eat Sushi for breakfast, I think this will be a classic! First thing in the morning...raw fish and was excellent, however waking up at 5am is a bit tough!!
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