Ahir vaig sortir a sopar algo i voltant voltant vaig trobar un restaurant d'Okonomiyakis que ja coneixia de l'any passat i del qual en tinc molt bon record, o sigui que sense pensar-m'ho hi vaig entrar!! L'Okonomiyaki és una especialitat d'Osaka i alguns l'anomenen la "pizza japonesa" o la "truita japonesa". De pizza en té poca cosa, doncs de fet la base conté col com a ingredient principal. La resta sembla ser que són ingredients molt variats i una mica al gust de cadascú. A sobre normalment s'acaba recobrint amb maionesa i una salsa específica així com s'afegeix Katsuobushi (flocs de bonítol). En aquest restaurant tenen també la particularitat de fer la pasta base amb fideus, no pinta malament però per si les mosques jo vaig quedar-me amb el tradicional. Està boníssim!!!
Yesterday I went out to eat something and walking around I found an Okonomiyaki restaurant that I already knew from last year and which I have very good memory, so without hesitating I went there! Okonomiyaki is a speciality from Osaka, and some people call it the "Japanese pizza" or "Japanese pancake". Actually it has little as a pizza since in fact the batter contains cabbage as a main ingredient. The rest apparently are varied ingredients depending to the wish of each one. As a topping they usually cover it with a specific sauce and mayonnaise and Katsuobushi (bonito flakes). This restaurant also has the distinction of making the batter with noodles, which didn't look bad at all but just in case I went for the traditional version. So yummy!
Traditional version |
Noodles version |
El meu / Mine |
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