
Diada catalana al Yoyogi park!

Primera diada al Japó i per sort no va ser en soledat (que trist no?...). Ho vaig poder celebrar amb l'Anna i en Pol una parella de catalans que he conegut aquí, i a sobre de la plana! Total que vàrem anar al Yoyogi park a fer un picnic tot aprofitant un dia magnífic que feia. Em sembla que el Yoyogi serà un dels meus indrets a Tokyo, simplement m'encanta els aires que si respira, hi pots trobar de tot, gent fent esport, d'altres fent coreografies, uns fent teatre (sí sí...), gent passejant el gos, parelletes amunt i avall, gent relaxant-se i gaudint de la natura...en fi que molt xulo...si ha d'anar, això sí està ple de mosquits caníbals!

First Catalan national day in Japan and luckly I wasn't alone (it'd had been sad isn't it). So I could enjoy the day with Anna and Pol a catalan couple I've met here and on top, from my region! we went to picnic at the Yoyogi park cause the weather was excellent and I think Yoyogi will be one of my best places in Tokyo, I simply love it it, the atmosphere is excellent, you can see people jogging, others dancing music, performing theater, walking the dog, lovely couples around, people relaxing and enjoying nature...well it's really cool, a must see...though full of cannibal mosquitoes!! 

espais reservats per gossos segons la mida! / private espaces for dogs according to their  weight!
actors actuant / actors performing

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