
Primera classe de Japonès! - Japanese first lesson!

Doncs sí...finalment ahir vaig començar oficialment les classes de japonès!! I no es pot dir que hagi estat fàcil, com no podia ser d'altra manera la burocràcia m'ha portat uns quants dies d'espera però bé diuen que el que és bo es fa esperar no?? doncs apa, ja hi som, primer dia "a fondo"...quin ritme!, una hora i mitja sense parar, tres llibres i no sé quants exercicis a fer. A la classe de moment només som dos, l'altre company és un noi malasià amb nom francès, sembla bon paio...el primer dia ja vem acabar compartint uns "ramen" al restaurant de sota. 

Et voilà...finally yesterday I officially started my japanese course!! And it hasn't been easy, as usual the administrative stuff took me few days of waiting but I have to be positive and think that from now on will have plenty of time to study it. The first day was already very intensive...we didn't stop in an hour and a half, three books and don't know how many homework to do. For the time being we are only two, the other student is a malaysian guy  with french name who looks quite friendly...we ended up the first day eating "ramen" at the restaurant next to the school.   

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