
Tokyo Big sight

Ahir vaig anar al Tokyo Big Sight, el famós centre internacional d'exposicions de Tokyo. Un edifici espectacular amb un disseny "made in Tokyo" on s'organitzen tot tipus d'events (exhibicions, fires comercials...), en concret jo vaig anar a veure la fira Health Ingredients Japan on entre d'altres vaig confirmar el potencial que te el mercat bellesa/ anti-aging al Japó amb multitud d'ingredients posicionats en aquest sentit...ara una altra cosa es que funcionin.

Yesterday I went at the Tokyo Big Sight, the famous international expositions center of Tokyo. It's a huge building with a design "made in Tokyo" and used as a venue for many different kind of events (exhibitions, commercial trades...), in my case I went to see the Health Ingredients Japan exhibition were among others I confirmed the market for beauty/anti-aging in Japan with lots of ingredients claiming this benefit...but another thing is that they really work.

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