
Sant Valentí japonès - Japanese Saint Valentine

Aquesta setmana hi ha hagut el Sant Valentí i com no al Japó també se celebra, tradició importada però que sembla haver quallat molt bé en la societat...això sí amb les seves particularitats. Al Japó el dia de St. Valentí resulta que és el dia pels homes, perquè segons la tradició només les dones fan regal...i quin regal? doncs xocolata! sí, xocolata per totes bandes i de tots tipus, si ho recordeu fa uns mesos ja us parlava de la popularitat del "Kit-Kat", però la veritat és que n'hi ha de tota mena. Segons la meva profe de japonès hi ha tres tipus de regals: el honmeichoco (xocolata per la parella/amant... suposadament de qualitat), el girichoco (per les amistats o companys de feina) i el tomochoco (xocolata...per les dones). I ara us preguntareu, em va tocar xocolata? doncs sí...i boníssima, però va ser una girichoco d'una companya de feina...sense sorpresa...jejeje....bé de fet sí que hi va haver sorpresa, però en forma de neu i és que en va caure una a Tokyo que déu ni do, cosa poc habitual a la ciutat el dia després hi havia imatges brutals, serà que vem portar la neu del nord!

This week was St. Valentine and here in Japan it was also celebrated of course, imported tradition but seems to have been deeply introduced into the society....but with its own particularities. In Japan St.Valentine day means a special day for men because is the day when the women have to give a gift to them...and what kind of gift? chocolate! yep, chocolate everywhere and for all kinds of preferences, few months ago I already mentioned the popularity of "Kit-Kat" in Japan, but frankly you chocolate of all kinds. According to my Japanese teacher there are three types of choco-presents: honmeichoco (chocolate for your love...it should be of a certain quality), girichico (chocolate for friends or peers) and tomochoco (chocolate between women). So, and did I receive anything? well...yes and very yummy but was a girichoco from a colleague at work...no surprises...:-)...well actually we did have a surprise, but was the snow we had in Tokyo that day, a good snow storm not very common in the city that left a wonderful colour and images behind...it must be we brought it from Hokkaido! 

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