collons...aquesta nit tornant cap a casa, estava al metro i de cop que para i s'obren les portes...què passa? comencen a pitar els mòbils, senyal d'alarma de terratrèmols (al Japó hi ha un sistema d'alerta a través de mòbil)...i jo "hòstia que ja hi tornem a ser"!!! El conductor suposo que avisant per magofonia però el millor és que la gent com si res, el del meu costat ha continuat jugant a la PSP, l'altre dormint, una parella rient i passant-ho bé...i sí al final et trobes allà contagiat per aquesta aura de seranor i tan tranquil, el terratrèmol ha passat s'ha mogut tot una mica i au sant tornem-hi. Quan he sortit he sentit que s'havia tractat d'una altra rèplica del nord.
...tonight in my way back to home, I was in the subway and suddenly it stopped and the doors opened...what's going on? immediately the cell phones started to rang, the earthquake alarm system (in Japan they have a warning system through the cell phones)...and I "fuck the bloody quake again"!! The driver warning everyone through the loudspeakers but the best has been people's nothing unusual was happening, the guy sitting next to me playing with his PSP, the other one sleeping, a couple in front chatting and smiling...and yes, I know is difficult to believe, but at the end you find yourself there surrounded by this feeling of security and you stay calm, the earthquake passed by shacking every thing a little bit and once done back again to the normality. When I left I heard it was a new aftershock from the north.
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