Hola! ja estic de tornada a Tokyo després de voltar una mica pel sud-est asiàtic, a veure si penjo algunes fotos ben aviat. Molta gent m'ha preguntat per la situació actual al Japó ja que sembla que tristament el tema ha deixat de ser notícia i difícilment rebeu més novetats. Bé doncs dir-vos que aquí evidentment també ha baixat l'atenció mediàtica i és que sembla ser que no hi ha grans novetats, continuen els esforços per controlar la planta nuclear i els controls de qualitat per assegurar que tan els aliments com l'aigua que arriba sigui segura. A Tokyo la vida és ben normal i res fa pensar que hi hagi cap problema, al nord la situació està més oberta i ara hi ha molts voluntaris que hi van a ajudar, espero que en algun moment jo també m'hi pugui arribar.
Per cert una altra putada, almenys per la meva butxaca, és la feblessa del Yen japonès...evidentment en qüestió de setmanes s'ha devaluat un pilot o sigui que pels de fora ara és un bon moment per venir a visitar el país! :-)
Hi there! I'm back to Tokyo after traveling for while around South-East Asia, I hope to put some pics soon. Lately many people asked me about the situation in Japan since it seems that sadly the topic is not anymore news and there are hardly more news in the media. Well, let me tell you that here as well the presence in the media has dropped importantly because indeed it seems there are no major news, the efforts to put under control the nuclear plant continues and the quality controls to guarantee the food chain security are very important, and that's it... In Tokyo life is pretty normal and nothing let you feel there is any problem, in the north the situation seems to be more dynamic and now there are many volunteers going there to help as much as possible, hopefully I can also go some time.
Btw, another problem, at least for my pocket, is the weak Japanese Yen...obviously in few weeks the devaluation of the Yen has been huge so it's a good opportunity for foreigners to come to visit Japan! :-)
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