Doncs sí, ahir va fer un any que va començar l'aventura japonesa...tela tela com passa el temps! i déu ni do quin anyet, quan miro enrera realment m'adono que ha passat de tot en els últims dotze mesos i evidentment el tsunami i sobretot la crisi Fukushima l'han marcat profundament, fins al punt en que en el seu moment em vaig arribar a plantejar si potser caldria tornar...però no al final vaig decidir quedar-me (acertadament!) i ara les coses estant més tranquiles tot i que encara lluny de la normalitat desitjada.
Quan vaig decidir sortir d'Europa tenia clar que el destí era anar a Àsia buscant el desafiament personal que representa viure a l'altra punta del món, en un idioma com a mínim bastant allunyat als que coneixia fins ara i una distància cultural de nassos, i mira les coses de la vida vaig acabar aquí en terres nipones començant de nou. Què us puc dir del resultat al cap d'un any?...doncs increible, una experiència personal molt gratificant on constantment hi han hagut moments d'aquells especials que et fan valorar el dia a dia, evidentment no tot han estat flors i violes, hi ha hagut estones menys agradables i també de frustració però al cap d'aquest temps, quan faig balanç em sento un privilegiat per poder estar vivint aquesta experiència. L'ambivalència en la que es mou aquesta societat em té frapat, modernitat i tradició, formalitat extrema i bogeria desfermada, minimalisme i extravagància, consumisme i austeritat...ara segurament sí una cosa els hi valoro és la solidaritat en societat on el col.lectiu sempre està per sobre de l'invidual, cosa que veus en multitud d'accions quotidianes i que segurament ni ells mateixos en són realment conscients però que a Occident en podríem aprendre unes quantes coses ;-). I bé i a partir d'ara què? doncs,"aqui seguimos" continuar aprenent i empapar-me de la cultura japonesa que a voltes tinc la sensació que encara com qui diu no he après res del complexe que és aquesta societat (!!) i gaudint del que es presenti que segur serà interessant. Us mantindré informats!
Indeed yesterday was a year since I began the Japanese adventure...definitely time flies! And well, what a year, when I look back I realize that many things happened in these last twelve months and obviously the tsunami and particularly the Fukushima crisis had deeply marked it, to the point that at the time I thought I may had to get back...but no, at the end I decided to stay (rightly!) and now everything is quiet although still far from the desired normality.
When I decided to leave Europe, it was clear to me that my fate was in Asia looking for the personal challenge that represents living in the other side of the world, a language that is far from what I knew, and a huge cultural gap, so well for these things of life, I ended up here in Nippon's land starting from scratch again. How's been the result after a year?...fantastic, a very rewarding personal experience with constantly special moments that make you appreciate every day, obviously not all has been through rose-colored glasses, there has been less pleasant situations and frustrations as well, but after this time my balance is very positive and I reckon I'm a privileged having the opportunity to live this experience. The ambivalence in which the society lays it strikes me, modernity and tradition, formality and madness, minimalism and extravagance, consumerism and austerity...although if there is something I'd highlight is the solidarity in society where the collective is always above the individual, and one can see it in many daily situations that probably not even themselves realize about but certainly there could be many things than the West could learn of it ;-). From now on what else? Well, I keep on here continuously learning and discovering the Japanese culture that yet after a year, I still feel I haven't understood anything of the complexity of this society (!!), and of course enjoying of everything that comes which no doubt it will be interesting. I'll keep you posted!