Ja sabeu que al Japó es menja molt i molt bé....ara això també vol dir que de vegades cal estar obert a probar coses com a mínim peculiars...l'altra dia vaig estar en un Yakitori (restaurants de pinxos de pollastre...normalment) amb una carta per experimentar tan en sabors com en barreres culturals...una delícia pel paladar :-)
You all know that in Japan one can eat very very well now...bthis means that sometimes you have to be open to try things at least particular...some days ago I went to a Yakitori (restaurants of chicken skewers...usually) with a menu to experiment with new tastes as much as cultural barriers...delicious :-)
You all know that in Japan one can eat very very well now...bthis means that sometimes you have to be open to try things at least particular...some days ago I went to a Yakitori (restaurants of chicken skewers...usually) with a menu to experiment with new tastes as much as cultural barriers...delicious :-)
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