Abans però, en una nit tan terrorífica vàrem pensar que era una bona ocasió per probar una delicatessen mortal...estic parlant ni més ni menys que el conegut peix Fugu o peix Globus, un peix molt popular d'aquí al Japó que conté un verí que en cas d'ingerir-lo t'hi quedes en qüestió de minuts, se't paralitza tota la muscultura i bé ja us imagineu....evidentment no tothom pot preparar aquesta menja, els restaurants estan regulats estríctament i els cuiners necessiten una acreditació com que saben manipular correctament el peix, només faltaria... doncs bé no tan sols el vaig probar sinó que ens vem fotre un menú degustació amb fugu de totes formes, sashimi (cru), karage (fregit), nabe (brou), amanida,...boníssim!!. Al final però val a dir que pensava que seria una experiència més béstia, amb l'adrenalina a rebentar, del què va ser...i tot i ser la nit dels morts vàrem sortir-ne ben vius!
Weekend of Halloween in Tokyo!! yes...living in Japan but it seems that here they have easily accepted this american tradition and at scaring levels (more than ever). Me, that I'm not used and fond of it, there I was with a costume of Mickey Mouse post-morten making fool of myself. And well I must say it was a crazy japanese night confirming that this people know how to have fun :-)
However before this, in such a special night we thought it was a good occasion to try a lethal delicatessen...am talking about the well-known Blowfish or Fugu fish, a popular poison fish of Japan that in case is not well prepared one can die in few minutes, total paralysis of your muscles and well that´s all...obviously for such a dangerous product not everyone can do it, the restaurants are strictly regulated and the cooks required a specific accreditation to work with this fish...so we not only ate it but we took a complete menu including all kinds of Fugu, sashimi (raw), karage (fried), nabe (stock), in salad...mmm excellent!!! Nonetheless at the end I must say I thought it would be a heavier experience with a rush of adrenaline, from what it was...but we really enjoyed it and regardless of the night of the deaths we finished alive ;-)!
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Amanida de pell de fugu i sashimi / Fugu skin salad and Sashimi
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Fugu nabe (cuit en una mena de brou...mireu a sota) / Fugu nabe (cooked in a kind of stock...see below) |

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ai ai ai...ha arribat el moment!! |

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