Excel.lent weekend watching live a new football exhibition of Barcelona against Madrid (the well-known Classico for football lovers) and in-depth introduction to another traditional cultural aspect of the Japanese culture, the Bonenkai (忘年会) party! Yes, here they also have end-year parties, literally translated as "forget this year gathering", is a very common social event in December, so this last weekend I had not one but three in a row, with my coworkers, with the Japanese school and with the football team. Particularly interesting was the Bonenkai with my company, the party was in Kobe inside a boat that they rented, before however we all met in the offices where for about 20 minutes we were given all type of information and especially safety aspects, then we walked altogether to the boat to make sure no one got lost (!!) and once inside we received again safety and emergency info. If one is not used to Japanese communication this was a good integration, it is amazing the time they spend giving and repeating messages that for me, as a foreigner, it is something I would resume in a much shorter time. Of course then the result is there, perfect organization with all actions under control, much better than my dear Swiss :). On the other hand however this leaves little room for improvisation, and for me as a good south-European (you know...things quick and easy) I feel there is something missing! To highlight as well that the opening toast was done as usual with beer....so it give you and idea of the importance of this drink in Japan. Then we moved to an awesome yummy buffet and to close the party we did another traditional costume, the "Tejime", people gathers and the led by someone who will give the pace we clap altogether, there are different versions but all funny, I will post a video next time!
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
Bonenkai party!
Cap de setmana rodó amb nou festival blaugrana al Bernabéu en directe des de Tokyo i aprofondint en la cultura japonesa amb les característiques festes de Bonenkai (忘年会). Sí, aquí també quan arriba el desembre es fan les tradicionals festes de final d'any, anomenades Bonenkai literalment traduit com "festa per oblidar l'any" i són un bon exemple sociològic a participar...o sigui que si no n'hi havia prou amb una, n'he tingut tres de seguides, amb la feina, amb l'escola de japonès i amb l'equip de futbol!! A destacar el Bonenkai amb els de la feina,realment gran experiència. La festa va ser a Kobe dins d'un vaixell que van llogar, abans però ens van reunir a les oficines i durant ben bé vint minuts ens van estar explicant temes d'organització i seguretat, llavors tots junts vàrem caminar cap al port no fós cas que ens perdéssim i un cop dins del vaixell ens van tornar a explicar tots els temes de seguretat i sortides d'emergència. Si no s'està acostumat a la comunicació japonesa això en va ser un bon exemple, és increïble la quantitat de temps que passen per explicar coses que pels que no som d'aquí, et semblen molt òbvies i es podrien matar en dos minuts. Evidentment però el resultat és perfecte amb una organització milimètrica que ja els agradaria als Suïssos (amb tota l'estima) :) per altra banda però aquesta situació deixa poc lloc a la improvisació i bé com a bon sud-europeu (les coses fàcils i ràpides), trobo que hi falta alguna cosa! Cosa destacable també el brindis d'obertura, com és habitual i tradicional es fa únicament amb cervesa...o sigui que ja us podeu imaginar quina importància té al Japó. Després vàrem atacar un buffet excel.lent i al final la festa es va tancar amb el tradicional "Tejime", una forma molt il.lustrativa d'acabar una reunió, tots agrupats hi ha un líder que marca el ritme i llavors tots alhora es pica de mans, hi ha vàries versions però trobo que es bastant divertit...ja us penjaré un vídeo !
Excel.lent weekend watching live a new football exhibition of Barcelona against Madrid (the well-known Classico for football lovers) and in-depth introduction to another traditional cultural aspect of the Japanese culture, the Bonenkai (忘年会) party! Yes, here they also have end-year parties, literally translated as "forget this year gathering", is a very common social event in December, so this last weekend I had not one but three in a row, with my coworkers, with the Japanese school and with the football team. Particularly interesting was the Bonenkai with my company, the party was in Kobe inside a boat that they rented, before however we all met in the offices where for about 20 minutes we were given all type of information and especially safety aspects, then we walked altogether to the boat to make sure no one got lost (!!) and once inside we received again safety and emergency info. If one is not used to Japanese communication this was a good integration, it is amazing the time they spend giving and repeating messages that for me, as a foreigner, it is something I would resume in a much shorter time. Of course then the result is there, perfect organization with all actions under control, much better than my dear Swiss :). On the other hand however this leaves little room for improvisation, and for me as a good south-European (you know...things quick and easy) I feel there is something missing! To highlight as well that the opening toast was done as usual with beer....so it give you and idea of the importance of this drink in Japan. Then we moved to an awesome yummy buffet and to close the party we did another traditional costume, the "Tejime", people gathers and the led by someone who will give the pace we clap altogether, there are different versions but all funny, I will post a video next time!
Excel.lent weekend watching live a new football exhibition of Barcelona against Madrid (the well-known Classico for football lovers) and in-depth introduction to another traditional cultural aspect of the Japanese culture, the Bonenkai (忘年会) party! Yes, here they also have end-year parties, literally translated as "forget this year gathering", is a very common social event in December, so this last weekend I had not one but three in a row, with my coworkers, with the Japanese school and with the football team. Particularly interesting was the Bonenkai with my company, the party was in Kobe inside a boat that they rented, before however we all met in the offices where for about 20 minutes we were given all type of information and especially safety aspects, then we walked altogether to the boat to make sure no one got lost (!!) and once inside we received again safety and emergency info. If one is not used to Japanese communication this was a good integration, it is amazing the time they spend giving and repeating messages that for me, as a foreigner, it is something I would resume in a much shorter time. Of course then the result is there, perfect organization with all actions under control, much better than my dear Swiss :). On the other hand however this leaves little room for improvisation, and for me as a good south-European (you know...things quick and easy) I feel there is something missing! To highlight as well that the opening toast was done as usual with beer....so it give you and idea of the importance of this drink in Japan. Then we moved to an awesome yummy buffet and to close the party we did another traditional costume, the "Tejime", people gathers and the led by someone who will give the pace we clap altogether, there are different versions but all funny, I will post a video next time!
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