
De tan tranquil fa por - So quiet is scary

La curiositat del dia, aquesta nit estava amb en Cesc al metro camí cap a casa, anàvem parlant tranquilament quan de cop ens hem parat a una estació i ens hem adonat que ningú però absolutament ningú parlava al vagó, és més no hi havia cap soroll! No és la primera vegada que hem passa i en alguna ocasió ja us havia explicat de la pau i el silenci que es viu al metro on la gent aprofita per descansar i relaxar-se...ara bé no deixo de soprendre'm cada vegada que m'hi trobo i me'n faig creus comparat al xivarri i safareig que hi ha als transports occidentals :)

The feature of the day...tonight I was with a friend at the underground going back home, we were chatting as usual when suddenly we realized we were stopped at a station and noticed that no one but absolutely no one was talking in the car, what's more there wasn't a single noise! This is not the first time that happens something similar, actually it's quite common, as I mentioned in other posts, the underground is a place where people always takes the opportunity to take a break in their stressful lifestyle and try to relax and rest for a while...yet I'm still amazed of the situation every time it happens, nothing compared to the noisy and loudly transportation of the west :) 


1 comentari:

  1. De veritat! Molt interessant el blog! Entre Sliceoflife--callejeros--mikimoto's affers xteriors.

    Fins al pròx. post!
