
Ascens al Mt.Fuji!

Per completar el cap de setmana diumenge vàrem pujar al Fuji-san, la muntanya més alta del Japó amb 3776m!!
Vàrem anar fins a Kawaguchiko un petit poblet als peus del Fuji a la zona que li diuen dels 5 llacs. Ens vem allotjar en un hostel que no estava malament tot i que no tenien la cortesia típica japonesa (potser perquè van sobrats de clients...) i després de planificar la ruta ens vàrem preparar per fer l'ascens, la veritat és que tampoc anàvem gaire preparats i tothom ens deia que fer la muntanya en un dia seria molt just o sigui que no les teniem totes. Al final però vàrem fer la muntanya en un dia, 15km i 1500m de desnivell en unes 7hores! És increïble poder estar al sostre del Japó i tot i que va ser dur em sembla que repetiré...qui s'apunta? Per cert com podreu veure a les fotos, estava ple de japonesos però em sembla que ja no és novetat!!

To finish the weekend on Sunday we climbed the Fuji-san, the highest mountain in Japan with 3776m!! We went to Kawaguchiko, a small town at the base of the Fuji in the zone of the 5 lakes. We stayed in a hostel that although wasn't bad it didn't have the typical japanese courtesy (perhaps because they have as many costumers as they want...) and after planning the route we prepared for the climb, honestly we weren't that well prepared and everyone said it would be too difficult to do it in one single day so we weren't very conviced. At the end however, we did it, 15km and 1500m of height difference in 7hours!! It's incredible to be at top of Japan and eventhough was tough I think I'm gonna repeat it...who's in?? By the way, as you can see in the pictures there were plenty of japanese...but I think it's not anymore new!

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