El cap de setmana passat vàrem tenir les festes del barri, en japonès els festivals o festes populars s'anomenen Matsuri, i concretament les d'Azabu-juban són unes de les més famoses de Tokyo. Durant 3 dies els carrers s'omplen de gent a rebentar que venen a menjar, beure i divertir-se amb l'animació que hi ha.
Començo a entendre que al Japó (o com a mínim a Tokyo) qualsevol esdeveniment social esdevé massiu, imagineu-vos si hi havia gent que el recorregut des del metro que normalment hi estic menys de deu minuts vaig trigar-hi una hora! Les paradetes de menjar oferien de tot, okonomiyaki (ja n'he parlat), takoyaki (unes boles farcides de pop), soba (fideus japonesos) o tot tipus de peix. Per veure des de cervesa fins a xampany francès, i déu ni do com beuen...això sí a les 22h tot estava net com una patena, fins i tot diria millor que els suïssos en això.
This last wekeend there was a festival in my neighborhood, in Japanese festivals are called Matsuri and particularly this of Azabu-juban is one of the most famous of Tokyo. During three days the streets are filled with stalls of all kind of food, drinks and other stuff and as usual it is overcrowded of people. I begin to understand that in Japan (or at least in Tokyo) any social event becomes massive, there was so many people that the route from the metro station which usually takes less than 10 minutes it took an hour!! The food stalls offered all kinds of food, Okonomiyaki (I already talked about it), Takoyaki (octopus balls), soba (Japanese noodles) or any type of fish. To drink from beer to champagne and for god's sake I can say they drink a lot...however at 10pm everything was clean and tidy, even better than the Swiss in this.
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