El Mori art museum és un museu d'art contemporani ubicat a un dels pisos superiors de la Torre Mori. Gestionat per la dona del constructor, el museu tot i no ser molt gran és prou interessant, ja hi he estat un parell de vegades i sempre he trobat exposicions innovadores. La setmana passada hi vàrem anar amb la Concha i em va agradar sobretot un trio filipí anomenats Tromarama. Per cert, paga la pena pujar-hi doncs amb el preu de l'entrada pots entrar a l'observatori amb les vistes a Tokyo. Ja ho sabeu...
The Mori art musuem is a contemporary art museum located in one of the upper floors of the Mori Tower. Managed by Mori's wife, the museum although not very big is quite interesting. I've been there a couple of times and I have always found innovative expositions. Last week I was there with Concha and I liked especially a Filipino trio called Tromarama. By the way, it's worth to visit it since with the ticket you have access to the observatory with the views of Tokyo.
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