

I finalment Kyoto!!!...què dir d'aquesta magnífica ciutat? va ser la meva segona visita i en vaig marxar amb la sensació que encara em faltava molt per descobrir, i és que realment té una riquesa històrica i cultural molt gran, tens temples i santuaris per tot arreu, cadascun amb la seva història i singularitat. La visita a Kyoto evidentment era obligada, i penso que vem encertar una bona època, doncs tot i fer bastant fred ja, la tardor aporta uns colors brutals a l'entorn. Em podia haver passat dies voltant i visitant temples i santuaris, tots amb característiques comunes (el verd de la molsa, l'aigua, la tranquilitat, l'equilibri) però al mateix temps amb particularitats diferents. A banda dels temples d'aquesta visita destaco el bosc de bambús a l'oest de Kyoto i el mercat Nishin, una delícia pel paladar on es pot probar de tot.

And finally Kyoto!!...what to say about this wonderful city? it was my second visit and I left with the feeling of having a lot to discover yet, it has such a historical and cultural richness with temples and shrines everywhere, each one with its own history and singularity. So the visit to Kyoto was mandatory indeed and I think we went in a very nice period because even though was quite chilly, autumm was already present giving awesome colours to the landscape. I could have spent days hanging around and visiting temples and shrines, all with shared points (the green of the moss, water, the feeling of tranquility and balance) but at the same time each with its own different particularities. 
Besides the temples, from this visit I highlight the visit to the bamboo grove at west Kyoto and the Nishin market, a market in a very narrow street where you can eat real gourmet pleasures.

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