That Japan has a struggling economic situation since many years ago it's wellknown...what is not that known perhaps is that despite this situation, the country has one of the lowest rates of unemployment in the world, around 5%, notorious especially when I see Catalonia now above 20%! How come is it possible? Well among other things I've been told the japanese economic model prefers a system that ensures the sustained employment welfare of the society ahead of the individual wealth, this explains why there is some many people working in all kinds of activities, as a good example the picture below, there are 5 guys in a construction but of them only one works directly in the field (a guy welding hidden behind the wood), there are two men standing a protection and finally the last two only controlling the humans transit!!!
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
La sobreocupació Japonesa - The Japanese overemployment
Que el Japó està en una situació econòmica bastant xunga des de fa uns quants anys és conegut...el que potser no ho és tant, és que tot i això, el seu índex d'atur és dels més baixos del món al voltant del 5%, déu ni do, comparant-lo amb Catalunya on les últimes dades indiquen un 20% doncs hi ha una diferència. I com s'explica això? Doncs entre altres coses segons el que m'han comentat, sembla ser que el model japonès aposta per una ocupació sostinguda que garanteixi el benestar de la societat per davant desostingut de la riquesa individual, això fa que hi hagi molta gent treballant en qualsevol cosa, per exemple el que m'he trobat aquest matí anant cap a la feina...en la foto podeu veure unes obres amb 5 persones, un que fa la feina principal (soldador) amagat darrera de dues fustes que dos homes aguanten per protegir i finalment dos més que només es dediquen a controlar el trà vianants!!!
That Japan has a struggling economic situation since many years ago it's wellknown...what is not that known perhaps is that despite this situation, the country has one of the lowest rates of unemployment in the world, around 5%, notorious especially when I see Catalonia now above 20%! How come is it possible? Well among other things I've been told the japanese economic model prefers a system that ensures the sustained employment welfare of the society ahead of the individual wealth, this explains why there is some many people working in all kinds of activities, as a good example the picture below, there are 5 guys in a construction but of them only one works directly in the field (a guy welding hidden behind the wood), there are two men standing a protection and finally the last two only controlling the humans transit!!!
That Japan has a struggling economic situation since many years ago it's wellknown...what is not that known perhaps is that despite this situation, the country has one of the lowest rates of unemployment in the world, around 5%, notorious especially when I see Catalonia now above 20%! How come is it possible? Well among other things I've been told the japanese economic model prefers a system that ensures the sustained employment welfare of the society ahead of the individual wealth, this explains why there is some many people working in all kinds of activities, as a good example the picture below, there are 5 guys in a construction but of them only one works directly in the field (a guy welding hidden behind the wood), there are two men standing a protection and finally the last two only controlling the humans transit!!!
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