
voltant pel món parada a Tokyo - Stop in Tokyo travelling around the world

Ahir vaig tenir una visita inesperada...estant al Japó i rebo un correu de l'Eduard, un noi de Barcelona que vaig conèixer a Suïssa, dient-me que està per Tokyo a veure si volia quedar...i tan! Sembla mentida, tot i estant a l'altra punta en unes hores em vaig trobar sopant amb ell com si de Lausanne es tractés. Així doncs, compartint unes tapes a la japonesa en un izakaya em va explicar que ha decidit agafar-se uns mesos sabàtics per fer un viatge al voltant del món...i allà estava després de passejar-se mitja Àsia i a punt d'atacar Oceania, molt gran! No fa falta que us digui que em van entrar unes ganes de seguir-lo que no vegis! (malauradament em vaig oblidar de fer la foto de rigor)

Yesterday I had an unexpected visit...being in Japan and I received an email from Eduard, a guy from Barcelona I met in Switzerland, telling me that he was in Tokyo and was wondering if we could meet...of course!  It seems unbelievable, even though I am very far from home in few hours I was having dinner with him as if we were in Lausanne! Thus, while sharing some Japanese "tapas" in an izakaya he told me that he had decided to take some sabbatical months to travel around the world...and there he was, after visiting several countries in Asia and ready to head to Oceania, great! No need to tell you that I immediately wanted to follow him!! (unfortunately I missed to take a photo!!

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