Today in Japan it is the Setsubun ("sesonal division") and the reason is because tomorrow spring starts....according to the Japanese lunar calendar spring starts on the 4 or 5 of February and the day before there is this festivity also called as the bean-throwing festival! Our japanese colleagues have invited us for lunch in order we could see this ceremony and actually it was very interesting. Traditionally this festival was done to keep bad spirits away from home and have good luck, so the ceremony says you have to throw the beans (mame) to the evil (or someone with a evil mask) saying Öni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!¨ (evil out, good luck in!). The beans are a kind of holly stuff and are supposed to bring good luck, but you need to eat as many beans as years you have and once done the typical thing to eat are maki-sushi (sushi-rolls) while sitting facing south-east and keeping silence....traditions!
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
Setsubun per començar la primavera - Setsubun to start spring
Avui al Japó se celebra el Setsubun ("canvi estacional") i per què, doncs perquè demà comença la primavera...segons el calendari lunar Japonès la primavera comença el 4 o 5 de febrer i el dia abans se celebra amb aquest festival també anomenat la festa de tirar mongetes! Els nostres companys japonesos ens han convidat a dinar per tal que poguéssim veure el que es fa i la veritat és que el ritual és prou interssant. Tradicionalment aquesta festa se celebrava per allunyar els mals esperits de casa i el ritual actual diu que s'han de tirar mongetes (mame) a algún dimoni (o algú amb careta de dimoni) tot dient "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!¨(fora dimonis, entri la sort!). Les mongetes són molt benerades i representa que porten sort, tot plegat m'ha recordat una mica els casaments on es tira l'arròs...segons sembla però per tal de així sigui, t'has de menjar tantes mongetes com anys tens, i en acabat m'han dit que el típic és menjar maki-sushi (sushi enrollat) assegut encarat sud-est i sense parlar...tradicions!
Today in Japan it is the Setsubun ("sesonal division") and the reason is because tomorrow spring starts....according to the Japanese lunar calendar spring starts on the 4 or 5 of February and the day before there is this festivity also called as the bean-throwing festival! Our japanese colleagues have invited us for lunch in order we could see this ceremony and actually it was very interesting. Traditionally this festival was done to keep bad spirits away from home and have good luck, so the ceremony says you have to throw the beans (mame) to the evil (or someone with a evil mask) saying Öni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!¨ (evil out, good luck in!). The beans are a kind of holly stuff and are supposed to bring good luck, but you need to eat as many beans as years you have and once done the typical thing to eat are maki-sushi (sushi-rolls) while sitting facing south-east and keeping silence....traditions!
Today in Japan it is the Setsubun ("sesonal division") and the reason is because tomorrow spring starts....according to the Japanese lunar calendar spring starts on the 4 or 5 of February and the day before there is this festivity also called as the bean-throwing festival! Our japanese colleagues have invited us for lunch in order we could see this ceremony and actually it was very interesting. Traditionally this festival was done to keep bad spirits away from home and have good luck, so the ceremony says you have to throw the beans (mame) to the evil (or someone with a evil mask) saying Öni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!¨ (evil out, good luck in!). The beans are a kind of holly stuff and are supposed to bring good luck, but you need to eat as many beans as years you have and once done the typical thing to eat are maki-sushi (sushi-rolls) while sitting facing south-east and keeping silence....traditions!
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