Ei, l'altre dia vaig passar per Akihabara, la famosa ciutat elèctrica coneguda per ser el lloc de referència en tot el tema electrònica i com no podia ser d'altra forma em vaig trobar una campanya promocional de la nova Nintendo DS en 3 dimensions que just acaba de sortir aquí...tothom que passava per allà si parava i realment va ser interessant, un resultat increible...collons com avancen les coses
the other day I pass by Akihabara, the famous electric city and known to be the reference in electronics and as it couldn't be any other way I found a promotional campaign of the new Nintendo DS in 3 dimensions, that has been just launched here...everyone passing by stopped for a while and actually was really interesting, amazing the result...unbelievable how fast all this move on
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