
Donuts...a la japonesa! / Donuts'...japanese way

Diumenge de tranquil.litat i recuperació en certa manera obligat per la ruxada d'aigua que ha caigut a Tokyo, us asseguro que aquí quan plou ho fa de veritat! Sigui com sigui això m'ha permès descobrir un article en una revista que parlava de les millors botigues de donuts de Tokyo, i sobretot perquè una de les millors em queda bastant a prop de casa o sigui que quan ha parat de ploure m'hi he arribat directament a veure què s'oferia. La botiga hara donuts d'estil i disseny molt japonès (simple i natural) està especialitzada en un tipus de donuts diferents als habituals, serien donuts a la japonesa, diuen que utilitzen ingredients a base de soja com tonyu (llet de soja) i l'okara (polpa de soja). El resultat uns donuts de textura més ferma i menys oliosa, que tenen el títol ben marescut, estaven boníssims :-)

Sunday of relax and recovery somehow forced due to the heavy rain we had in Tokyo today, I tell you when it rains here it rains cats and dogs! Anyway thanks to this I had the opportunity to read an article talking about the best donuts shops in town, and above all because one of the best is nearby my place so when the weather turned better I headed to there directly. The shop hara donuts has a style and design very japanese (natural and simple) and its expertise is on a type of donuts different from what we are used to, they are donuts' japanese way. It is said they use ingredients based on soya like tonyu (soy milk) and okara (soy pulp). The result, donuts that are more solid and less greasy that really deserves their title, they were very yummy!! 

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