

Aquest dissabte va ser dia de sumo!! Aprofitant el torneig que hi havia a Tokyo vaig anar al penúltim dia del torneig (duren 15 dies!), i tot i que no era la final...doncs bé ja hi havia moltes coses en joc i l'intensitat creixent era palpable. Va ser la meva segona experiència de sumo i aquesta vegada ja em va permetre fixar-me en més detalls  El sumo és un esport curiós...evidentment se m'escapen moltes coses però està clar que no es tracta de l'esport amb més continuitat i càrrega d'adrenalina per un seguidor, de fet més d'un i de dos van caure una estoneta dormint. Tot i això, em sembla prou interessant, la seriositat que envolta l'esdeveniment, tot el tema protocolari abans de començar, el joc psicològic entre contrincants i de cop el xoc entre dues masses humanes d'una potencia descomunal però no menys tècnica.  Com sempre però, el millor les reaccions del públic, en la línia d'expressivitat japonesa és molt divertit veure com creixen les exclamacions al pavelló davant un combat disputat!
Aquí us deixo unes fotos de la jornada i un vídeo per qui tingui ganes de veure el que són 5 minuts de combat en el sumo, ei i no és un vídeo qualsevol...va ser de l'últim combat del dia entre Hakuho i Baruto!
Per cert el torneig el va tornar a guanyar la béstia mongolesa Hakuho que seria com el Messi del sumo...

This Saturday was time for Sumo! As there was the tournament in Tokyo, I took the opportunity and went the last day but one (tournaments last 15 days!), and well even though it wasn't the final, there were already many things going on and the intensity of the wrestlers was palpable. This was my second sumo experience and thus this time I could notice more details that never catch before. Sumo is a curious sport....obviously there are many things that I don't get but it is clear that is not the sport with most continuity and higher adrenaline for a fan, actually more than one or two fell asleep for while :_). Nevertheless I think it's quite interesting, the seriousness surrounding the show, all the formal aspects before beginning a fight, the psychological game between wrestlers and suddenly the clash of two human being mass of huge power but not less technique. As usual however, the best is the crowd, in their style of Japanese expressivity is very funny to see how their exclamations go "in crescendo" with a close fight. 
Here some pics of the day and a video in case someone wants to see what are 5 minutes of Sumo, hey is not any video...this was the last fight of the day between Hakuho and Baruto! Btw, the winner of the tournament was the Mongolian beast Hakuho who would be like Messi in sumo ;)...

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