Hey, for those that haven't heard about it, this week we had another natural hazard in Japan, this time was a typhoon, Roke who is the second of the season but this was much stronger since it passed by closer to mainland leaving a big impact behind, especially in Nagoya. Thousands of evacuees, trains and public transport blocked and winds up to 200kph. This typhoon took me in Kyoto (yes..again!) with the relatives' visit of September, lots of rain and strong wind but nothing else of importance. However when we returned to Tokyo we easily saw the typhoon effect there had been much stronger, many broken umbrellas in the streets, branches and even fallen trees. You see, in Japan we have everything! The saddest part is the minimal international media coverage it has had, although being of higher intensity that the famous "Irene" hurricane that passed by USA few weeks ago...this is how the system works.
Efectes del tifó després de passar per Tokyo / Typhoon effects after passing by Tokyo |
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