Finally I got a while in between visits to tell you about few new things from these last busy days. This last weekend I rent a car (first time and driving left side with japanese signs = danger!!), and headed with two friends from Catalonia to Kyoto. I love this city, everytime I go there is even better! This time we also rented bikes and spend our time riding is a very convenient and easy way to explore Kyoto. At the end it was a quick but intense visit where we even had time for a karaoke session in one of these bars that don't leave you indifferent...the owner, two japanese and us singing our best, great experience!
El cotxe rotllo Srta. Yamabuki!! |
Gerard! De tant en tant m'agradar llegir-te i em tornen els records... L'altre dia va venir l'Aramaki, el meu profe de Yokohama, a Barcelona, i el vaig veure. Ell tan tranquil... Però ara ja torno a ser a Nancy, França, fins Nadal, suposo. El dia de la diada vaig pensar en el nostre picnic al Yoyogi Park.
ResponEliminaMolts ànims! Per cert, ja parles bé japonès?
Doncs aquest any, la diada encara més bé sostre del Fuji després de passar tota la nit caminant amb un fred que déu ni do!!!