One of the big hits this beginning of the year has been the famous record of tuna's auction, yes...a astonishing price of 565.000euros (56.5M JPY) for a piece of 269kg!!! the beast which was caught in the northeastern region of Aomori, was sold in the first auction of the year at the fish market of Tokyo, and well although undoubtedly the quality had to be exquisite, the value was clearly overpriced to be the first auction of the year (all about luck and prosperity ...). The buyer, a famous chain of Sushi restaurants, said that they did it to give a boost to the economy in Japan (that's solidarity!!) and that in any case they wanted to increase their average price of tuna's sushi (between 130-420 JPY/piece) as the real value could have gone up to 8000 JPY/piece!! Deliberately or not, at the end they got a tremendous marketing campaign!!
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
La tonyina més cara! - Tuna's most expensive ever!
Una de les grans notícies de començament d'any ha estat el récord de subhasta d'una tonyina, ni més ni menys que 565.000 euros (56.5 M JPY) per una peça de 269kg!!! La béstia, pescada al nord del Japó a la regió d'Aomori, va ser venuda en la primera acció de l'any al mercat del peix de Tokyo, i tot i que debia ser d'una qualitat exquisita, el preu estava infladíssim per ser la primera acció de l'any (pel tema de la sort i tota la pesca ...). El comprador, una famosa cadena de restaurants de Sushi de la ciutat, va dir que ho havíen fet per impulsar la economia al Japó (visca la solidaritat!) però que en cap cas augmentaríen el preu del seu sushi, valorat en uns 8.000¥ /peça, mantenint el preu entre 130-420¥/ peça!! Fet a propòsit o no, els hi ha sortit una peculiar campanya de marketing!
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Nevada a Tokyo! - Snow in Tokyo!
no només fa fred aquest hivern sinó que la neu també ha fet acte de presència...en 10 dies ha nevat dues vegades, impressionant sobretat la de dimarts, va caure una tempesta de neu que espentava i en poca estona els carrers van quedar ben blancs, la imatge de un Tokyo blanc és d'aquelles a recordar! Segons m'han dit feia anys que no queia tanta neu i el millor de tot va ser el dia després quan la neu es va convertir en gel i no vegis el show que montaven les noies japoneses amb les seves sabates de taló fent malabarismes per arribar a la feina....:)
This winter we have not only cold but snow 10 days it has snowed twice, particularly strong the second one on Tuesday, we had a huge snow storm that in a matter of minutes covered all streets with a white layer and after a while Tokyo turned to a lovely snowy city! I've been told it was year it didn't snow that much and the best of it was the day after when the snow turned ice and there were plenty of japanese women still wearing heels (!!) struggling to find their way to work....:)
This winter we have not only cold but snow 10 days it has snowed twice, particularly strong the second one on Tuesday, we had a huge snow storm that in a matter of minutes covered all streets with a white layer and after a while Tokyo turned to a lovely snowy city! I've been told it was year it didn't snow that much and the best of it was the day after when the snow turned ice and there were plenty of japanese women still wearing heels (!!) struggling to find their way to work....:)
Snow storm! |
Tokyo or Lausanne?? |
with Fuji san |
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Au revoir les amis!!!
Una de les grans coses de viure a l'estranger és que coneixes molta gent, noves amistats inesperades i de vegades tens la sort de topar-te amb grans persones. Per altra banda però, també té el seu cantó negatiu ja que tard o d'hora molts acabarem marxant, retorn cap a casa o cap a una altra destinació i tot torna a començar. Aquest cap de setmana m'ha tocat acomiadar-me d'uns bons amics, la parelleta suïssa amb els quals he compartit molts i grans moments de la vida al Japó i que sens dubte trobaré a faltar. Entre molts, segurament sempre ens quedarà a la memòria les memorables nits de karaoke, i com no sense saber-ho el cap de setmana passat vàrem fer un comiat improvisat en una karaoke que era un cop de puny de bar a Ebisu...quan vàrem entrar l'ambient ja estava en el seu punt àlgid i no ens va costar gaire apuntar-nos a la festa, i és que està clar si una cosa saben fer els japos és passar-ho bé, amb aquesta alegria més que un comiat va ser un fins aviat! Us deixo un video.
One of the best things of living abroad is that you meet lots of people, make new friends and get in touch with great people. However, this has also some cons since soon or later most of us end up leaving back to home or to another destination, and everything has to start again. So this last weekend I had to say goodbye to some good friends, my dear Swiss couple with whom I shared many and great moments of my life in Japan and without no doubt I´m going to miss. Amongst many memories, probably there will always be some memorable karaoke nights in our memory like our (almost) last party in Ebisu, in a very tiny karaoke place that we just found by chance and was full of Japanese in their best mood for party. When we went in the atmosphere was veery high and was very easy to get into the party, ending with great performance even in Japanese! I always say the same...Japanese master the art of party and fun, and with this joy more than a farewell was a see you soon!! Video below.
Au revoir la couple! |
Memorable nit de karaoke amb disfresses / Memorable costume karaoke party |
De nou al Tokyo...gelat! - Back to freeezing Tokyo!
Hola hola!!!! sí ja estic de tornada i finalment recupero de nou el blog! Déu ni do, entre les vacances i la feina això ha estat més parat que mai! però bé la setmana passada vaig tornar al Japó i després d'uns dies per situar-me i posar-me el dia de tot plegat ja torno a estar per aquí :-) que com ha estat la tornada?? doncs freda!!! sí al Japó fa fred també, en cosa de dies es passa del temps de tardor de finals d'any al hivern profund i el pitjor de tot és que no saben gestionar-ho gens bé...les cases no estan ben aillades, la calefacció és sols per privilegiats (la majoria de mortals funcionem amb aparells d'aire condicionat reversibles!), tot plegat fa que se't posi el fred els ossos i estàs tot el dia tremolant. El resultat ja us el podeu imaginar, està ple de gent amb refredats per tot arreu, de fet he notat que hi ha molta més presència de gent amb màscares i jo que ja arrossegava un refredat des de Suïssa no he estat una excepció...ara, ho sento molt però jo per això de la màscara no hi paso...dec haver passat per un maleducat però és que és superior a mi, això sí hauríeu d'haver vist la situació al metro quan em posava a tossir...per uns dies m'he sentit assenyalat, ai ai ai...
Per cert bon any a tothom!
Hello!!! yeah I'm back and finally take over again the blog! It's been long time, between holidays and work this has been quieter than ever! last week I came back to Japan and after some days to put myself in place and catch up with everything, I am back around :) how was my return? well, freezing!!! yes Japan is also cold, in a matter of dies this country moves from the fall weather of end of December to the worst winter weather and the worst is that they are not prepared to managed it...buildings are not properly isolated at all and regular heating systems are hardly available (many of us survive with reversible air-con!), all this makes that you feel bloody cold and shivering all day long. As a result there is lots of people with colds and actually I've noticed much more presence of people wearing masks. Considering this, my first days have been a bit painful since I catch a good cold in Switzerland and thus once back I should have followed the trend and use the mask outside...but with all my respect I cannot do it..I must have looked impolitely some times but the masks are more than I can bear. Although I reckon I had some funny situations in the subway, especially when I started to cough...for some days I felt pointed in this city...
By the way, happy new year to everyone!
Per cert bon any a tothom!
Hello!!! yeah I'm back and finally take over again the blog! It's been long time, between holidays and work this has been quieter than ever! last week I came back to Japan and after some days to put myself in place and catch up with everything, I am back around :) how was my return? well, freezing!!! yes Japan is also cold, in a matter of dies this country moves from the fall weather of end of December to the worst winter weather and the worst is that they are not prepared to managed it...buildings are not properly isolated at all and regular heating systems are hardly available (many of us survive with reversible air-con!), all this makes that you feel bloody cold and shivering all day long. As a result there is lots of people with colds and actually I've noticed much more presence of people wearing masks. Considering this, my first days have been a bit painful since I catch a good cold in Switzerland and thus once back I should have followed the trend and use the mask outside...but with all my respect I cannot do it..I must have looked impolitely some times but the masks are more than I can bear. Although I reckon I had some funny situations in the subway, especially when I started to cough...for some days I felt pointed in this city...
By the way, happy new year to everyone!
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