Beginning of February and there we have another Japanese tradition with the famous Setsubun ( 節分) festival which indicates the begin of spring in Japan. I already wrote about it last year, as a new thing this year I headed to the Nezu jinja shrine, which is very close to work to see the celebration in place. The tradition is to throw soy beans (mamemaki), but for what I saw there it seems they go far beyond with the monks throwing snacks (okashi), mandarins (mikan) or even small towels. The shrine was packed with kids (and not so young people) with their bags opened to grab as many things as possible...was funny to see the excitement around when the monks started to the ceremony.
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
Setsubun entre japonesos - Setsubun amongst Japanese
Començaments de Febrer i ja tornem a tenir una altra tradició japonesa amb el famós festival Setsubun ( 節分) que ens indica el començament de la primavera al Japó. D'aquest festival ja en vaig parlar l'any passat, com a novetat aquest any em vaig escapar fins al temple de Nezu que em queda a prop de la feina per veure la cel.lebració que fan els monjos on si la tradició és tirar mongetes de soja (mamemaki), allà van més enllà regalant dolços (okashi), mandarines (mikan) o fins i tot tovalloletes. El temple estava ple de canalla (i d'altres no tan petits) amb bosses ben obertes per arreplegar tantes coses com fós possible...divertit espectacle, em va recordar les imatges que es veuen avui dia a la rua de reis per arreplegar els caramels...
Beginning of February and there we have another Japanese tradition with the famous Setsubun ( 節分) festival which indicates the begin of spring in Japan. I already wrote about it last year, as a new thing this year I headed to the Nezu jinja shrine, which is very close to work to see the celebration in place. The tradition is to throw soy beans (mamemaki), but for what I saw there it seems they go far beyond with the monks throwing snacks (okashi), mandarins (mikan) or even small towels. The shrine was packed with kids (and not so young people) with their bags opened to grab as many things as possible...was funny to see the excitement around when the monks started to the ceremony.
Beginning of February and there we have another Japanese tradition with the famous Setsubun ( 節分) festival which indicates the begin of spring in Japan. I already wrote about it last year, as a new thing this year I headed to the Nezu jinja shrine, which is very close to work to see the celebration in place. The tradition is to throw soy beans (mamemaki), but for what I saw there it seems they go far beyond with the monks throwing snacks (okashi), mandarins (mikan) or even small towels. The shrine was packed with kids (and not so young people) with their bags opened to grab as many things as possible...was funny to see the excitement around when the monks started to the ceremony.
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