
Perfeccionisme laboral - work perfectionism

Diumenge a la tarda. Surto a donar el vol i em trobo a la cantonada de casa uns paletes treballant en un edifici (sí, també treballen els diumenges), com sempre hi havia el típic auxiliar controlant la seguretat i el trànsit de persones per davant l'obra, en aquest cas però com que degotava una mica d'aigua de l'obra el bon home tenia un paraigua i acompanyava a tots els vianants per evitar que els hi caigués ni una gota! Genial...són molt grans aquesta gent!

Sunday afternoon. I went out for a walk and right at the corner there was some builders working (yes, they also work on Sunday), as usual there was an assistant in front of the building to control the safety and pedestrians' circulation, this time however, as there was some water dropping from their work the man had an umbrella to protect and walk along with all pedestrians and avoid that even a simple drop could splash them! Just great...these people still amaze me!

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