Vinga que aquest el tenia pendent i és prou interessant. Fa uns dies aprofitant que hi havia un festiu entre setmana vaig agafar un cap de setmana llarg i vaig aprofitar per anar a la península d'Izu de la qual me n'havien parlat molt bé. Situada a unes dues hores i mitja en tren al sud de Tokyo, és una petita península que destaca per les platjes i l'entorn natural, així que motxilla a l'esquena em vaig preparar per guadir d'uns dies de relax, platja, peix i surf (sí sí al Japó hi ha molta cultura i s'ha d'aprofitar :-)) però vaig tenir tanta mala sort que just el dia que sortia es va girar mal temps degut a un tifó que passava per aquí que això em va modificar els plans però tot i això vaig gaudir d'uns dies d'escàndol i amb mooltes senyals. D'entrada vaig agafar el tren de miracle perquè va arribar tard (raríssim!!), per cert un tren panoràmic que voreja el mar amb unes vistes molt recomenables. Al arribar a Shimoda, em poso a buscar el B&B perdut per allà i comença a caure un diluvi com si no hagués plogut mai, estava xop, sense una ànima per enlloc però de cop trobo una gasolinera on una pobre dona que no parlava ni papa d'anglès es va oferir per portar-me a la pensió...boníssim, i un cop allà resulta que degut al mal temps vaig ser l'únic hoste que hi havia, o sigui que els propietaris, una parella de gent gran (en Chamichan i la Gkun), em van tractar com si fós de la família, només arribar l'home em va portar a un Onsen (banys termals naturals...ja en parlaré en un altra entrada) per recuperar-me, imagineu-s'ho, el bon home i jo prenent un bany i filosofant de la vida en un dialecte japo-anglès que feia por!! Evidentment el B&B, Marine shower us el recomano de totes totes :-). Al final de platja només hi vaig poder anar un dia i hi havia unes onades tan fortes que estan a 50 metres en va venir una que se m'ho va emportar tot, així que de surf res de res...em vaig haber de contentar amb una mitja taula d'aquelles petites per fer quatre tonteries. Tot i això a falta de platja vaig aprofitar per voltar per la zona i gaudir de l'entorn natural que és espectacular, a recomenar les cascades de Kazuwa, al mig de la muntanya pots seguir un recorregut on et vas trobant cascades, al final en un entorn idílic amb una cascada de 30m, no m'hi vaig poder estar i tot i que no portava res m'hi vaig ficar de cap que aquestes són coses que no es poden fer cada dia!. De tornada vaig passar per l'altra cantó de la península (Matsuzaki and Dogashima) i per Sushenji amb uns aires molt bucòlics (diuen que és aquí on es va crear el primer Onsen al Japó). En fi que per no allargar-me més una gran escapada amb record molt positiu!
Hey this one was still pending and actually it’s quite interesting. Few days ago there was a bank holiday in Japan and I took a long weekend to go to the Izu peninsula from which I heard was very nice. Located about two and a half hours by train south of Tokyo, it’s a small peninsula well-known for its beaches and natural environment, so I backpack and face there for a few days of relax, beach, eating fish and surfing (yeah, there is a lot of culture of it in Japan and so I have to take profit of it :-)), unfortunately I had such bad luck that just the day I left the weather changed because of a typhoon and out of sudden my plans changed completely...but I must say that in the end I enjoyed it very much anyway. To start with, I took the train by miracle because for once it arrived late (veery weird!!) and actually was a panoramic train with great views along the coast, very recommended. When I arrived in Shimoda (a town with a very important role in the Japanese history), I started looking for the B & B which was lost in the middle of nowhere and suddenly began to rain as hell, I was drenched, not a soul anywhere but finally I found a gas station where a nice woman who did not speak a word of English offered to give me a lift till the place ... so nice! and once at the pension it happened to be the only host because of the bad weather so the owners, an elderly couple (Chamichan & Gkun), look after me as if I was part of the family, just after arrived the man took me to an onsen (natural thermal baths ... I’ll probably write about them in another post) to recover myself, imagine it, the man and I taking a bath and talking about life in a kind of Japanese-English dialect! Obviously after my exprience there I highly recommend this B & B (Marine shower :-) At the end, I just could go one day to the beach and there was such strong waves that even being at 50 meters from the shore suddenly one came and took everything away, so no way I could start my surf experience in such condition and I just enjoyed a bit with a half board for kids...but actually was hilarious with those waves! So instead of laying down in the beach I went around the region and enjoyed the natural environment with spectacular waterfalls (I recommend the ones nearby Kazuwa) in the middle of the mountain, in such an idyllic place that once I got there even though I didn’t bring anything with me I went straight to swim under the waterfall...these are things don’t happen everyday! Finally the last day I went to the other side of the peninsula (Matsuzaki and Dogashima) and also Sushenji with a bucolic air (it is said here was created the first onsen in Japan). A great getaway trip with very positive memories!
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