Aquesta setmana passada aprofitant un viatge per feina, vaig tenir la oportunitat de visitar Beijjing, primera visita a la Xina que no em va decebre per res…arribada al nou aeroport internacional amb una terminal acollonant, tot ben ordenat i controlat per la polícia i jo que em dic « doncs tampoc és gaire diferent del Japó « …error ! només sortir m’adono que ambdós païssos s’assemblen poc, el trànsit és infernal, retencions per tot arreu i la gent condueix com vol pitant i cridant sense parar, un panorama ben contraposat a la vida japonesa ! Beijing és una ciutat immensa amb molta història al darrera, malgrat s’hagin carregat bona part del patrimoni històric i on tot i que són evident els aires comunistes per tot arreu emergeix una nova Beijing capitalista, amb una activitat i construcció que sembla no aturar-se, de fet sembla que la ciutat creix a una velocitat superior a la societat on hi ha una gran part de la població vivint en condicions evidents bastant deplorables, diria que és el país on he vist un diferèncial més gran entre pobresa i riquesa, m’ha sorprès la riquesa aparent d’una bona part de la societat amb un nivell de vida molt elevat. Els xinesos tampoc tenen res a veure amb els japonesos, molt directes i fins i tot verbalment agressius es veuen més vius que els nipons. Aquests dies doncs he aprofitat per veure els punts més destacats de la cituat, voltar en bici per alguns Hutongs o barris antics i gaudir en definitiva d’una ciutat que m’ha fet retornar al caos asiàtic que tenia conegut.
This last week I got the opportunity to visit Beijing, first visit to China that didn’t disappointed me at all…I arrived to the new international airport with its awesome terminal, all well organized and controlled by the police and I said by myself…”this looks quite similar to Japan”…error! Just outside I realized it has little to do with Japan, the traffic is horrible, traffic jams everywhere and everyone driving in their way, horning and shouting all the time, a complete different situation than the Japanese life! Beijing is a huge city with a long history behind, even though much of its historical patrimony has been destroyed, and a place even if the signs of communisms are still present, a new capitalist Beijing emerges with endless activity and construction everywhere. Actually it seems the that the city is growing at faster speed than the society itself since there is a big part of the population living in very poor conditions, to me it is the first time I see such a huge gap between higher and lower classes, I was surprised to see such high quality of life in a relevant part of the society. Chinese have little to do with Japanese, very direct in their communication, sometimes they can even be aggressive, they definitely look more vivacious that their neighbors. These days thus, I’ve taken the opportunity to visit the most popular spots, ride by bike in some Hutongs or old neighborhoods and in short, to enjoy of a city that make me remember of the mess I was used to in Asia.
This last week I got the opportunity to visit Beijing, first visit to China that didn’t disappointed me at all…I arrived to the new international airport with its awesome terminal, all well organized and controlled by the police and I said by myself…”this looks quite similar to Japan”…error! Just outside I realized it has little to do with Japan, the traffic is horrible, traffic jams everywhere and everyone driving in their way, horning and shouting all the time, a complete different situation than the Japanese life! Beijing is a huge city with a long history behind, even though much of its historical patrimony has been destroyed, and a place even if the signs of communisms are still present, a new capitalist Beijing emerges with endless activity and construction everywhere. Actually it seems the that the city is growing at faster speed than the society itself since there is a big part of the population living in very poor conditions, to me it is the first time I see such a huge gap between higher and lower classes, I was surprised to see such high quality of life in a relevant part of the society. Chinese have little to do with Japanese, very direct in their communication, sometimes they can even be aggressive, they definitely look more vivacious that their neighbors. These days thus, I’ve taken the opportunity to visit the most popular spots, ride by bike in some Hutongs or old neighborhoods and in short, to enjoy of a city that make me remember of the mess I was used to in Asia.
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