ja fa 72 hores del terratrèmol i les coses sembla que milloren a poc a poc tot i que es fan evidents els problemes derivats del sisme, si no fós per això, aquí a Tokyo les coses funcionaríen amb tota normalitat. Aquest matí he intentat anar a treballar i l'activitat al carrer era gairebé com un dia normal...el problema ha estat a l'arribar a l'estació doncs el metro estava tancat, només funcionava la línia de tren exterior però a mi no em serveix o sigui que he hagut de treballar des de casa, més tard he sabut que aquesta és una de les mesures que han aplicat per limitar el consum elèctric. Les empreses de referència automovilístiques (Toyota...) també han decidit suspendre la producció momentàniament, i des d'avui s'han començat a aplicar talls elèctrics en diferents àrees del Japó, inclouent Tokyo, de forma intermitent o sigui que m'he dit potser estaria bé comprar espelmes....tard! quan he arribat al super ja estava ple de gent, tothom comprant provisions i com no totes les reserves d'espelmes i piles esgotades. Us asseguro que és impressionant la forma com es comporten els japonesos davant aquesta situació, tots sobris i disciplinats, tot està increiblement ben organitzat.
A part d'això la situació de risc continua present però més optimista. Pendents a tota hora de com evoluciona el tema nuclear, seguint notícies, recomenacions embaixades, de la feina etc...i esperant que no hi hagi cap rèplica important, al llarg del dia n'he sentit unes quantes però res d'important. Molts estrangers però han decidit marxar del Japó, no ho descarto però de moment no considero que la situació sigui tan extrema.
it's been 72hours since the earthquake and things seem to get better little by little even though the issues caused by the quake are evident, otherwise here in Tokyo everything would work as usual. This morning I tried to go to work and the activity in the streets was almost as a regular day...the problem has been at the station because the subway was closed, only the train was working but it is not convenient for me so I had to work from home, later I knew this is one of the measures applied to reduce the electric consumption. Some of the big car companies (Toyota...) have also decided to stop their activity for the time being and since this morning electric shortage is being applied in some areas of Japan, including Tokyo, thus I decided to go and buy some candles but when I got there everything was already sold out with lots of people trying to buy basic stuff. I tell you it's amazing the way Japanese behave in this situation, all is done in such a way of simplicity and discipline that I'm amazed.
Besides this the situation of risk keeps on although more optimistic. I'm following every moment the situation, especially with the nuclear issue, in the news, embassies, at work...and hoping that we don't have any important aftershock, so far today I felt some of little power. Many foreigners have decided to quit Japan, I don't dismiss the option but so far I don't think the situation is that problematic yet.
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