Ha passat més d'una setmana des de que el terratrèmol i posteriors tsunamis van colpejar Japo i a mi em sembla que faci una eternitat, aquests dies el temps passa molt a poc a poc, 24hores seguint les noticies i esperant que tot s'estabilitzi definitivament malgrat sembli que estem lluny encara. Durant tots aquests dies no hem deixat de veure imatges i més imatges del succeit i el seu debastador efecte, moltes d'elles dures i colpidores, en molts casos acompanyades d'una historia al darrera que fa posar la pell de gallina. Els ultims dies les noticies s'han centrat al voltant de la crisi a la planta nuclear, desviant l'atencio de tots els altres problemes, més de mig milio d'evacuats, molts d'ells ho han perdut practicament tot, hi ha mes de 10000 desapareguts pels quals continuen les tasques de rescat tot i que eivdentment cada vegada amb menys possibilitats de supervivencia, pobles literalment esborrats del mapa, restriccions d'aigua i electricitat...molt fort pobre gent, i la impotència d'estar aqui, al mateix pais sense poder fer res em fa sentir malament també, desitjo que aquest malson s'acabi i el Japo es torni a aixecar el més aviat possible.
More than a week from the earthquake and subsequent tsunamis that hit Japan and to me it seems an eternity, these last days time goes very slowly, 24h following the news and waiting that everything stabilizes once and for all although it seems we are still far. During all this time we have seen more and more images of what happened and its debasting effect, many of them very hard and shocking, and usually accompanied by a real story behind that makes one feel touched. The news in this last days have been around the evolution in the nuclear power plant keeping away the attention from all the other problems, more than half a milion of evacuees, most of them having lost almost everything, more than 10000 people missing for whom the rescue task are still on going but obviously with less and less chances to find survivors, towns literally erased from the map, water and electricity restrictions...it's really hard, poor people and being here without being able to do anything is so frustrating, just wish this nightmare ends and Japan starts to look ahead to recover as soon as possible.
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