Yes...even though our winter is not as tough as in Europe here it's also cold!...I already talked about this issue before, all comes due to the bad buildings isolation and a lack of proper heating systems, turning in a cold feeling that we keep all day long!! In another society to solve it probably would act on the causes of the problem, in Japan...don't and this has turned up in many creative ideas to make a more bearable winter. Here some of my favourites:
1. Mantes!! opció clàssica arreu del món, molts bars i restaurants ofereixen mantes, la particularitat és que aquí són per ús...interior!! Imagineu-vos anant a dinar i a dins cobrin-te amb una manta!! Val a dir que ajuda.
1. Blankets!! classic option all over the world, usually bars and restaurants offer them, the particularity here is that they are used...indoors!! Try to see the picture of going out for lunch and eating with a blanket on top! Of course it helps.
la imatge ho diu tot |
2-Compreses de calor!! El meu favorit!! Els arxi-coneguts Hokkairo! un negoci d'extrema importància els hiverns japonesos. Es tracta d'uns sobres que escalfen, i déu ni do la feina que fan! Quan obres un sobre es produeix una reacció exotèrmica en contacte amb l'oxigen i genera escalfor tot el dia! Al mercat n'hi ha de tot tipus i colors, grans, petits, per les mans, pels peus i molt barats. Enorme oferta comercial però és que la demanda no es queda curta, segons la meva experiència diria que gairebé tothom n'utilitza, i no un no...dos, tres o fins i tot quatre!! Gran descobriment!!
2-Heat pads!! My favourite!!! These are the well-known Hokkairo! a very important business at winter time. As their name says these are pads that heat...and for god's sake they do! When you open a packaging there is an exotermic reaction in contact with oxygen and start to producing heat that last all day long! In the market you can find lots of types and colours, big or little size, especial for hands or feet and generally very cheap. So a huge offer but actually the demand is not short, based on my experience I would say that almost everyone uses them, and not one but...two, three or even four!!
Embalatge d'una de les compreses que vaig comprar...excel.lent!! / Packaging of one of the heat pads I bought...excellent! |
Aquest és en Pako amb la seva compresa...en portava una altre a davant! / Pako with his back heat pad...he had another one in front! |
3. Roba interior tèrmica: en si no sona molt sofisticat però un element hiper popular al Japó. Es tracta d'una línia de roba interior tèrmica, HeatTech, feta amb unes fibres especials i molt lleugera. Comercialitzada per UniQlo (el Zara japonès) és increibe la penetració de mercat que han aconseguit....a mi sobretot em va xocar les malles interior tèrmiques per asseguro que molts homes, siguin joves o grans, estudiants o salarymen, molts els utilitzen en el seu dia a dia i bé com a mínim posats, us puc assegurar que la imatge que dóna es bastant curiosa...ei però al final s'ha de reconèixer que funcionen molt bé! :)
3.Termic underwear: maybe doesn't sound very sophisticated but it's very popular in Japan, and mostly thanks to UniQlo (Japanese Zara), who develop a special line of clothes called HeatTech made with special fibers and very light. Amazing the market penetration ...and well for me the shocking thing were the underpants for men...I tell you, lots of men, young and elderly, students or salarymen, use them in their daily life, just as another element of their usual clothing. Certainly the look when wearing them is at least the end however I reckon it works very well :)
Exemple de malles tèrmiques interiors per homes / men heat underpants |
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