Aquesta setmana farà un any del gran desastre que va començar amb terratrèmol. Des de fa dies es respira alguna cosa diferent en l'ambient, articles, imatges, documentals per recordar un esdeveniment que va canviar l'història. Ahir em va arribar una simulació feta per uns japonesos que paga la pena fer-hi una ullada. Es tracta d'una simulació dels terratrèmols ocorreguts l'any passat a l'àrea al voltant del Japó més ni menys que 19349 terratrèmols en un any!! Increible, de normal hauria d'haver estat al voltant de 5500 moviments al cap de l' us el perdeu, us fareu una idea del que vàrem viure no tan sols el 03.11 sinó la resta de setmanes i mesos que van seguir-lo.
This week will be a year since the big disaster that began with the earthquake. Since some days ago the atmosphere it feels quite diffeernt, aticles, images, documentaries, all to bring a memory to this event that changed the history. Yesterday I received this simulation made by japanese that is really worth to look at. It's a 6 minutes movies simulating all earthquakes during 2011 in the Japan area...19349 quakes in a year!!! Unbelievable but true, in a regular situation we would have had about 5500 quakes, last year you had 4 times fold and of course of much higher intensity...this give you an idea of what was about being in Japan the weeks and months following the big one. Don't miss it and turn up the volume!.
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