Japó és molt gran!! Mireu la última que m'ha arribat...resulta que aquest any, com a regal de nadal de l'empresa he rebut un paquet amb un assortit de KitKat's de sabors que es venen arreu del Japó.
Nosaltres que venim de la tradició (retallada) tan nostrada dels lots de nadal amb torrons, polvorons i les olives envasades de l'espanyola, rebre un paquet d'aquest se m'ha fet si més no curiós. Ja fa un temps que us vaig explicar aquest fenòmen del KitKat al Japó, ara mai havia vist totes aquestes varietats juntes. En total 15 sabors representatius de les diferents regions del país, molts d'ells encara no els he tastat però crec que al final em quedaré amb el de sempre...el KitKat de tè verd, boníssim!! Ja ho sabeu, qui vulgui probar KitKat que passi per casa :)!
Aquí va la llista de gustos:
Edamame-Mongeta de soja, Xarop de sucre integral, Pastís de formatge de maduixa, Wasabi (!!), Pera, Mongetes vermelles, Poma Shinshu, Chili japonès picant, Pastís de formatge de nabius, Barreja de cítrics, Hojicha-Tè rostit, Matcha-Tè verd, Galetes amb canela, Maduixa i Patata dolça lila japonesa-Boniato.
Japan is great!! Look at the last story that happened to me. In Europe is rather traditional to receive a gift from your company for Christmas....the value may vary from company to company but usually there is always something (or at least was like that before the crisis). Here in Japan, I don't know whether there is such extended tradition but my company being european has the detail to offer a little present every year...and what a present, this year we have received a box with an assortment of KitKat flavours! Some time ago I already post about this phenomenon in the country and now I received 15 different flavours from all over Japan! Isn't it great? not sure my japanese colleagues will share the same enthusiasm but as a gaijin (foreigner) I found it very original, just looking at it is really nice. Now it's time to try many of this unkown versions although at the end most likely I will choose the always classic "green tea KitKat"!! If anyone wants to try any pass by home :)
This is the list of flavours:
Soybean flavour, Brown sugar syrup flavour, Strawberry cheese cake flavour, Wasabi flavour, Pear flavour, Red beans sandwich flavour, Shinshu apple flavour, Hot Japanese chili flavour, Blueberry cheese cake flavour, Citrus golden blend flavour, Hojicha-Roasted tea flavour, Matcha-Green tea flavour, Cinnamon cookie flavour, Strawberry flavour and Purple sweet potato flavour
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