There is nothing like traditions, and if I have one tradition in Japan this is my summer hike to Mt. Fuji (Fujisan or Fujiyama in Japanese). So, last weekend, in my 4th summer in this country I fulfilled with the tradition and climbed for forth consecutive summer the highest point of Japan, the second from the sea level, the lowest point of the country. The challenge called "from Sea to Summit" is in essence an event to fundraise money organized by the NGO Oxfam Japan. If you remember, I did the same challenge last year with my friends Cesc and Xavi who just arrived from Barcelona! This year's challenge was physically less tougher but mentally much more exhausting. We began very early in the mo rning after having slept few hours, too few due to a hotel room that was closer to a sauna rather a place to sleep...and these later caught up with us. In addition I did a big mistake since in the morning when I saw everyone I realized I had mountain jacket!! You may thing it's a silly thing when you start at almost 30C, but at the summit, at 3776m, at night and with a freezing wind blowing from everywhere's veeery cold! Other than this, the the weather was fantastic, clouds but no rain during the day (great for hiking) and clear sky, starts and full moon at night! The journey was quite pleasant, I guess having the experience from last year made it easier...however with the passing of hours, tiredness started to be present and the worst was at the last part of Fuji, when as last year, it was overcrowded and the last 300m felt as an eternity. More than two hours queuing, in the middle of the night after being more than 20hours walking was tough...up to a point were I can barely recall anything, we were just following the pace of the line, half slept and not much conscious ! Then on the top, to complete the package, without my jacket I had probably one of the coldest feeling of my life, shivering like hell until the first rays of the sun showed up and with it the magic of Fuji turned up again showing an amazing landscape of clouds and mountains below us that was a reward to all our efforts! At the end it was worth! After recovering, last part with the descend to finish safe and sound a new Fuji expedition of more than 27h, 65km and 5000m difference that will be remembered!
L'equip d'aquest any amb la Netra, en Tom, la Mima i un servidor / This year's team with Netra, Tom, Mima and myself |
Al mar, punt de partida dels 72 valents! / At the sea, starting point for the 72 brave participants! |
Gambare!!! |
oh oh...les primeres hores feien temer el pitjor / in light of the first hours weather we expected bad conditions |
i encara més quan ens vàrem trobar pujant muntanya sense veure res de res / and even more when we were climbing without being able to see anything around us |
però...finalment es va fer la llum :) i el sol va aparèixer deixant enrere els núvols! / at last...we saw the light, and the sun came up leaving behind the clouds. |
Descansant a la cinquena estació abans d'afrontar l'ascens! / Taking a rest at the 5th before facing the ascent! |
Preparats per rematar-ho! / Ready to go! |
3000m i pujant... / 3000m and going up... |
A 3400m les mostres de cansament eren evidents... / At 3400m tiredness was obvious.. |
Recuperant forces per afrontar l'últim tram! / Some energy to face the last part! |
Finalment!! / At last!! |
La foto no transmet el moment...m'estava pelant el cul de fred! / Shivering...coldest feeling ever! |
I finalment es va fer la llum ! / and the sun showed up! |
Alegria desfermada... / Uncontrolled happiness... |
la màgia del Fuji / the magic of Fuji |
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