Ei! fa dies que no escric...recupero el bloc per explicar-vos que fa un parell de setmanes vaig anar al famós Tokyo Game Show. Aquest és un festival que fan en un recinte rotllo Montjuïc on es presenten totes les novetats en tema videojocs de totes les companyies del sector (Sony, Konami, Sega, Microsoft...). Com sempre a rebentar de gent i aquest cop farçit d'Otakus (terme japonès per descriure aquells que estan realment aficionats a un tema com seria els videjocs). La gent fent cues de més d'una hora per poder jugar 5 minuts amb un nou llençament...flipant, tirant fotos a les hostesses, hi havia presentacions a l'engròs i fins i tot competicions en viu seguides i corejades per una munió de seguidors. De tot el que vaig veure destaco Sony movent-se cap als jocs 3D i Microsoft que ha desenvolupat una història rotllo Wii però pinta millor.
A banda d'això l'altre atracció va ser veure cosplays de tots colors i varietat (en parlo a l'altre entrada).
Hey! it's been a while since my last post...I'm back to write about the famous Tokyo Game Show I went a couple of weeks ago. This is a mega festival with all the news in the videogames world, there are all the big companies like Sony, Konami, Sega or Microsoft and as usual it's crowded of people and full of Otakus (japanese term to describe people with obsessive hobbies). People did loong waiting times (more than hour in some cases) to play just 5 minutes in the latest launches, lots of them were taking pictures to the hostess, big presentations of the latest technologies and games and even life competitions of games supported by many followers. From all what I saw I'd highlight Sony moving towards the 3D games and Microsoft with a similar system than Wii but looks even better.
And besides that the other attraction was the Cosplays, of all kind and variety...(see next post)
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
Tokyo Game Show 2010
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Cultura japonesa,
No hi ha res com despertar-se amb un bon matsuri! Durant el matsuri o festival Japonès tradicional la gent (normalment homes pel que he vist) porten un mikoshi a les espatlles. Els mikoshis segons m'han comentat són temples sintoístes en petit, amb una decoració molt destacable que el seguidors sintoístes van a buscar al temple del barri i després el passegen per tots els carrers on representa que arriba la divinitat. Així doncs seria com una festa religiosa tot i que jo diria que la gent ho fa més per la tradició que representa ja que fa molt temps que es fa en cada barri on hi ha un gran temple.
Nothing else better that waking up with a good Matsuri! During a traditional matsuri or Japanese festival people (usually men for what I've seen) carry a mikoshi on their shoulders. A mikoshi for what I've understood is a small version of a Shinto shrine, very well decorated that the shinto followers take from the temple in their neighborhood and carry it around the streets that worship at the shrine. So it would be a kind of religious celebration although I would say that nowadays most people do it for the tradition it represents rather anything else.
Nothing else better that waking up with a good Matsuri! During a traditional matsuri or Japanese festival people (usually men for what I've seen) carry a mikoshi on their shoulders. A mikoshi for what I've understood is a small version of a Shinto shrine, very well decorated that the shinto followers take from the temple in their neighborhood and carry it around the streets that worship at the shrine. So it would be a kind of religious celebration although I would say that nowadays most people do it for the tradition it represents rather anything else.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Cultura japonesa
Primera classe de Japonès! - Japanese first lesson!
Doncs sí...finalment ahir vaig començar oficialment les classes de japonès!! I no es pot dir que hagi estat fàcil, com no podia ser d'altra manera la burocràcia m'ha portat uns quants dies d'espera però bé diuen que el que és bo es fa esperar no?? doncs apa, ja hi som, primer dia "a fondo"...quin ritme!, una hora i mitja sense parar, tres llibres i no sé quants exercicis a fer. A la classe de moment només som dos, l'altre company és un noi malasià amb nom francès, sembla bon paio...el primer dia ja vem acabar compartint uns "ramen" al restaurant de sota.
Et voilà...finally yesterday I officially started my japanese course!! And it hasn't been easy, as usual the administrative stuff took me few days of waiting but I have to be positive and think that from now on will have plenty of time to study it. The first day was already very intensive...we didn't stop in an hour and a half, three books and don't know how many homework to do. For the time being we are only two, the other student is a malaysian guy with french name who looks quite friendly...we ended up the first day eating "ramen" at the restaurant next to the school.
Et voilà...finally yesterday I officially started my japanese course!! And it hasn't been easy, as usual the administrative stuff took me few days of waiting but I have to be positive and think that from now on will have plenty of time to study it. The first day was already very intensive...we didn't stop in an hour and a half, three books and don't know how many homework to do. For the time being we are only two, the other student is a malaysian guy with french name who looks quite friendly...we ended up the first day eating "ramen" at the restaurant next to the school.
A la platja....a Tokyo! - To the beach...in Tokyo!
Doncs sí a Tokyo també hi ha platja, o més aviat una espècie de platja pels "domingueros". Diumenge en tenia mono però com que em vaig llevar tard per anar a la costa vaig decidir anar a Odaiba, les illes artíficials que hi ha a la badía de Tokyo, tenia curiositat per veure quanta gent hi hauria doncs segons m'havíen comentat al Japó l'estiu s'acaba a finals d'agost, aquelles coses no escrites però que semblen tenir gran efecte...i efectivament va ser així, una platja on una setmana enrere no hi cabia ni una agulla estava gairebé buida, si no fós per un grup de nens que feien esports hauria tingut uns aires ben peculiars, envoltat de tota la massa urbana de Tokyo trobar-te en soledat doncs home, peculiar si més no...al final doncs vaig gaudir d'un dia de platja excel.lent i no per la qualitat, però el fet de cremar-te els peus amb la sorra, sentir l'escalfor del sol o l'aigua salada...això fa estiu, encara que sigui setembre!
Yes there is a beach in Tokyo, or rather a sort of beach for lazy people from Tokyo that don't want to go out. On Sunday I fancied to go to the beach but as I woke up quite late I couldn't go to the coast and finally went to Odaiba, the artificial islands in the Tokyo bay, I was curious to see how many people would be there since I've heard that in Japan summer ends in late August, I guess these are those kind of unwritten rules that seems to have great effect??...and it really was, a beach that perhaps one week ago would be crowded of people this last weekend was almost empty. The view was somehow particular, an empty beach in the middle of this huge urban...so at the end I enjoyed of great day of beach, and not especially for the quality but just feeling the sand burning the feet, the warmth of the sun or the water salad taste, deserved it...this is summer, even though it is already September!
Yes there is a beach in Tokyo, or rather a sort of beach for lazy people from Tokyo that don't want to go out. On Sunday I fancied to go to the beach but as I woke up quite late I couldn't go to the coast and finally went to Odaiba, the artificial islands in the Tokyo bay, I was curious to see how many people would be there since I've heard that in Japan summer ends in late August, I guess these are those kind of unwritten rules that seems to have great effect??...and it really was, a beach that perhaps one week ago would be crowded of people this last weekend was almost empty. The view was somehow particular, an empty beach in the middle of this huge urban...so at the end I enjoyed of great day of beach, and not especially for the quality but just feeling the sand burning the feet, the warmth of the sun or the water salad taste, deserved it...this is summer, even though it is already September!
això és Japó...un gos amb salvavides! / this is Japan...a dog with a life jacket! |
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Diada catalana al Yoyogi park!
Primera diada al Japó i per sort no va ser en soledat (que trist no?...). Ho vaig poder celebrar amb l'Anna i en Pol una parella de catalans que he conegut aquí, i a sobre de la plana! Total que vàrem anar al Yoyogi park a fer un picnic tot aprofitant un dia magnífic que feia. Em sembla que el Yoyogi serà un dels meus indrets a Tokyo, simplement m'encanta els aires que si respira, hi pots trobar de tot, gent fent esport, d'altres fent coreografies, uns fent teatre (sí sí...), gent passejant el gos, parelletes amunt i avall, gent relaxant-se i gaudint de la natura...en fi que molt xulo...si ha d'anar, això sí està ple de mosquits caníbals!
First Catalan national day in Japan and luckly I wasn't alone (it'd had been sad isn't it). So I could enjoy the day with Anna and Pol a catalan couple I've met here and on top, from my region! we went to picnic at the Yoyogi park cause the weather was excellent and I think Yoyogi will be one of my best places in Tokyo, I simply love it it, the atmosphere is excellent, you can see people jogging, others dancing music, performing theater, walking the dog, lovely couples around, people relaxing and enjoying nature...well it's really cool, a must see...though full of cannibal mosquitoes!!
First Catalan national day in Japan and luckly I wasn't alone (it'd had been sad isn't it). So I could enjoy the day with Anna and Pol a catalan couple I've met here and on top, from my region! we went to picnic at the Yoyogi park cause the weather was excellent and I think Yoyogi will be one of my best places in Tokyo, I simply love it it, the atmosphere is excellent, you can see people jogging, others dancing music, performing theater, walking the dog, lovely couples around, people relaxing and enjoying nature...well it's really cool, a must see...though full of cannibal mosquitoes!!
espais reservats per gossos segons la mida! / private espaces for dogs according to their weight! |
actors actuant / actors performing |
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Rock'n'Roll at Yoyogi park
Després de la festa brasilera vaig fer cap al parc Yoyogi i just a l'entrada em vaig trobar amb els famosos rockers del Tokyo Rockabilly Club, aquesta és una de les tribus urbanes més històriques que des de fa temps es reuneixen els diumenges a la tarda a davant de una de les entrades del parc per deixar anar la seva passió per la música rock'n'roll. Molt autèntics! gomina, tupés alts, xupes de cuir, botes de punta i faldilles al més pur anys 50! semblava la peli de Grease, fins i tot n'hi havia un que tenia una retirada a en John Travolta...jajaja.
After the brazilian festival I headed to Yogogi park and just at the entrance I found the famous rockers of the Tokyo Rockabilly Club, this is one of the most historic urban tribes that since long time ago they met every sunday afternoon at one of the entrances of the park to enjoy their pation for rock'n'roll. Very authentic! gel, toupees, old style leather jackets, tip shoes and skirts from the 50's!! it looked like being in Grease, I'd even say there was one alike to John Travolta...hahaha.
After the brazilian festival I headed to Yogogi park and just at the entrance I found the famous rockers of the Tokyo Rockabilly Club, this is one of the most historic urban tribes that since long time ago they met every sunday afternoon at one of the entrances of the park to enjoy their pation for rock'n'roll. Very authentic! gel, toupees, old style leather jackets, tip shoes and skirts from the 50's!! it looked like being in Grease, I'd even say there was one alike to John Travolta...hahaha.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Cultura japonesa,
Brazilian festival
Recordeu que fa uns dies us parlava d'un festival de samba a Tokyo? doncs dissabte vaig anar al "Brazilian festival day" al costat del parc Yoyogi (el parc més gran de Tokyo) deixant clar l'estreta relació entre el Japó i Brasil. Ple de paradetes amb menjar (feijoada i demés), caipirinhes i moooolta festa, samba, capoeira i japonesos parlant en portuguès :-)!!
Remember that some days ago I talked about the samba festival in Tokyo? so last saturday I went to the "Brazilian festival day" next to the Yoyogi park (Tokyo's biggest park) makes clear the strong relationship between Japan and Brazil. Full of stalls with food (feijohada and others), caipirinhes and loooots of party, samba, capoeira and japanese speaking in portuguese :-) !!
Remember that some days ago I talked about the samba festival in Tokyo? so last saturday I went to the "Brazilian festival day" next to the Yoyogi park (Tokyo's biggest park) makes clear the strong relationship between Japan and Brazil. Full of stalls with food (feijohada and others), caipirinhes and loooots of party, samba, capoeira and japanese speaking in portuguese :-) !!
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Cultura japonesa,
Shimo kitazawa!!
vinga finalment avui puc actualitzar el bloc...el cap de setmana passat vaig decidir sortir del "rovell de l'ou" de Tokyo i anar a explorar a fora de la famosa Yamanote line (a saber, la línia JR més concorreguda de Tòquio que fa com un cercle)...tampoc vaig anar gaire lluny, a Shimo kitazawa, em van dir que era un barri amb uns aires diferents, botigues vintages i gent "alternativa" i la veritat va estar prou bé. El que està clar és que quan surts de l'àrea cèntrica, Tokyo es converteix en una ciutat completament diferent, carrers estrets, cases baixes, molta menys gens...vaja que es respiren uns aires diferents.
hey...finally today I can update the blog. This last weekend I decided to go outside of the "Tokyo's yolk" (does this exist in english?...), so I went to explore outside the area of the Yamanote line (the welknown JR line in Tokyo that makes a loop)...I didn't go very far either, Shimo Kitazawa, I was told it is a different neighborhood with vintage shops and "alternative" people (this is for Diego!) and to tell you the truth it was very interesting indeed. What's clear is that as soon as you go outside of downtown Tokyo becomes another city with narrow streets, low houses and much less people around...so clearly a different atmosphere.
hey...finally today I can update the blog. This last weekend I decided to go outside of the "Tokyo's yolk" (does this exist in english?...), so I went to explore outside the area of the Yamanote line (the welknown JR line in Tokyo that makes a loop)...I didn't go very far either, Shimo Kitazawa, I was told it is a different neighborhood with vintage shops and "alternative" people (this is for Diego!) and to tell you the truth it was very interesting indeed. What's clear is that as soon as you go outside of downtown Tokyo becomes another city with narrow streets, low houses and much less people around...so clearly a different atmosphere.
A Kobe en Shinkansen!
Aquesta setmana he anat a Kobe ara poca cosa us puc de la ciutat dons hi vaig anar per feina i bé doncs tampoc era plan d'escapar-me a donar el vol, hi hauré de tornar més endavant amb més calma...en tot cas el que us volia comentar és que vaig agafar el famós tren bala (Shinkansen) i per primera vegada vaig poder pujar en un Nozomi que és la versió més avançada i ràpida que tenen. Aquests tipus de shinkansen gestionats per la Japan Railways són els únics trens que no entren en el seu abonament (JR railpass, molt recomenat pels que vulguin venir de vacances per aquí) i per això encara no hi havia pujat. Agafa velocitats de 300km/h i gràcies això vaig poder fer 1000km en un dia amb una jornada laboral completa! La veritat és que el servei és collonut, els trens amb una imatge aerodinàmica molt xula i una vegada a dins us puc assegurar que són els trens més pulcres i nets que hi ha en el planeta! L'experiència sociòlogica interessant també...el col.lega del meu costat només entrar es va descalçar (tònica general) i en dos minuts dormint però ocupant espai sense miraments, un altre al costat estirat a sobre tres seients roncant com una soca, dos paios al davant fotent-se birres a fons van sortir ben contents, un altre a darrera amb una tele portàtil a fons, molts menjant qualsevol cosa i de tant en tant el revisor que passava fen reverències a tort i dret. Divertit.
This week I went to Kobe but I can't say a lot since I went for work and well it wouldn't have been very nice to go out and hang around, I will have to go back later on with more time...in any case what I wanted to say is that I took the famous bullet-train (Shinkansen) and for the first time I could take the Nozomi which is the fastest and most advance version they have. These kind of Shinkansen are managed by the Japan Railways company and are the only ones that are not included in their holidays ticket (JR railpass, highly recommended if you want to come here) and that's why I hadn't used them yet. It takes a speed up to 300km/h and thanks to that I could do around 1000km in one day with a complete working day! Honestely the service is excellent, the trains have an amazing aerodinamic layout and once inside I can guarantee they are the tidiest and cleanest trains in the planet! The sociological experience was interesting as well...the man next to me went barefoot just starting (seems the general trend) and fell sleep immediately taking up all espace possible without any consideration, another one sitting on the other side layed out taling up three seats and snoaring deeply, in front two men spent the journey drinking beers and went out half-drunk, behind me there was someone watching TV really loudly, many people eating all kinds of food and from time to time the controler came in bowing everywhere. Funny...
This week I went to Kobe but I can't say a lot since I went for work and well it wouldn't have been very nice to go out and hang around, I will have to go back later on with more time...in any case what I wanted to say is that I took the famous bullet-train (Shinkansen) and for the first time I could take the Nozomi which is the fastest and most advance version they have. These kind of Shinkansen are managed by the Japan Railways company and are the only ones that are not included in their holidays ticket (JR railpass, highly recommended if you want to come here) and that's why I hadn't used them yet. It takes a speed up to 300km/h and thanks to that I could do around 1000km in one day with a complete working day! Honestely the service is excellent, the trains have an amazing aerodinamic layout and once inside I can guarantee they are the tidiest and cleanest trains in the planet! The sociological experience was interesting as well...the man next to me went barefoot just starting (seems the general trend) and fell sleep immediately taking up all espace possible without any consideration, another one sitting on the other side layed out taling up three seats and snoaring deeply, in front two men spent the journey drinking beers and went out half-drunk, behind me there was someone watching TV really loudly, many people eating all kinds of food and from time to time the controler came in bowing everywhere. Funny...
Primer mes al Japó - First month in Japan
Doncs sí, ahir es va complir el meu primer mes en aquest país i la veritat m'ha passat volant! suposo que és normal...a l'altra punta del món en un país tan diferent doncs vulguis no vulguis hi ha un cert xoc inicial i bé estic de ple en el període "primera vegada", tot es nou i desconegut i només em falta temps per fer coses. A part d'això aquest primer mes ha estat bastant profitós, he arreglat tot el tema papers, he trobat una escola per començar el curs de japonès, m'estic situant a la feina i sobretot notícia, ja he trobat pis! A partir de l'octubre ja estaré al pis nou. La veritat és que després d'un mes ja em sento molt còmode per aquí però bé encara em queda molt camí per recórrer, hi ha una citació que he llegit en alguna banda que deia algo així com "després de 3 setmanes al Japó ho entenia tot, després de 3 anys no entenia res", doncs seria just la sensació actual, tot i trobar-me molt bé hi ha un xoc cultural important que crec hauré d'anar descobrint i digerint progressivament, per tot el que m'expliquen i llegeixo el Japó seria com una ceba on has d'anar traient capa a capa fins arribar a l'interior..ja veurem si és cert, en tot cas em queda molt temps per comprovar-ho.
Yesterday was my first month in this country and honestly the time flew by! I guess is normal...being at the other side of world in a country so different, well there is a kind of cultural shock in the beginning and now I'm fully involved in the period of "first time", all is new and unkown and I just need time to do all what I want to do. Besides that this first month has been quite fruitful, I've arranged all the administrative stuff, I've found a school to start japanese soon, I'm settling down at work and above all, fresh news, I've found an apartment! From October I'll be already in the new apartment. So I must say that after this month I feel quite comfortable around although there are still lots of things to do and discover, actually quoting someone I readed elsewhere "after 3 weeks in Japan I understood everything, after 3 years I didn't understand anything", this is exactly my feeling with the current situation, even though I feel very well there is certainly an important cultural shock and I think I will have to discover and digest it progressively, for all what I hear and read Japan would be like an oignon where you start to remove layer a layer until reaching inside...will see if this is right, in any case I still have lots of time to check it.
Yesterday was my first month in this country and honestly the time flew by! I guess is normal...being at the other side of world in a country so different, well there is a kind of cultural shock in the beginning and now I'm fully involved in the period of "first time", all is new and unkown and I just need time to do all what I want to do. Besides that this first month has been quite fruitful, I've arranged all the administrative stuff, I've found a school to start japanese soon, I'm settling down at work and above all, fresh news, I've found an apartment! From October I'll be already in the new apartment. So I must say that after this month I feel quite comfortable around although there are still lots of things to do and discover, actually quoting someone I readed elsewhere "after 3 weeks in Japan I understood everything, after 3 years I didn't understand anything", this is exactly my feeling with the current situation, even though I feel very well there is certainly an important cultural shock and I think I will have to discover and digest it progressively, for all what I hear and read Japan would be like an oignon where you start to remove layer a layer until reaching inside...will see if this is right, in any case I still have lots of time to check it.
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