Aquest diumenge va tenir lloc la famosa marató de Tokyo, la prova esportiva per excel.lència al Japó! Ni més ni menys que 36.000 persones van tenir el coratge de participar-hi...en realitat però la demanda és molt més elevada i cada any es fa un sorteig, de moment porto dos anys apuntant-m'hi però de moment no hi ha sort...a veure si a la tercera em toca! Last Sunday we had the famous Tokyo marathon, the best sport event of the year in Japan! 36.000 people participated in the race...although the demand is much higher and every year they do a random lottery, for which I haven`t been much lucky so far...this was the second time I tried without success...hope I can get it the next one!
I was told this year's marathon perhaps because it was very close to March 11, date of the earthquake, the general atmosphere was much more assertive but of solidarity as well. My idea was to go at the start, at the end however either for one thing or another I ended-up leaving home quite late... 3 hours after the race had started, so instead I went to the half point (21km) with interest to see the race live but not much hope to see many people. To my surprise however, when I got there was still lots of runners...true as well that the atmosphere was very much of a popular race, runners walking, talking on the cell-phone, taking pictures and lots lots of them dressing a costume (cosplay), I think I saw more people in costume last Sunday than on Halloween! In any case a ten for all of this brave runners that in a better or worse shape probably finished the race not below the 6 hours, can you imagine this? this is mental strength!
I parlant de fortalesa...vull acabar amb aquesta imatge que em va deixar sense paraules, molt gran aquest home, un bon exemple del ¨voler és poder¨, demostrant una vegada més que els límits estan allà on vol cadascú!
And talking about strength....I want to end this post with an image that left me speechless, this is man is awesome, a good example of "if you want, you can" and the endless threshold of human being's limits!