Ei sorpresa aquesta setmana! Finalment a la feina ens han deixat tornar a Tokyo i des d'ahir ja torno a estar a caseta...ufff ja en tenia ganes, la veritat és que la situació en que estaven no era sostenible gaire temps més. Ara bé el fet de tornar no vol pas dir que la situació estigui completament controlada, malauradament i com molts ja sabreu la situació a Fukushima continua molt delicada, de fet si us sóc sincer ja no sé què pensar, no sabria dir si està millor o pitjor que fa dues setmanes ni molt menys com evolucionarà. Ara el que està clar és que no es resoldrà en qüestió de setmanes, ni mesos, per això havíem de prendre una decisió i considerant que a la vida a Tokyo com us explicava l'altre dia segueix el seu curs normal vem decidir tornar i intentar recuperar el ritme habitual, això sí sense treure l'ull de les evolucions a la planta. Per la resta dir-vos que arran dels últims incidents i de veure que la cosa segueix igual, la societat japonesa comença a alçar la veu, si al principi seguint l'esperit de solidaritat japonès semblava que tothom anés a una, sense una critica ni comentari en contra, poc a poc es comença a aixecar un corrent molt crític amb la gestió de la crisi que està fent l'empresa responsable de la planta Tepco, senyal que alguna cosa sí que està canviant.
Per cert us adjunto una simulació de l'agència de meterologia francesa sobre la dispersió de la radioactivitat des de l'incident, veureu que gràcies al vent favorable la contaminació en la seva majoria s'ha desplaçat oceà enllà...
hey I got a surprise this week! The company finally allowed us to go back to Tokyo and since yesterday I'm back home...and I was really looking forward it, the truth is that this situation couldn't last much longer so luckily for us it was understood. Nevertheless that we came back doesn't mean the situation is under control, unfortunately as you know the situation in Fukushima is still very delicate, actually to tell you the truth I don't know what to think whether it is better or worse than two weeks ago, and of course no clue how it will evolve. But, what is clear is that it won't be fixed in weeks or even months, that's why we had to take a decision and considering life in Tokyo is pretty normal (see my previous post), we decided to go back and recover the regular pace,but of course keeping an eye to what's happening over there. For the rest, I'd highlight that after the last accidents and especially to see that three weeks after everything is uncertain, the Japanese society has begun to raise his voice, if at the beginning following the solidarity spirit so integrated in the japanese culture and seemed like everyone was one voice, with no critics or comments against, little by little there is a stronger movement against the company responsible of the plant, Tepco who is being criticized of lack of transparency and even hiding information.
Btw, below a short modeling of the French meteorological agency about the dispersion of radioactivity since everything began, you will see that thanks to good wind the cloud went mostly into the sea.
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
tornada a Tokyo! - Back to Tokyo!
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Aquest divendres finalment vaig tornar a Tokyo...de moment només el cap de setmana, aprofitant que avui tenia una reunió aquí i ara ja estic de tornada a Kobe! Per fi vaig poder tornar a casa, parlar amb els veins que encara no els havia vist (també van marxar) i veure alguns amics que han aguantat tot aquest temps per aquí. La situació a la ciutat doncs molt normal...de fet només hi ha dos elements que encara ens recorden els efectes del desastre, la ciutat està més fosca de l'habitual per estalviar energia (cosa que ja va bé de fet...) i després costa molt trobar aigua i llet envasada, tot i que avui ja ens han dit que els nivells de radioactivitat són normals la gent segueix -i diria que per temps- prenent mesures preventives. Per la resta però tot ben normal, el metro a petar com sempre, gent als carrers, restaurants plens, canalla jugant als parcs...en fi com un cap de setmana normal de primavera...o gairebé perquè deien que aquest cap de setmana era el dia per l'afloriment dels ciererers però pel que vaig veure encara haurem d'esperar una mica, sembla que la pròpia natura s´ha solidaritzat amb el període de dol.
This Friday I went back to Tokyo finally...for the time being just for the weekend however, taking opportunity of a meeting Today, I spent the weekend here but now I'm already back to Kobe! So, I could finally go back home, see my neighbors with whom I haven't met yet (they also left some days) and meet with some friends who decided to stay in the city. The situation in Tokyo is quite normal...actually there are only two things that remind us of the disaster, first the city is darker than usual to save energy (which is good btw,..) and then you can hardly find bottled water and milk at the supermarkets, even though today was already announced there is no more danger any longer people continues taking precautionary measures. For the rest, well everything as usual, the subway overcrowded, people on the streets, restaurants full, children playing in the parks...like any other spring weekend....or almost because it was said this was the weekend of the cherry blossom but for what I saw it will still take a while....like if the nature had solidarized with the mourning period
Friday's night in the subway |
Friends and authentic Swiss raclette...what else? |
the citroen even had french plates... |
Sunday's morning baseball game
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Ei aquesta setmana el tinc una mica abandonat...però bé, aquí tot continua sense grans novetats, l'atenció mediàtica al Japó ha caigut molt i de cop sembla que no hagi passat res, això fa que la gent torni cap a Tokyo ja que la situació sembla que s'estabilitza a poc a poc. De fet, són poques les notícies que ens arriben des de la central, semblaria que la situació critica en la que estàvem la setmana passada ja ha passat però també crec que trigarà encara algunes setmanes a poder dir que està tot 100% controlat. Per ara el debat es centra en la contaminació a menjar i aigua...debat que sincerament em sembla que alguns ja han aprofitat per continuar amb l'estat de pànic injustificat, i dic injustificat perquè d'entrada després de tot el que ha passat és normal que hi hagi un impacte ambiental i per tant s'afecti als aliments, ara això no vol pas dir que s'hagi de posar en dubte tot el mercat japonès! Diuen que han trobat nivells de radioactivitat elevada en alguns vegetals, i què pot passar? Doncs que si en mengem durant un any rebrem la mateixa radiació que en un escàner de raigs X! Similar amb el cas de l'aigua...Amb això no dic que no ens haguem de preocupar però racionalitzem els comentaris, el tema nuclear és lleig d'acord però sincerament estant aquí no sento estar en perill, de fet voldria poder tornar a Tokyo ja però ara resulta que a l'empresa no ens deixen...i aquí continuo avorrit com una sopa a l'habitació de l'hotel! Per cert, recordeu que el Japó necessita ajuda i que qualsevol contribució serà ben rebuda!!! Us adjunto un link:
Donacions al Japó mitjançant la creu roja
Hey, this week I 've forgotten a bit the blog...just to tell you here everything continues more or less the same. These last days the attention from the media has decreased a lot and suddenly it seems like nothing happened. This makes that people goes back to Tokyo as the situation seems to get better slowly. Actually we hardly receive news of the evolution into the nuclear plan, it seems the critic situation from last week passed away and now little by little the situation improves although I believe it will take several weeks to be 100% sure of the situation. For the time being the discussion is focused on food and beverages contamination ...discussion that frankly I'd say some people has used to go on with the unjustified situation of panic, and I say unjustified because what has happened so far to me it's somehow logic according to the catastrophe we had...that there was spinach contamination?, true...but why no one also says that at that level you could consume it for a year and receive the same radioactive radiation than a X-ray! Similar case with water...and with this I'm not saying we should not take any precautionary measure but just to rationalize the comments around, I agree the nuclear topic is not nice at all but frankly I'm in Japan and I don't feel any danger, actually I'd like to come back to Tokyo already but now my company doesn't allow me to do so and here I am in my hotel room bored as ever! Btw, remember that Japan needs all kinds of help, any contribution would be welcome!! Fyi, Below a link:
Donations in Japan through the red cross
Donacions al Japó mitjançant la creu roja
Hey, this week I 've forgotten a bit the blog...just to tell you here everything continues more or less the same. These last days the attention from the media has decreased a lot and suddenly it seems like nothing happened. This makes that people goes back to Tokyo as the situation seems to get better slowly. Actually we hardly receive news of the evolution into the nuclear plan, it seems the critic situation from last week passed away and now little by little the situation improves although I believe it will take several weeks to be 100% sure of the situation. For the time being the discussion is focused on food and beverages contamination ...discussion that frankly I'd say some people has used to go on with the unjustified situation of panic, and I say unjustified because what has happened so far to me it's somehow logic according to the catastrophe we had...that there was spinach contamination?, true...but why no one also says that at that level you could consume it for a year and receive the same radioactive radiation than a X-ray! Similar case with water...and with this I'm not saying we should not take any precautionary measure but just to rationalize the comments around, I agree the nuclear topic is not nice at all but frankly I'm in Japan and I don't feel any danger, actually I'd like to come back to Tokyo already but now my company doesn't allow me to do so and here I am in my hotel room bored as ever! Btw, remember that Japan needs all kinds of help, any contribution would be welcome!! Fyi, Below a link:
Donations in Japan through the red cross
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Una setmana en imatges - A week in images
Ha passat més d'una setmana des de que el terratrèmol i posteriors tsunamis van colpejar Japo i a mi em sembla que faci una eternitat, aquests dies el temps passa molt a poc a poc, 24hores seguint les noticies i esperant que tot s'estabilitzi definitivament malgrat sembli que estem lluny encara. Durant tots aquests dies no hem deixat de veure imatges i més imatges del succeit i el seu debastador efecte, moltes d'elles dures i colpidores, en molts casos acompanyades d'una historia al darrera que fa posar la pell de gallina. Els ultims dies les noticies s'han centrat al voltant de la crisi a la planta nuclear, desviant l'atencio de tots els altres problemes, més de mig milio d'evacuats, molts d'ells ho han perdut practicament tot, hi ha mes de 10000 desapareguts pels quals continuen les tasques de rescat tot i que eivdentment cada vegada amb menys possibilitats de supervivencia, pobles literalment esborrats del mapa, restriccions d'aigua i electricitat...molt fort pobre gent, i la impotència d'estar aqui, al mateix pais sense poder fer res em fa sentir malament també, desitjo que aquest malson s'acabi i el Japo es torni a aixecar el més aviat possible.
More than a week from the earthquake and subsequent tsunamis that hit Japan and to me it seems an eternity, these last days time goes very slowly, 24h following the news and waiting that everything stabilizes once and for all although it seems we are still far. During all this time we have seen more and more images of what happened and its debasting effect, many of them very hard and shocking, and usually accompanied by a real story behind that makes one feel touched. The news in this last days have been around the evolution in the nuclear power plant keeping away the attention from all the other problems, more than half a milion of evacuees, most of them having lost almost everything, more than 10000 people missing for whom the rescue task are still on going but obviously with less and less chances to find survivors, towns literally erased from the map, water and electricity restrictions...it's really hard, poor people and being here without being able to do anything is so frustrating, just wish this nightmare ends and Japan starts to look ahead to recover as soon as possible.
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Avui fa una setmana que la història al Japó va canviar. El divendres 11 de Març del 2011 ja és una data que malauradament quedarà marcada per sempre, i després d'una setmana doncs tot continua més o menys igual, intentant refredar els maleïts reactors i esperant que el risc nuclear s'esvaeixi definitivament. La veritat és que la informació de les autoritats no és molt clara i a voltes confusa o fins i tot contradictòria i això fa que la incertesa continuï ben palpable i Tokyo es buidi de gent. Alguns amics que encara estant allà em diuen que sembla una altra ciutat, sobretot quan hi ha talls de llum i tot queda fosc i solitari. Per la resta continuo a Kobe en un hotel ple de famílies amb criatures fent pràcticament vida normal, per contra algunes ambaixades continuen enviant avions d'urgència per repatriar a la gent que vulgui sortir del país, sorprèn el canvi d'opinió d'algunes com l'espanyola, que han enviat un vol per demà quan fa dos dies deien que no calia ni sortir de Tokyo. Em sembla que s'està produint una reacció en cadena influenciada en gran mesura per la decisió de l'ambaixada americana. Molta gent m'ha dit de tornar també, de moment segueixo aquí però i no perquè no pugui marxar sinó perquè malgrat la delicada situació que hi ha, que en sóc plenament conscient, a Kobe el risc és mínim i per tant per solidaritat amb els companys i el propi país en si no crec que sigui el moment de sortir, en tot cas però us agraeixo a tots els missatges de suports que m'heu enviat!! :-)
Today it's been a week since the history changed in Japan. March 11 2011 is a date that unfortunately will remain forever in our minds, and after a week...well everything continues more or less the same, trying to cool down the bloody reactors and waiting the situation at the nuclear plant finally stabilizes. To tell you the truth the information we received here is not very clear and sometimes even confused or contradictory keeping the uncertainty around. As a result many people is leaving Tokyo, some friends that are still there told me it seems another city, especially at night when there is power shortage and empty streets. Besides this I am still in Kobe in a hotel full of families with children and having almost a normal life, on the other hand however some embassies are sending aircrafts to repatriate their citizens, surprisingly for some of them, like the Spanish , because just two days ago were recommending to stay in Tokyo with no risk and now suddenly are sending aircrafts to take people back from tomorrow. I believe there has been a cascade of decisions following the latest news from the US embassy but actually no one seems to know how it will evolve. Many people also told me to go back, however for the time being I stay here and not because I cannot leave but although there is difficult situation, that i am fully aware of, in Kobe the risk is minimum and hence for solidarity with my colleagues and the country itself I want to stay here at the moment. Nevertheless I appreciate very much all messages I've received these days, really thanks to everybody!
Today it's been a week since the history changed in Japan. March 11 2011 is a date that unfortunately will remain forever in our minds, and after a week...well everything continues more or less the same, trying to cool down the bloody reactors and waiting the situation at the nuclear plant finally stabilizes. To tell you the truth the information we received here is not very clear and sometimes even confused or contradictory keeping the uncertainty around. As a result many people is leaving Tokyo, some friends that are still there told me it seems another city, especially at night when there is power shortage and empty streets. Besides this I am still in Kobe in a hotel full of families with children and having almost a normal life, on the other hand however some embassies are sending aircrafts to repatriate their citizens, surprisingly for some of them, like the Spanish , because just two days ago were recommending to stay in Tokyo with no risk and now suddenly are sending aircrafts to take people back from tomorrow. I believe there has been a cascade of decisions following the latest news from the US embassy but actually no one seems to know how it will evolve. Many people also told me to go back, however for the time being I stay here and not because I cannot leave but although there is difficult situation, that i am fully aware of, in Kobe the risk is minimum and hence for solidarity with my colleagues and the country itself I want to stay here at the moment. Nevertheless I appreciate very much all messages I've received these days, really thanks to everybody!
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5è dia després del terratrèmol i tot continua més o menys igual, o potser és el fet d'estar a Kobe on realment s'està més tranquil i sense l'angoixa creixent que hi havia a Tokyo. Les rèpliques continuen, ahir a la nit ni va haver una d'important que va sacsejar Tokyo diuent, de fet des de divendres hi han hagut 3 rèpliques de magnitud 7 o superior i 48 (!!) de magnitud 6 o superior. Per altra banda la situació de contaminació radioactiva continua plenament incerta fins al punt que fins i tot l'emperador Akihito ha fet una aparició publica a la tele, cosa realment excepcional segons sembla. Tot i això les autoritats no s'han cansat de dir que no hi ha perill per la salut més enllà dels 20km de seguretat de la planta, opinions d'experts i altres avaluacions de risc tot i no ser sempre consistents indiquen que el risc és molt improbable a Tokyo per no dir més al sud, per això moltes ambaixades i empreses estan desplaçant la gent a ciutats del sud com Osaka o Fukuoka. Sé que la situació no sóna gaire positiva i estable però us asseguro que dins del que cap estem bé i seguim les evolucions de molt a prop i de moment seguim confiant en el missatge de les autoritats. Això sí per acabar-ho de rematar avui han baixat les temperatures i fins i tot ha nevat a la zona afectada...pobre gent només els hi faltava això.
5th day after the quake and the situation continues more or less the same or maybe is the vision from Kobe where certainly is more quiet and without the increasing anxiety felt in Tokyo. Aftershocks continues too, yesterday there was a big one around Tokyo area, data till today is 3 aftershocks of 7 or more and 48 (!!) of 6 or more scale all over Japan. The other issue is the radioactivity where the situation continues very uncertain up to the point the even the emperor Akihito went live on TV for Public support, something very especial. The authorities however repeatet once again there is no health concern further the 20km area from the plant. The messages from experts and other assessment reports although not always consistent, they seem to go in the same line and consider the risk in Tokyo very low and even more southern the capital, that's why many embassies and companies has started to relocate people in cities like Osaka or Fukuoka. I know the situation doesn't sound very positive and confident but believe me we are following the situation very close and we feel safe in Kobe at least for the moment. On top of this today the temperature drop here and it even snowed in the affected area... poor people
5th day after the quake and the situation continues more or less the same or maybe is the vision from Kobe where certainly is more quiet and without the increasing anxiety felt in Tokyo. Aftershocks continues too, yesterday there was a big one around Tokyo area, data till today is 3 aftershocks of 7 or more and 48 (!!) of 6 or more scale all over Japan. The other issue is the radioactivity where the situation continues very uncertain up to the point the even the emperor Akihito went live on TV for Public support, something very especial. The authorities however repeatet once again there is no health concern further the 20km area from the plant. The messages from experts and other assessment reports although not always consistent, they seem to go in the same line and consider the risk in Tokyo very low and even more southern the capital, that's why many embassies and companies has started to relocate people in cities like Osaka or Fukuoka. I know the situation doesn't sound very positive and confident but believe me we are following the situation very close and we feel safe in Kobe at least for the moment. On top of this today the temperature drop here and it even snowed in the affected area... poor people
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Continua l'estat d'incertesa al Japó i especialment l'àrea de Tokyo. Si ahir us deia que la situació era més optimista avui ja no sé què pensar, a les 5 de la matinada hem tingut una rèplica que he fotut un bot del llit que no vegis però la sorpresa ha estat després quan ens han informat que a Fukushima el reactor n.2 havia explotat i per primera vegada afectant el nucli (cosa que fins ahir ens havien dit que no passaria). Les alarmes s'han disparat, segons les autoritats el risc de la cotaminació radioactiva queda limitat al perímetre de 30km però algunes ambaixades recomanen deixar Tokyo o en cas de quedar-se fer-ho tancats a casa sense sortir! Aquesta situació d'incertesa fa que la sensació de pànic s'extengui cada cop més i finalment la meva empresa ha decidit traslladar-nos a Kobe on tenim la central. A l'estació estava ple de gent que volia deixar la ciutat, locals i estrangers, i sobretot molta canalla. Ara mateix us escric des de Kobe a 500km de Tokyo i 750km de la planta nuclear, més tranquil tot i que molt poc convençut de la situació global on tot sembla que pot canviar en qüestió d'hores.
Per cert, indignadíssim amb l'ambaixada espanyola a Tokyo, pitjor no es pot gestionar una crisi així, fins avui ningú m'havia dit res, ni una sola paraula sobre el terratrèmol a la web, sense respondre les trucades...ahir a la nit finalment els vaig escriure un mail i avui 4 dies després de l'incident han fet la primera circular tot per dir que a Tokyo no hi ha cap perill i no es recomana deixar la ciutat...
The situation of uncertainty continues in Japan and especially in Tokyo area. If yesterday I said the situation tended to improve, today I don't know what to think, at 5am I suddenly woke up after a strong aftershock but the worst came later when we were told that in Fukushima the reactor n.2 blasted and impacted the containment system (until yesterday we were told this would not happen). After this all alerts raised again and although the authorities said it could be only dangerous in the area 30km around the power plant, some embassies recommended to leave the city and in case to stay to remain at home! This situation of uncertainty extended the doubts more and more so finally my company decided to move us temporarily to Kobe where we have the HQ. At the station lots of people ready to leave, locals and gaijins, above all lots of children. So now I'm writing from Kobe at 500km from Tokyo and 750km from the power plant, I feel more confident although not so convinced with the overall situation where everything seems to change in just a matter of few hours.
Btw the crisis management of the Spanish embassy completely inefficien, only today they released the first note of communication, before not a single word...
Per cert, indignadíssim amb l'ambaixada espanyola a Tokyo, pitjor no es pot gestionar una crisi així, fins avui ningú m'havia dit res, ni una sola paraula sobre el terratrèmol a la web, sense respondre les trucades...ahir a la nit finalment els vaig escriure un mail i avui 4 dies després de l'incident han fet la primera circular tot per dir que a Tokyo no hi ha cap perill i no es recomana deixar la ciutat...
The situation of uncertainty continues in Japan and especially in Tokyo area. If yesterday I said the situation tended to improve, today I don't know what to think, at 5am I suddenly woke up after a strong aftershock but the worst came later when we were told that in Fukushima the reactor n.2 blasted and impacted the containment system (until yesterday we were told this would not happen). After this all alerts raised again and although the authorities said it could be only dangerous in the area 30km around the power plant, some embassies recommended to leave the city and in case to stay to remain at home! This situation of uncertainty extended the doubts more and more so finally my company decided to move us temporarily to Kobe where we have the HQ. At the station lots of people ready to leave, locals and gaijins, above all lots of children. So now I'm writing from Kobe at 500km from Tokyo and 750km from the power plant, I feel more confident although not so convinced with the overall situation where everything seems to change in just a matter of few hours.
Btw the crisis management of the Spanish embassy completely inefficien, only today they released the first note of communication, before not a single word...
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ja fa 72 hores del terratrèmol i les coses sembla que milloren a poc a poc tot i que es fan evidents els problemes derivats del sisme, si no fós per això, aquí a Tokyo les coses funcionaríen amb tota normalitat. Aquest matí he intentat anar a treballar i l'activitat al carrer era gairebé com un dia normal...el problema ha estat a l'arribar a l'estació doncs el metro estava tancat, només funcionava la línia de tren exterior però a mi no em serveix o sigui que he hagut de treballar des de casa, més tard he sabut que aquesta és una de les mesures que han aplicat per limitar el consum elèctric. Les empreses de referència automovilístiques (Toyota...) també han decidit suspendre la producció momentàniament, i des d'avui s'han començat a aplicar talls elèctrics en diferents àrees del Japó, inclouent Tokyo, de forma intermitent o sigui que m'he dit potser estaria bé comprar espelmes....tard! quan he arribat al super ja estava ple de gent, tothom comprant provisions i com no totes les reserves d'espelmes i piles esgotades. Us asseguro que és impressionant la forma com es comporten els japonesos davant aquesta situació, tots sobris i disciplinats, tot està increiblement ben organitzat.
A part d'això la situació de risc continua present però més optimista. Pendents a tota hora de com evoluciona el tema nuclear, seguint notícies, recomenacions embaixades, de la feina etc...i esperant que no hi hagi cap rèplica important, al llarg del dia n'he sentit unes quantes però res d'important. Molts estrangers però han decidit marxar del Japó, no ho descarto però de moment no considero que la situació sigui tan extrema.
it's been 72hours since the earthquake and things seem to get better little by little even though the issues caused by the quake are evident, otherwise here in Tokyo everything would work as usual. This morning I tried to go to work and the activity in the streets was almost as a regular day...the problem has been at the station because the subway was closed, only the train was working but it is not convenient for me so I had to work from home, later I knew this is one of the measures applied to reduce the electric consumption. Some of the big car companies (Toyota...) have also decided to stop their activity for the time being and since this morning electric shortage is being applied in some areas of Japan, including Tokyo, thus I decided to go and buy some candles but when I got there everything was already sold out with lots of people trying to buy basic stuff. I tell you it's amazing the way Japanese behave in this situation, all is done in such a way of simplicity and discipline that I'm amazed.
Besides this the situation of risk keeps on although more optimistic. I'm following every moment the situation, especially with the nuclear issue, in the news, embassies, at work...and hoping that we don't have any important aftershock, so far today I felt some of little power. Many foreigners have decided to quit Japan, I don't dismiss the option but so far I don't think the situation is that problematic yet.
A part d'això la situació de risc continua present però més optimista. Pendents a tota hora de com evoluciona el tema nuclear, seguint notícies, recomenacions embaixades, de la feina etc...i esperant que no hi hagi cap rèplica important, al llarg del dia n'he sentit unes quantes però res d'important. Molts estrangers però han decidit marxar del Japó, no ho descarto però de moment no considero que la situació sigui tan extrema.
it's been 72hours since the earthquake and things seem to get better little by little even though the issues caused by the quake are evident, otherwise here in Tokyo everything would work as usual. This morning I tried to go to work and the activity in the streets was almost as a regular day...the problem has been at the station because the subway was closed, only the train was working but it is not convenient for me so I had to work from home, later I knew this is one of the measures applied to reduce the electric consumption. Some of the big car companies (Toyota...) have also decided to stop their activity for the time being and since this morning electric shortage is being applied in some areas of Japan, including Tokyo, thus I decided to go and buy some candles but when I got there everything was already sold out with lots of people trying to buy basic stuff. I tell you it's amazing the way Japanese behave in this situation, all is done in such a way of simplicity and discipline that I'm amazed.
Besides this the situation of risk keeps on although more optimistic. I'm following every moment the situation, especially with the nuclear issue, in the news, embassies, at work...and hoping that we don't have any important aftershock, so far today I felt some of little power. Many foreigners have decided to quit Japan, I don't dismiss the option but so far I don't think the situation is that problematic yet.
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Tornada després del sisme - Back after the quake
Diumenge al vespre i continuo sa i estalvi, missatge de tranquil.litat per a tothom! aquella colla han pogut agafar els seus avions i ja són de tornada a Europa, déu ni do quines vacancetes que han passat. Finalment ahir al vespre vàrem poder tornar a casa i per sort no hi havia cap desperfecte, alguna cosa per terra però cap dany important ni estructural, de fet la visió general de la ciutat poc indicava tot el que havia passat sols unes hores abans (un altre exemple de la resposta d'aquesta societat enfront aquests fenòmens). Sé per companys de feina que els moviments en blocs d'edificis elevats van ser importants i la sensació de pànic total...avui però tot sembla calmat això sí hi ha molta menys gent voltant pels carrers. Ara mateix el meu barri està a les fosques, les autoritats han recomenat reduir el consum elèctric i quedar-se a casa. Els supermercats també estan molt buits amb gent comprant provisions pel que pugui passar...i és que el que tothom tem ara són les possibles rèpliques que es puguin generar, de fet des d'ahir n'hem sentit unes quantes però de moment res de greu per sort. Per altre banda avui ens hem despertat amb la notícia que més de 10000 persones a la prefectura de Miyagi podrien estar mortes...un drama, les imatges que circulen per la xarxa de la zona de Sendai (400km de Tokyo) són d'un desastre descomunal. És allà on ha passat el problema més important, la resta del país no hi ha res, tot plegat és molt estrany, avui aquí a Tokyo amb un dia excel.lent com si res hagués passat i saber que no molt d'aquí s'està encara descobrint un dels desastres que marcarà la història mundial...molt estrany, una sensació d'impotència i apatia, pobre gent...i per últim la central nuclear, les notícies que arriben no són clares i cada cop hi ha més gent preocupada, de moment vull mantenir la calma i la tranquilitat, confiar en les autoritats japoneses i esperar que no vagi a més. Us mantindré informats.
Sunday evening and I keep fine and safe so message of tranquility to everyone! the guys finally made it to take their flights back to Europe, what a holidays for them. Yesterday evening finally we could come back home and luckily there wasn't any important damage, few things on the floor but nothing important or effecting the building, actually the general situation in the city wasn't really alike to what had happened some hours ago (another example of the response of this society against this phenomena). I know for some colleagues at work that the movements in high-rise buildings were important and everyone panique...today however everything seems calm although with much lesser people in the streets. Right now in my neighbourhood all looks dark, the authorities have advised to reduce electricity consumption and stay home. Supermarkets are empty with people buying provisions for all what could happen....now everybody worries for the aftershocks that can come, since yesterday we felt already few movements, nothing important fortunately. On the other hand today, we woke up with the news of more than 10000 people Miyagi prefecture could be dead...a drama, the images circulating in the net from Sendai area (400km north Tokyo) are of an unprecedent disaster. It is there where everything happened, the rest of the country stays fine, it's all very weird, today here in Tokyo with an excellent day like nothing has happened but knowing that not far from here still now one of the disasters that will change the history is going on...a feeling of helplessness, apathaty, poor people...and lastly the issue with the nuclear plant, the news we get are not very clear and every time more people gets more worried, for the time being however I want to stay calm and keep quite, need to trust to japanese authorities and hope to get it better soon. Keep you posted!
Sunday evening and I keep fine and safe so message of tranquility to everyone! the guys finally made it to take their flights back to Europe, what a holidays for them. Yesterday evening finally we could come back home and luckily there wasn't any important damage, few things on the floor but nothing important or effecting the building, actually the general situation in the city wasn't really alike to what had happened some hours ago (another example of the response of this society against this phenomena). I know for some colleagues at work that the movements in high-rise buildings were important and everyone panique...today however everything seems calm although with much lesser people in the streets. Right now in my neighbourhood all looks dark, the authorities have advised to reduce electricity consumption and stay home. Supermarkets are empty with people buying provisions for all what could happen....now everybody worries for the aftershocks that can come, since yesterday we felt already few movements, nothing important fortunately. On the other hand today, we woke up with the news of more than 10000 people Miyagi prefecture could be dead...a drama, the images circulating in the net from Sendai area (400km north Tokyo) are of an unprecedent disaster. It is there where everything happened, the rest of the country stays fine, it's all very weird, today here in Tokyo with an excellent day like nothing has happened but knowing that not far from here still now one of the disasters that will change the history is going on...a feeling of helplessness, apathaty, poor people...and lastly the issue with the nuclear plant, the news we get are not very clear and every time more people gets more worried, for the time being however I want to stay calm and keep quite, need to trust to japanese authorities and hope to get it better soon. Keep you posted!
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Desastre al Japó - Disaster in Japan
Per on començar...uff probablement les darreres 24h han estat de les més surrealistes que he viscut mai. Acompanyat d'en Diego, l'Ale i en Garchi que m'han vingut a visitar, tot va començar a les 08h al port de Tokyo on després de passar una nit bastant llarga pels carrers de Shinjuku i de la visita obligada al mercat del peix amb esmorzar de sushi inclòs, ens disposàvem a agafar un vaixell que ens havia de portar a Oshima, una de les set illes d'Izu. Arribada a l'illa en una dia clar i assolellat que convidava a fer turisme, Oshima és una illa volcànica molt concorreguda a l'estiu coneguda pels seu volcà al centre de l'illa, així que vàrem decidir de pujar-hi, de tornada ens vàrem parar en un restaurant amb unes vistes idíliques al mar. Un dinar distès que no feia presagiar el que vindria més tard però al voltant de les 15:00 quan ja estàvem per marxar, sense previ avís tot es va començar a moure...al principi la sensació era com de mareig, ara quan els llums van començar a balancejar-se tots vem tenir clar que es tractava d'un terratrèmol. A Oshima la potència no va ser important però més sostingut que els que jo havia sentit prèviament, tots vem aguantar paralitzats i mirant-nos amb estupor però tranquils fins i tot recordo haver fet algún comentari en clau d'humor, i és que aquí els moviments són habituals i res semblava indicar que aquell havia estat més greu que d'altres. Ara quan de cop i volta van començar a aparèixer imatges per la televisió i la sirena d'alarma va començar a sonar ens va canviar la cara a tots! La gent al principi s'ho prenia amb certa incredulitat però amb el pas dels minuts i quan ens van dir que estàvem en alerta màxima per un imminent tsunami tot va ser diferent. De cop i volta ens vàrem trobar aïllats a l'illa ja que van tancar tots els mitjans de transport, els telèfons no ens funcionaven, a la TV van començar els especials amb les imatges catastròfiques dels efectes del terratrèmol (8.8!!!) i els posterior tsunamis, increïble semblava de pel.lícula...les inundacions a Sendai amb el port esfondrat i la marea escombrant tot el que hi havia...més tard el caos de Tokyo, tota una ciutat bloquejada amb la gent caminant km per poder tornar a casa, sense llum, la gent dormint en qualsevol banda! El nombre de morts i desapareguts creixent minut a minut i les imatges que es precedien una darrera l'altra, per sort internet va aguantar i vem podar donar senyals de vida per tranquilitzar a tothom (per cert gràcies a tots pels vostres missatges!). Tot plegat semblava presagiar que hauríem de quedar-nos aillats a l'illa uns quants dies però avui s'ha demostrat l'eficiència i preparació de la societat japonesa enfront d'aquests fenònems ja que s'ha organitzat un pla d'evacuació de l'illa amb un vaixell fins al punt més proper de terra. Increible la organització i la resposta tranquila i continguda dels centenars de japonesos (majoritàriament gent gran) que estaven esperant ser evacuats. Ara ens trobem en un tren camí de Tokyo a veure què ens trobem...us mantindré informats!
Where to start ... uff this last 24 hours have probably been the most surreal I have ever experienced. Accompanied by Diego, Ale and Garchi who are here visiting me, all started at 08h am in the port of Tokyo where after a long night on the streets of Shinjuku and the mandatory visit to the fish market with sushi breakfast included, we took a boat to Oshima island, one of the seven islands of Izu. We arrived on the island in a clear and sunny day very pleasant for tourism. Oshima is a volcanic island famous for its volcano in the center, so we decided to climb it and on the way back, we stopped at a restaurant with idyllic views to the sea. A relaxed lunch without any sign of what would come later and at around 3pm when we were about to leave, everything started moving ... the feeling was as dizzy but when the lights began to swing we all knew that was an earthquake. In Oshima, the power of the quake was not important but more sustained than those I had felt before, we all stand paralyzed and staring at us with amazement but kept quiet, I even remember having said some jokes, because the movements weren’t very strong and nothing seemed to indicate that this was more serious than others. However, when suddenly the images began appearing on television and the tsunami alarm began to sound, we all changed our face! People started to take it with some skepticism but after some minutes when we were told we were on high alert of tsunami risk, everything was different, suddenly we found isolated on the island with all transportation blocked, phones didn’t worked, the TV began special news with images of the catastrophic effects of the earthquake (8.8!) And after it the tsunami came, it seemed incredible, worse than a movie ... Sendai collapsed with the port destroyed and the sea sweeping everything ... then the chaos of Tokyo, an entire city blocked with people walking for miles unable to return home, households without electricity, and people sleeping in any place! The number of deaths and missing people growing minute by minute and the images that were preceding one after another, but luckily we still had Internet and that was the only way to stay connected to everyone (btw thanks to all for all you messages!). Everything seemed to presage that we would be isolated on the island at least few days but today, it has been proved the efficiency and preparation of Japanese society against these phenomena since just in few hours they have organized an evacuation plan of the island with a boat to the nearest point to mainland. Amazing organization and the quiet and contained behavior of hundreds of Japanese (mostly elderly) who were waiting to be evacuated was impressive too. So, now we are in a train going heading Tokyo to see what is waiting us there ... I will keep you posted!
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Arriba el 3D - 3D is coming!
Ei, l'altre dia vaig passar per Akihabara, la famosa ciutat elèctrica coneguda per ser el lloc de referència en tot el tema electrònica i com no podia ser d'altra forma em vaig trobar una campanya promocional de la nova Nintendo DS en 3 dimensions que just acaba de sortir aquí...tothom que passava per allà si parava i realment va ser interessant, un resultat increible...collons com avancen les coses
the other day I pass by Akihabara, the famous electric city and known to be the reference in electronics and as it couldn't be any other way I found a promotional campaign of the new Nintendo DS in 3 dimensions, that has been just launched here...everyone passing by stopped for a while and actually was really interesting, amazing the result...unbelievable how fast all this move on
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