I finalment Kyoto!!!...què dir d'aquesta magnífica ciutat? va ser la meva segona visita i en vaig marxar amb la sensació que encara em faltava molt per descobrir, i és que realment té una riquesa històrica i cultural molt gran, tens temples i santuaris per tot arreu, cadascun amb la seva història i singularitat. La visita a Kyoto evidentment era obligada, i penso que vem encertar una bona època, doncs tot i fer bastant fred ja, la tardor aporta uns colors brutals a l'entorn. Em podia haver passat dies voltant i visitant temples i santuaris, tots amb característiques comunes (el verd de la molsa, l'aigua, la tranquilitat, l'equilibri) però al mateix temps amb particularitats diferents. A banda dels temples d'aquesta visita destaco el bosc de bambús a l'oest de Kyoto i el mercat Nishin, una delícia pel paladar on es pot probar de tot.
And finally Kyoto!!...what to say about this wonderful city? it was my second visit and I left with the feeling of having a lot to discover yet, it has such a historical and cultural richness with temples and shrines everywhere, each one with its own history and singularity. So the visit to Kyoto was mandatory indeed and I think we went in a very nice period because even though was quite chilly, autumm was already present giving awesome colours to the landscape. I could have spent days hanging around and visiting temples and shrines, all with shared points (the green of the moss, water, the feeling of tranquility and balance) but at the same time each with its own different particularities.
Besides the temples, from this visit I highlight the visit to the bamboo grove at west Kyoto and the Nishin market, a market in a very narrow street where you can eat real gourmet pleasures.
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
Aprofitant la visita familiar vem anar a Kamakura, una de les excursions més comuns des de Tokyo. Kamakura està a menys d'una hora en tren al sud de Tokyo, es tracta d'un poble a la costa amb un bon ventall de temples i santuaris i sobretot destaca per tenir el segon buda (Daibutsu) més gran del Japó.
Nosaltres vem visitar el santuari sintoísta més gran, el Tsurugaoka hachiman-gum, on vem tenir la sort de poder presenciar vàries cerimònies de casament tradicionals sintoístes. La veritat es feia una mica estrany veure aquelles cerimònies solemnes i senyorials enmig de tota la munió de turistes que hi havia, però en tot cas va ser prou interessant. A banda d'això destaco la visita al buda, 11 metres de bronze amb una presència brutal...s'ha de veure!
Having the family around we headed to Kamakura, one of the most common excursions from Tokyo. Kamakura is located less than one hour south of Tokyo, a coast town with lots of temples and shrines and above all is well-known for having the second biggest buddha (Daibutsu) of Japan. We visited the biggest shrine, Tsurugaoka hachiman-gu where we had the opportunity to see several traditional shintoist weddings. It was a bit weird to see such a solemn and serious ceremony with the crowd of tourist hanging around but in any case was quite interesting for us. Besides this I recommend of course the visit to the Buddha, 11 meters of bronze with a huge presence...a must see!
Nosaltres vem visitar el santuari sintoísta més gran, el Tsurugaoka hachiman-gum, on vem tenir la sort de poder presenciar vàries cerimònies de casament tradicionals sintoístes. La veritat es feia una mica estrany veure aquelles cerimònies solemnes i senyorials enmig de tota la munió de turistes que hi havia, però en tot cas va ser prou interessant. A banda d'això destaco la visita al buda, 11 metres de bronze amb una presència brutal...s'ha de veure!
Having the family around we headed to Kamakura, one of the most common excursions from Tokyo. Kamakura is located less than one hour south of Tokyo, a coast town with lots of temples and shrines and above all is well-known for having the second biggest buddha (Daibutsu) of Japan. We visited the biggest shrine, Tsurugaoka hachiman-gu where we had the opportunity to see several traditional shintoist weddings. It was a bit weird to see such a solemn and serious ceremony with the crowd of tourist hanging around but in any case was quite interesting for us. Besides this I recommend of course the visit to the Buddha, 11 meters of bronze with a huge presence...a must see!
Una visita especial - A special visit
Recupero el blog després d'uns dies d'abscència i és que he estat una mica ocupat amb una visita molt especial...he tingut una expedició familiar al Japó amb els meus pares, ma germana i el cunyat!! Primera visita al país per tots ells que em sembla no els haurà deixat indiferents...després d'uns dies d'introducció a la cultura japonesa, movent-se entre la modernitat i la tradicionalitat, caminant amunt i avall tot el dia, de batalles inacabables amb els palets (chopsticks), de descoberta gastronòmica (sí també es menja bé a fora de casa!), de shopping i moda japonesa i com no tirant fotos a tort i a dret ja són camí de tornada. Per part meva les visites em serveixen per adonar-me que m'estic adaptant a l'entorn doncs moltes coses que a ells els mereixa atenció a mi em semblen ja normals... intentaré però continuar explicant vivències al blog i no perdre la pista de gaires coses :-)
Back to the blog after some days off since I've been quite busy with a very special visit...I've got the family expedition to Japan with my parents, my sister and my brother-in law (cunyao)!! First visit to the country for all them and I think with no indiference...after some days of introduction into the japanese culture, between the modernity and tradition, walking up and down all day long, of neverending battles with the chopsticks, of gastronomic discoveries (there's good food outside home too!), of shopping and feeling the Japanese fashion and of course taking pictures everywhere and everyone, they are already back home. From my side, the visit made me notice that I must be getting adapted to the new environment since for many things they were attracted, to me it felt already as something normal...I'll try however to not miss many things and continue writing my experiencies and particularities of the country :-)
Back to the blog after some days off since I've been quite busy with a very special visit...I've got the family expedition to Japan with my parents, my sister and my brother-in law (cunyao)!! First visit to the country for all them and I think with no indiference...after some days of introduction into the japanese culture, between the modernity and tradition, walking up and down all day long, of neverending battles with the chopsticks, of gastronomic discoveries (there's good food outside home too!), of shopping and feeling the Japanese fashion and of course taking pictures everywhere and everyone, they are already back home. From my side, the visit made me notice that I must be getting adapted to the new environment since for many things they were attracted, to me it felt already as something normal...I'll try however to not miss many things and continue writing my experiencies and particularities of the country :-)
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Una sobre lavabos - One about toilets
Si nosaltres tenim el Sr.Roca al Japó hi ha el Sr. Toto, empresa reconeguda arreu i amb presència a totes les llars nipones :-) (val a dir que la meva experiència és certament limitada però de moment sembla ser així...). En tot cas fins aquí res d'especial, ara bé us puc assegurar que ens passen la mà per la cara en el desenvolupament d'aquests aperells. Si per una banda tenim que hi ha una consideració gairebé extrema per la higiena personal i de l'altra que són un pais capdaventer en teconologia, ens trobem com a resultat lavabos amb comandament a distància per regular la temperatura, obertura de tapa, alguns amb música, el nivell d'aigua o la regulació del "sistema d'higiene post-servei", de fet és un dos en un, lavabo i bidet al mateix temps, o sigui que al final anar al lavabo és tot un luxe!.
Pero ull que la cosa no s'acaba aquí, els Srs de Toto acaben d'anunciar el llençament d'una nova generació de lavabos amb un sistema de controls de l'estat de salut (anàlisi d'orina, temperatura corporal o la pressió) !! Diuen els responsables de Toto que han vist un nínxol de mercat en usuaris que són de caire hipocondriac...impressionant, i tot això s'ha de posar en el contexte que al Japó fins no fa gaires anys (de fet encara se'n troben segons on) l'aparell tradicional era el tipus lavabo turc, o sigui que imagineu-vos com ha evolucionat, una bona lliçó de la mentalitat empresarial japonesa.
Pero ull que la cosa no s'acaba aquí, els Srs de Toto acaben d'anunciar el llençament d'una nova generació de lavabos amb un sistema de controls de l'estat de salut (anàlisi d'orina, temperatura corporal o la pressió) !! Diuen els responsables de Toto que han vist un nínxol de mercat en usuaris que són de caire hipocondriac...impressionant, i tot això s'ha de posar en el contexte que al Japó fins no fa gaires anys (de fet encara se'n troben segons on) l'aparell tradicional era el tipus lavabo turc, o sigui que imagineu-vos com ha evolucionat, una bona lliçó de la mentalitat empresarial japonesa.
If in Spain there is the well-known Roca, in Japan thhey have Toto, THE toilet company with presence in all Japanese households :-) (ok perhaps my experience is not conclusive yet but so far it has been like that). Up to here nothing special but I can tell you they are much more advanced than us in this field. When gathering on one hand and extreme sense for hygiene with one of the most advanced countries in technologies, you get as a result a high-tech toilets with a remote control of the temperature, music, water level or the regulation of the "post-service hygienic system", in fact it's a two-in-one, WC plus bidet at the same time, so at the end this makes that going to the toilet is a real pleasure :-)!
But wait because this is not the end, actually Toto's people just announced the launch of a new toilets generation with a health-check system (urine analysis, blood pressure, body temperature...)!! They say they have noticed a market ninche with hypocondriac users...awesome, and all this considering the context in Japan that not so long time ago (actually you can still find them) the traditional WC was the turkish style, so look how they have evolved, a good learning of the Japanese business mindset.
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my toilet (you can see the remote control above the paper)... |
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Tokyo Big sight
Ahir vaig anar al Tokyo Big Sight, el famós centre internacional d'exposicions de Tokyo. Un edifici espectacular amb un disseny "made in Tokyo" on s'organitzen tot tipus d'events (exhibicions, fires comercials...), en concret jo vaig anar a veure la fira Health Ingredients Japan on entre d'altres vaig confirmar el potencial que te el mercat bellesa/ anti-aging al Japó amb multitud d'ingredients posicionats en aquest sentit...ara una altra cosa es que funcionin.
Yesterday I went at the Tokyo Big Sight, the famous international expositions center of Tokyo. It's a huge building with a design "made in Tokyo" and used as a venue for many different kind of events (exhibitions, commercial trades...), in my case I went to see the Health Ingredients Japan exhibition were among others I confirmed the market for beauty/anti-aging in Japan with lots of ingredients claiming this benefit...but another thing is that they really work.
Yesterday I went at the Tokyo Big Sight, the famous international expositions center of Tokyo. It's a huge building with a design "made in Tokyo" and used as a venue for many different kind of events (exhibitions, commercial trades...), in my case I went to see the Health Ingredients Japan exhibition were among others I confirmed the market for beauty/anti-aging in Japan with lots of ingredients claiming this benefit...but another thing is that they really work.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Japó un pais esportiu - Japan a sports country
Escric aquesta entrada gaudint d'un dilluns de festa...sí sí avui al Japó és festa nacional i se celebra "el dia de l'esport"!! Fa enveja eh...la veritat és que és una d'aquelles festes que et deixa una mica sorprès però bé...tampoc ens queixarem :-), es veu que és una festa que es va instaurar després dels Jocs Olímpics del 64 a Tokyo. I bé como no podia ser menys, he aprofitat aquest cap de setmana llarg vinculat amb l'esport, bici amunt i avall i per fi he trobat un equipillu de futbol, un grupet d'estrangers que es reuneixen setmanalment i el millor és que sembla ser que hi ha una lliga de futbol amateur o sigui que hi aniré a treure el cap.
Per altra banda ahir vaig anar a veure la final del torneig de tennis de Tokyo (Rakuten tennis tournament). El torneig més important que hi ha aquí i on es dóna una pasta al campió que déu ni do. Vaig estar dubtant tota la setmana però com que en Nadal va arribar a la final em vaig decidir i tot content em planto a l'estadi deu minuts abans per comprar entrada...innocent de mi, ja no quedava ni una entrada!! Desil.lusió, però bé després em dic "com serà que no trobo algú que li sobri una entrada"...innocentII! això és el Japó i aquí no hi ha reventa! Al final doncs, em vaig fer un cartell en plan "compro entrada" i de cop em surt una dona rotllo confidencial i em diu que ni sobra una, perfecte!! Del partit poca cosa, en Nadal va guanyar de carrer, jugava contra una bèstia francesa anomenada Monfils que tot i el múscul poca cosa va poder fer, recomano de totes totes veure un partit en directe d'en Nadal. Per la resta l'estadi maco, amb coberta mòvil, i sobretot els japonesos que són super-expressius seguint amb uns "oooooooos" generalitzats els punts amb més emoció i cridant "Lafa Lafa"!!
Writing this post enjoying of a Monday-off...yeah, today there is a bank holiday in Japan to celebrate the sport day! Envying isn't it?...actually when I knew it I was quite surprised as well, but...no complaints of course :-)!, apparently they created it after the Olympic games of 64 in Tokyo. So, I spent this long weekend with sport activities, riding up and down with the bike and at last I found a group of people who play football, it was nice and on top I knew there is an amateur football championship so I will try to dig around and enroll a team.
On the other hand, yesterday I went to watch the final of the Tokyo tennis tournament (Rakuten tennis tournament), which is the most important here and with an appealing award for the champion.I hesitated all week but at the end as Nadal reached the final I decided to go and on Sunday I went there ten minutes before the match ready to take a ticket...so innocent, everything was sold out! Disappointment, but then I said to myself "how come there is anyone selling tickets" (like Paleo!)...innocent II! this is Japan and no one was doing scalping! Finally I did a sign "Buy tcket" and after going around for a while a woman came saying she had one left so there I went!From the match very few things, Nadal won easily, played against a French beast called Monfils who had lots of muscles but couldn't do anything against him, in any case I highly recommend to see Nadal live. For the rest, the stadium was nice and specially the Japanese crowd, following the nicest points with longs "oooooos" and shouting "Lafa Lafa"!
Per altra banda ahir vaig anar a veure la final del torneig de tennis de Tokyo (Rakuten tennis tournament). El torneig més important que hi ha aquí i on es dóna una pasta al campió que déu ni do. Vaig estar dubtant tota la setmana però com que en Nadal va arribar a la final em vaig decidir i tot content em planto a l'estadi deu minuts abans per comprar entrada...innocent de mi, ja no quedava ni una entrada!! Desil.lusió, però bé després em dic "com serà que no trobo algú que li sobri una entrada"...innocentII! això és el Japó i aquí no hi ha reventa! Al final doncs, em vaig fer un cartell en plan "compro entrada" i de cop em surt una dona rotllo confidencial i em diu que ni sobra una, perfecte!! Del partit poca cosa, en Nadal va guanyar de carrer, jugava contra una bèstia francesa anomenada Monfils que tot i el múscul poca cosa va poder fer, recomano de totes totes veure un partit en directe d'en Nadal. Per la resta l'estadi maco, amb coberta mòvil, i sobretot els japonesos que són super-expressius seguint amb uns "oooooooos" generalitzats els punts amb més emoció i cridant "Lafa Lafa"!!
Writing this post enjoying of a Monday-off...yeah, today there is a bank holiday in Japan to celebrate the sport day! Envying isn't it?...actually when I knew it I was quite surprised as well, but...no complaints of course :-)!, apparently they created it after the Olympic games of 64 in Tokyo. So, I spent this long weekend with sport activities, riding up and down with the bike and at last I found a group of people who play football, it was nice and on top I knew there is an amateur football championship so I will try to dig around and enroll a team.
On the other hand, yesterday I went to watch the final of the Tokyo tennis tournament (Rakuten tennis tournament), which is the most important here and with an appealing award for the champion.I hesitated all week but at the end as Nadal reached the final I decided to go and on Sunday I went there ten minutes before the match ready to take a ticket...so innocent, everything was sold out! Disappointment, but then I said to myself "how come there is anyone selling tickets" (like Paleo!)...innocent II! this is Japan and no one was doing scalping! Finally I did a sign "Buy tcket" and after going around for a while a woman came saying she had one left so there I went!From the match very few things, Nadal won easily, played against a French beast called Monfils who had lots of muscles but couldn't do anything against him, in any case I highly recommend to see Nadal live. For the rest, the stadium was nice and specially the Japanese crowd, following the nicest points with longs "oooooos" and shouting "Lafa Lafa"!
De compres sota la pluja - Shopping under the rain
Ahir vaig anar a Shibuya a fer quatre compres urgents pel pis i tot i que plovia a bots i barrals estava a rebentar de gent, que dius ja són ganes perquè amb tot el que queia gaudir-ne doncs no massa...en fi el tema és que si ja és peculiar un dia de compres normal, sota la pluja va ser encara millor. Alguns punts interessants:
Yesterday I went to Shibuya because I needed to do some urgent shopping for the apartment and although it was raining like hell there was people everywhere, so if in a regular day it's already particular, under the rain the atmosphere was even better. Some interesting points:
-D'entrada jo vaig sortir amb el meu paraigua petit de taronja cutre regal dels amics d'Ikea (segur que a més d'un li sona)...error! "cantava com una almeja" allà al mig, tothom amb paraigua llarg i com més gran millor.
Firstly, I took my little orange umbrella from our folks of Ikea (I'm sure most of you also have it)...mistake! I was completely out of place, the umbrellas must be large and the bigger, the better.
-Després a l'entrada de les botigues et trobes un aparell que només treuen quan plou que serveix per embolcallar el paraigua i evitar que degoti a dins, molt sofisticat!
Then at the entrance of the stores there is a machine that they only use when rains, and it's used to cover the umbrellas to avoid dripping, really sophisticated!
-Un cop a la botiga, el millor, tu fas les teves compres i quan pagues si de normal ja són extremadament curosos (penseu que la persona de caixa et posa un a un els articles a la bossa, els delicats els emboliquen amb el film aquest que té les boletes per rebentar i al final si pesa "molt" la bossa, et posen un protector a la nança perquè no et faci mal a la mà!), quan plou cobreixen les bosses amb una altra bossa transparent per evitar que no es mulli, no té preu!!!
Once inside, the best, you do your shopping and at the cashier if usually they are already extremely careful (think that they put each one of the items individualy into the bag, the delicates ones wrapped with this film for fragile stuff and if the bag is "heavy", they put a protector in the handle!), when it rains they cover the shopping bag with another one to avoid gets wet, priceless!!!
-I evidentment al final, vaig aprendre que el paraigua no es pot portar de qualsevol manera, només faltaria!; s'ha de portar amb estil mig penjat del braç...la moda per davant de tot!!
And obviously at the end, I learnt that you cannot wear the umbrella in any way, of course! one have to wear it with style, hanging from the arm,...fashion over all!
Yesterday I went to Shibuya because I needed to do some urgent shopping for the apartment and although it was raining like hell there was people everywhere, so if in a regular day it's already particular, under the rain the atmosphere was even better. Some interesting points:
-D'entrada jo vaig sortir amb el meu paraigua petit de taronja cutre regal dels amics d'Ikea (segur que a més d'un li sona)...error! "cantava com una almeja" allà al mig, tothom amb paraigua llarg i com més gran millor.
Firstly, I took my little orange umbrella from our folks of Ikea (I'm sure most of you also have it)...mistake! I was completely out of place, the umbrellas must be large and the bigger, the better.
-Després a l'entrada de les botigues et trobes un aparell que només treuen quan plou que serveix per embolcallar el paraigua i evitar que degoti a dins, molt sofisticat!
Then at the entrance of the stores there is a machine that they only use when rains, and it's used to cover the umbrellas to avoid dripping, really sophisticated!
-Un cop a la botiga, el millor, tu fas les teves compres i quan pagues si de normal ja són extremadament curosos (penseu que la persona de caixa et posa un a un els articles a la bossa, els delicats els emboliquen amb el film aquest que té les boletes per rebentar i al final si pesa "molt" la bossa, et posen un protector a la nança perquè no et faci mal a la mà!), quan plou cobreixen les bosses amb una altra bossa transparent per evitar que no es mulli, no té preu!!!
Once inside, the best, you do your shopping and at the cashier if usually they are already extremely careful (think that they put each one of the items individualy into the bag, the delicates ones wrapped with this film for fragile stuff and if the bag is "heavy", they put a protector in the handle!), when it rains they cover the shopping bag with another one to avoid gets wet, priceless!!!
-I evidentment al final, vaig aprendre que el paraigua no es pot portar de qualsevol manera, només faltaria!; s'ha de portar amb estil mig penjat del braç...la moda per davant de tot!!
And obviously at the end, I learnt that you cannot wear the umbrella in any way, of course! one have to wear it with style, hanging from the arm,...fashion over all!
Aventures a la peninsula d'Izu - Adventures at Izu peninsula
Vinga que aquest el tenia pendent i és prou interessant. Fa uns dies aprofitant que hi havia un festiu entre setmana vaig agafar un cap de setmana llarg i vaig aprofitar per anar a la península d'Izu de la qual me n'havien parlat molt bé. Situada a unes dues hores i mitja en tren al sud de Tokyo, és una petita península que destaca per les platjes i l'entorn natural, així que motxilla a l'esquena em vaig preparar per guadir d'uns dies de relax, platja, peix i surf (sí sí al Japó hi ha molta cultura i s'ha d'aprofitar :-)) però vaig tenir tanta mala sort que just el dia que sortia es va girar mal temps degut a un tifó que passava per aquí...total que això em va modificar els plans però tot i això vaig gaudir d'uns dies d'escàndol i amb mooltes senyals. D'entrada vaig agafar el tren de miracle perquè va arribar tard (raríssim!!), per cert un tren panoràmic que voreja el mar amb unes vistes molt recomenables. Al arribar a Shimoda, em poso a buscar el B&B perdut per allà i comença a caure un diluvi com si no hagués plogut mai, estava xop, sense una ànima per enlloc però de cop trobo una gasolinera on una pobre dona que no parlava ni papa d'anglès es va oferir per portar-me a la pensió...boníssim, i un cop allà resulta que degut al mal temps vaig ser l'únic hoste que hi havia, o sigui que els propietaris, una parella de gent gran (en Chamichan i la Gkun), em van tractar com si fós de la família, només arribar l'home em va portar a un Onsen (banys termals naturals...ja en parlaré en un altra entrada) per recuperar-me, imagineu-s'ho, el bon home i jo prenent un bany i filosofant de la vida en un dialecte japo-anglès que feia por!! Evidentment el B&B, Marine shower us el recomano de totes totes :-). Al final de platja només hi vaig poder anar un dia i hi havia unes onades tan fortes que estan a 50 metres en va venir una que se m'ho va emportar tot, així que de surf res de res...em vaig haber de contentar amb una mitja taula d'aquelles petites per fer quatre tonteries. Tot i això a falta de platja vaig aprofitar per voltar per la zona i gaudir de l'entorn natural que és espectacular, a recomenar les cascades de Kazuwa, al mig de la muntanya pots seguir un recorregut on et vas trobant cascades, al final en un entorn idílic amb una cascada de 30m, no m'hi vaig poder estar i tot i que no portava res m'hi vaig ficar de cap que aquestes són coses que no es poden fer cada dia!. De tornada vaig passar per l'altra cantó de la península (Matsuzaki and Dogashima) i per Sushenji amb uns aires molt bucòlics (diuen que és aquí on es va crear el primer Onsen al Japó). En fi que per no allargar-me més una gran escapada amb record molt positiu!
Hey this one was still pending and actually it’s quite interesting. Few days ago there was a bank holiday in Japan and I took a long weekend to go to the Izu peninsula from which I heard was very nice. Located about two and a half hours by train south of Tokyo, it’s a small peninsula well-known for its beaches and natural environment, so I backpack and face there for a few days of relax, beach, eating fish and surfing (yeah, there is a lot of culture of it in Japan and so I have to take profit of it :-)), unfortunately I had such bad luck that just the day I left the weather changed because of a typhoon and out of sudden my plans changed completely...but I must say that in the end I enjoyed it very much anyway. To start with, I took the train by miracle because for once it arrived late (veery weird!!) and actually was a panoramic train with great views along the coast, very recommended. When I arrived in Shimoda (a town with a very important role in the Japanese history), I started looking for the B & B which was lost in the middle of nowhere and suddenly began to rain as hell, I was drenched, not a soul anywhere but finally I found a gas station where a nice woman who did not speak a word of English offered to give me a lift till the place ... so nice! and once at the pension it happened to be the only host because of the bad weather so the owners, an elderly couple (Chamichan & Gkun), look after me as if I was part of the family, just after arrived the man took me to an onsen (natural thermal baths ... I’ll probably write about them in another post) to recover myself, imagine it, the man and I taking a bath and talking about life in a kind of Japanese-English dialect! Obviously after my exprience there I highly recommend this B & B (Marine shower :-) At the end, I just could go one day to the beach and there was such strong waves that even being at 50 meters from the shore suddenly one came and took everything away, so no way I could start my surf experience in such condition and I just enjoyed a bit with a half board for kids...but actually was hilarious with those waves! So instead of laying down in the beach I went around the region and enjoyed the natural environment with spectacular waterfalls (I recommend the ones nearby Kazuwa) in the middle of the mountain, in such an idyllic place that once I got there even though I didn’t bring anything with me I went straight to swim under the waterfall...these are things don’t happen everyday! Finally the last day I went to the other side of the peninsula (Matsuzaki and Dogashima) and also Sushenji with a bucolic air (it is said here was created the first onsen in Japan). A great getaway trip with very positive memories!
Ja tinc piset!! - Got an apartment!
Doncs sí finalment ja m'he instal.lat al nou piset!! D'ara endavant viure a Meguro, un bon compromis de "barri" amb aires locals i tradicionals però també animat i amb identitat personal. A part em queda molt ben communicat i a prop de grans metropolis com Shibuya. El pis està molt bé, situat entre l'estació i un riu, amb molta llum i espais oberts o sigui que estic molt content!! ara no m'havia adonat que no hi han persianes (cosa que sembla la tònica general aquí) o sigui que a quarts del sis del matí està tot ben iluminat i ja no em cal despertador. Aah i amb sufficient espai per allotjar visites...o sigui que ja ho sabeu :-).
Finally I settled in the new apartment!! From now on I will live in Meguro, a good compromise of a "neighbourhood" with local and traditional atmosphere but lively and with personal identity. Besides it is well communicated and closed to big metropolis like Shibuya. The apartment is really nice, placed between the station and a river, with lots of sunlight and open spaces so I'm really happy! The only thing I didn't realized is that there are no blinds (actually looks like it's the usual way here) and at 5-6am there is so much light that I don't need an alarm clock anymore. Btw, there is enough place to host visits...so no excuses in this sense :-)
Finally I settled in the new apartment!! From now on I will live in Meguro, a good compromise of a "neighbourhood" with local and traditional atmosphere but lively and with personal identity. Besides it is well communicated and closed to big metropolis like Shibuya. The apartment is really nice, placed between the station and a river, with lots of sunlight and open spaces so I'm really happy! The only thing I didn't realized is that there are no blinds (actually looks like it's the usual way here) and at 5-6am there is so much light that I don't need an alarm clock anymore. Btw, there is enough place to host visits...so no excuses in this sense :-)
Si fa uns dies us parlava de la banda urbana dels rockabillies, aprofito la visita al Tokyo Game Show per presentar-vos un altre estil, els cosplay, probablement l'estil que té més seguidors arreu. Els cosplay (de l'anglès "costume play") van néixer als anys 80 i es tracta de gent generalment jove ques es disfressa de personatges famosos de manga, anime, pelis o el que sigui...la veritat és que és espectacular de veure, s'ho curren un pilot i ja se'n van ocórrer algunes idees pel pròxim carnaval de Torelló :-). Al festival n'estava ple, gent sola, en parelles o en grups, i tots es tiraven fotos per després intercanviar-se-les com els cromos del pannini! Fins i tot hi va haver un concurs per escollir el millor cosplayer.
Per cert, per qui en vulgui veure els podeu trobar també a Tokyo cada diumenge a l'entrada del Yoyogi park al capdamunt del carrer Omotesando.
If some days ago I wrote about the urban band of the rockabillies, I take the opportunity of the visit at the Tokyo Game Show to introduce you another style, the cosplay, probably the style that has more followers around the world. The cosplay (from the English "costume play") were born in the 80s and is generally young people dressed up of famous characters from manga, anime, movies or whatever...honestly is quite espectacular to see, they work a lot on it, actually I took some ideas from the next carnival :-). There were lots of them in the festival, people alone, in couples or groups and all were taking pictures of themselves to afterwards exchange them with other cosplayers as the typical collection of stickers! There was even a contest to choose the best cosplayer.
Btw, for those who want to see them, you can also find them in Tokyo every Sunday in front of the Yoyogi park at the end of Omotesando st.
Per cert, per qui en vulgui veure els podeu trobar també a Tokyo cada diumenge a l'entrada del Yoyogi park al capdamunt del carrer Omotesando.
If some days ago I wrote about the urban band of the rockabillies, I take the opportunity of the visit at the Tokyo Game Show to introduce you another style, the cosplay, probably the style that has more followers around the world. The cosplay (from the English "costume play") were born in the 80s and is generally young people dressed up of famous characters from manga, anime, movies or whatever...honestly is quite espectacular to see, they work a lot on it, actually I took some ideas from the next carnival :-). There were lots of them in the festival, people alone, in couples or groups and all were taking pictures of themselves to afterwards exchange them with other cosplayers as the typical collection of stickers! There was even a contest to choose the best cosplayer.
Btw, for those who want to see them, you can also find them in Tokyo every Sunday in front of the Yoyogi park at the end of Omotesando st.
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