Hola! feia temps que tenia el blog abandonat i res millor que un cap de setmana tranquil a casa per tornar-m'hi a posar i explicar-vos que portem dos cap de setmana consecutius nevant a Tokyo...sí sí nevant!!! i no una nevada qualsevol no, no havia caigut tanta neu a la capital des de fa 50 anys! Evidentment no es tracta d'una cosa normal a la ciutat i l'ha posat de potes enlaire. La setmana passada encara per sort va caure el dissabte i no va causar tants problemes com hauria passat entre setmana. És més els polítics encara la van utilitzar com excusa per la baixa participació en les eleccions pel govern de Tokyo que es van fer diumenge passat (tindran barra!) . I aquesta setmana quan la ciutat ja tornava a posar-se a to, ahir divendres va estar nevant hores i hores molt més dels que s'esperava i va acabar sent bastant problemàtic doncs molta gent que tornava de treballar es va trobar amb problemes de transport bastant evidents. Jo com que només agafo una línia de metro me'n vaig escapar, i després d'un sopar regenerador amb uns amics vaig sortir a tirar unes fotos. La veritat és que veure la ciutat envoltada d'una capa blanca, gairebé desèrtica i sense soroll va ser molt xulo i divertit...hauria d'haver vist les petinades dels homes, i sobretot dones, amb els seus "looks" d'oficina movent-se per la ciutat!
Hi!!! It's been ages I didn't write in the blog and nothing better than a quite weekend at home to get back to it and explain we had two consecutive weekends of heavy snow storm in Tokyo...yes, snowing in Tokyo!! and what is better, the biggest snow in the last 50 years in the capital! Obsviously this is not normal and create a huge mess in the city. Last week was still fine, besides regular issues you would expect, being on a Saturday people took it easy and stayed at home. Even more, the local politicians used it as an excuse to justify the very low participation in the Tokyo's elections (!!). This week however, when the city started to recover the normality it began again on Friday. I won't say was unexpected but it last much longer than expected and at the end it was much heavier than last week's. It created a huge mess with the transportation and lots of people had problems to get back home from work. In my case I was lucky since I only have to take one line of the subway, so I could get back home without problem and went out in the neighborhood for a warm dinner with some friends. After that I took the camera and went out to take some pics, was great to see the city under this very special white landscape, with hardly anyone around...and funny to watch those that still try to walk around with their office's shoes slipping everywhere!