
Inari o el santuari de les portes - Inari or the shrine of the gates

PhotobucketCuriositats de la vida divendres vaig anar per feina a Kyoto i sense saber-ho vaig anar a parar a Inari...famós per allotjar un dels santuaris més peculiars del Japó i del qual fa temps que us en volia parlar, o sigui que aprofitant l'avinantesa si aneu a Kyoto apunteu-vos aquesta referència, "el santuari de Fushimi Inari", jo hi he estat un parell de vegades i com us deia realment val la pena. Es tracta d'un santuari sintoista ubicat en una petita muntanya i es famós per tenir milers de portes tori vermelles, des de baix s'alcen diferents recorreguts d'uns quants quilòmetres que estan tot recoberts d'aquestes portes, de tamanys i densitat diferent donant com a resultat unes formes i sensacions completament úniques. Diuen que totes les portes són donacions individuals o privades que s'han anat fent al llarg dels anys, i en cada porta està escrit el donant de la mateixa. Evidentment també hi ha un temple, Inari dedicat al déu shinto de l'arrós i per suposat està ple de guineus també, animals que tenen un role important en la religió shinto. Així doncs després de uns 40 minuts de marxa (tranquila...) s'arriba al capdamunt, on tot i no ser massa elevat hi ha unes vistes de Kyoto molt xules, com us dic...no us ho perdeu. 


Curiosities of life last Friday I went for work to Kyoto and unexpectedly I ended up in Inari...famous to held one of the most special Shrines in Japan and precisely since some time ago I wanted to post it, so if you have the opportunity to go to Kyoto note this down "Fushimi Inari Shrine", I've been there a couple of times and it deserves a visit. It's a Shinto shrine located in a hill famous for having thousands of red tori gates. From the bottom a several paths rises up several kilometers all covered with these gates, of different sizes and density resulting in an unique experience. It is said that these gates are donations from individuals and private organizations that have been made with time and in each door there is written the name of the same. Obviously there is as well the shrine, Inari who's the shinto god for rice and of course full of foxes, animals that have an important role in this religions. So, after about 40 min of hike (no rush...) you get to the top, which although not being very high has excel.lent views to Kyoto, as said...don't miss it. 

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