And after almost two years in Japan, finally I visited Nikko!! Yes, Nikko is a town located in the mountains about two hours from Tokyo but still within the Kanto region and well it is one of the most popular tourist attractions of the country...that's the reason why I didn't visit it yet, I knew that soon or later I would go there taking the opportunity of one of the visitors coming to Japan. So finally with the visit of Carlos and Julia, who came from Switzerland we did a short stay of two days last week. Nikko considered as world cultural heritage by the Unesco, has plenty of gorgeous temples from long long time ago, amongst them Toshogu shrine, probably the most colorful and detailed shrine of Japan. Besides the cultural aspects, Nikko is an ideal spot to enjoy nature and outdoors activities. Located at the heart of a natural park, is the perfect place for trekking in the mountains, with lakes and water-falls. And all this without forgetting the thermal baths (onsen) and the enjoyment of the local gastronomy, a binomial never missed in this country! Nikko can be visited within a day excursion from Tokyo but I recommend to stay there at least one night.
Aquí l'equip a l'entrada del santuari Toshugo, realment espectacular, immens i amb detalls super treballats. L'original data dels anys 700-800 a.c.
With the team at the entrance of Toshugo shrine, really awesome, huge and with endless details. It is said the original was built around 700-800 a.c.
Una noia penjat el seu Omikushi en un artístic penjador, per assegurar els bons auguris o repal.lir-ne els dolents. A sota missatges escrits en tauletes de fusta molt ¨kawaii¨
A girl holding her Omikuji in an artistic hanger, to guarantee the accomplishment of the good will or avoid the bad ones. Below messages written in wooden tablets very ¨kawaii¨
Un dels típics guardians ubicats a l'entrada dels temples budistes. La seva missió és protegir el temple. Una imatge ben amenaçadora...
One of the typical guardians at the entrance of the buddhist temples. His mission is to protect the temples. This one had a real threatening look.
El famós pont sagrat Shinkyo ubicat als peus dels temples i santuaris. De nit, amb el contrast de llum i la boira que s'aixeca és una de les imatges més boniques que he vist al Japó...malauradament em vaig quedar sense bateria i no vaig poder immortalitzar el moment!!!
The famous sacred Shinkyo bridge, located at the entrance of the temples and shrines. At nit, with the light contrast and the fog steaming from the river is one of the most beautiful images I've seen in Japan...unfortunately I run out of battery and couldn't take pictures!!
Voltant per allà ens vem trobar una classe d'arts marcials a dins d'un temple...tot sobrietat i disciplina tots el nens seguien les instruccions del sensei sense dir ni piu.
Walking around we even saw a class of martial arts in a temple...all sobriety and discipline, all kids were attentively following the instructions of the sensei without saying a single word or gesture.
Els millors ramen amb Yuba (pell de tofu) de la ciutat! Nikko es conegut per aquesta especialitat local anomenada Yuba, molts restaurants serveixen menús vegetarians a base de Yuba, combinant-lo de formes molt diferents i exquisites!
The best ramen with yuba (tofu skin) in town! Nikko is well-known for making Yuba as their local speciality, many restaurants have vegetarian menus combining Yuba in many different and yummy ways!
yay!! Nikko va ser un dels llocs que més em va impressionar quan vaig ser-hi al 2009
ResponEliminaRecordo buscar el "nemurineko"o "gat dorment" perqué ens van dir que era super famós, i al final no hi havia per tant amb la figura del gat.
Les catarates de Nikko també són espectaculars
Ja tinc ganes de tornar a fer la excursió de Nikko, ara quan visqui a Tokyo a octubre
Benvingut al Japo Josep!