Sumo, sumo, sumo !!! Some days ago I went again to watch sumo...this time was a special occasion, the 37th Grand Sumo Tournament held in Tokyo, a special single-elimination event where there is no room for error, either you win or get out. Used to the standard 15 days tournament, this one was quite different although not being an official competition was clear that the atmosphere was much more relaxed. Nonetheless, as usual good fights of human warriors of amazing power and flexibility that always keeps me astonished... and with all that contact start to see this sport with certain sense of romanticism ;) here some pics of the day
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
Sumo, sumo, sumo!!!
Sumo, sumo, sumo !!! Fa uns dies vaig anar de nou a veure sumo...aquesta vegada una ocasió especial, el 37è Grand Sumo Tournament que va tenir lloc a Tokyo, un esdeveniment d'un sol dia amb competició tipus copa, o sigui que no hi havia lloc per l'error, guanyar o quedar eliminat. Acostumat al torneig estàndard de 15 dies, aquest va ser bastant diferent tot i que al no ser competició oficial es podia palpar en l'ambient que tot estava més relaxat. Tot i això, bons combats, potència humana desfermada i molt de contacte...amb tan de "roce" el sumo em comença a semblar un esport amb cert romanticisme ;) Aquí us deixo una sèrie de fotos
Sumo, sumo, sumo !!! Some days ago I went again to watch sumo...this time was a special occasion, the 37th Grand Sumo Tournament held in Tokyo, a special single-elimination event where there is no room for error, either you win or get out. Used to the standard 15 days tournament, this one was quite different although not being an official competition was clear that the atmosphere was much more relaxed. Nonetheless, as usual good fights of human warriors of amazing power and flexibility that always keeps me astonished... and with all that contact start to see this sport with certain sense of romanticism ;) here some pics of the day
Sumo, sumo, sumo !!! Some days ago I went again to watch sumo...this time was a special occasion, the 37th Grand Sumo Tournament held in Tokyo, a special single-elimination event where there is no room for error, either you win or get out. Used to the standard 15 days tournament, this one was quite different although not being an official competition was clear that the atmosphere was much more relaxed. Nonetheless, as usual good fights of human warriors of amazing power and flexibility that always keeps me astonished... and with all that contact start to see this sport with certain sense of romanticism ;) here some pics of the day
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Pero por que abren las pata? Y porque usan tanguita? Me gustan las fotos:)
ResponEliminaLo que te gusta son los tanguitas! jajajaa algo se tienen que poner no...o quieres que salgan desnudos? :) creo que todo vienen de los orígenes...el sumo es un deporte puro, natural dos hombres frente a frente dándolo todo. Lo de la pierna me contaron que antiguamente se hacía para demostrar que no llevaban armas escondidas se si será verdad