Hola!!! Ja torno a estar per aquí després d'uns dies de vacances...sí unes vacances que m'han permès complir amb un altre petit somni al Japó...la ruta de peregrinatge budista del Kumano Kodo a la regió de Wakayama, una península a l'est de Kyoto que té un entorn natural espectacular! Perquè ens entenguem aquesta ruta al Japó seria com el camí de Compostela i té una història de més de 1000 anys. Els antics peregrins començaven el seu recorregut a Kyoto, en un trajecte que durava setmanes i els endinssava entre muntanyes espesses fins arribar als temples sagrats. Jo he fet la versió light...
Hello!!! I'm back after some days of holidays...yeap, holidays and another little dream in Japan achieved...the buddhist pilgrimage route of Kumano kodo in the region of Wakayama, a peninsula east of Kyoto with an amazing natural landscape! For comparison, this route in Japan would be like the St.James route in Spain with a history of more than 1000 years. The ancient pilgrims started their route in Kyoto, with a journey that lasted weeks and went through dense forests until arriving to the shrines. I did a light version...
In fact there is a network of possible routes but nowadays everything is connected by road so generally people visits it in a day by car, nevertheless for the few we decide to walk, usually the trail starts in Tanabe, a town in the coastline and from there you get towards the mountains in a journey of 80-100km to visit the three shrines, Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha and especially Kumano Nachi Taisha with its awesome waterfall, the biggest in japan
El resultat, 4 dies caminant entre muntanyes, pràcticament com qui diu la natura i jo, ja que en prou feines em vaig trobar a gent en el recorregut. Una experiència molt, molt recomenable...a voltes dura, sobretot quan portes dues hores pujant amb un 25% de desnivell però també gratificant a mesura que vas avançant i assoleixes noves fites. El recorregut el mantenen en molt bon estat considerant que hi ha parts antíquissimes que es mantenen tal qual es van crear, amb un camí empedrat recobert per molsa verda que li dona un aspecte molt bucòlic. A sobre pensar que el mateix trajecte va ser fet per milers de persones abans, gent de tot tipus caminant setmanes en condicions duríssimes en un exercisi de fe i purificació, doncs bé aporta un aire espiritual molt interessant...
As a result, 4 days walking into mountains, almost alone (I hardly saw anyone in the forests), the nature and I...an experience highly recommended, sometimes tough, especially when you spend two hours going up with 25% steep but gratifying as well when you keep on and achieve new milestones. The route is kept in a very good condition even considering some parts are from ancient times, with the traditional stone path covered with mold that gives a lovely bucolic sense. And on top, just thinking that the same pathway was done in the past by thousands of people, all types of people walking during weeks in very tough conditions as an exercise of worship and purification...well it really gives you a nice sense of spirituality
A part dels aspectes espirituals, han estat 5 dies d'aventures constants, amb animalets i animalots, amb sol asfixiant i pluja torrencial (un dilvui), amb rierols i basses amagats ideals per un banyet, dormint en minshukus (B&B) practicant japonès i com no amb algun onsen (bany termals) entremig. El que us dic, molt recomenable!
Besides the spiritual side, these days have been filled with lots of adventures, with animals of all kinds, with stifling sun and rain (almost flood!), with hidden streams and ponds, sleeping in minshukus (small B&B) and practicing Japanese (!!), and taking a bath in Onsens from the mountains. As I'm saying really recommended experience.
Besides the spiritual side, these days have been filled with lots of adventures, with animals of all kinds, with stifling sun and rain (almost flood!), with hidden streams and ponds, sleeping in minshukus (small B&B) and practicing Japanese (!!), and taking a bath in Onsens from the mountains. As I'm saying really recommended experience.
si us interessa aquí va el link a l'àlbum de fotos...us aviso hi ha molt verd !!
if you feel like, below the link to the album of photos...there is lots of green!!!
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