
Publicitat holografica! - Hologram ad!

Alguna vegada ja us he parlat de l'estil publicitari que tenen al Japó, i la veritat com més va més em sorprèn...com a consumidor haig de dir que en saben prou d'atreure l'atenció, sigui amb campanyes peculiars o amb presentacions diferents. Ahir estava al metro com cada matí i de cop m'adono que l'anunci que tenia a davant dels nassos feia una efecte holograma...al principi vaig pensar que estava adormit però al acostar'm-hi em vaig adonar que era un anunci d'aquells que canvien d'imatge en funció de l'angle de visió...molt interessant, no diré que han descobert la sopa d'all aquests ara però el resultat realment és interessant. Per cert el producte es tracta d'un medicament per tractar la gastritis estomacal...molt ilustratiu com veureu!

In other occasions I had already written about the particular advertising style they have in Japan...and actually the more I see them, the more attracted I'm...as a consumer I must say that they know how to get you attention, either with original campaigns or complete different presentations. Yesterday I was in the subway as every morning and suddenly I realized there was something wrong with the ad I had in front of me. At first I thought I was still sleepy but when I got closer I realized that actually it was a kind of hologram ad that change its image depending on how you look at it....quite interesting isn't it? I mean, I'm not gonna say this is the most innovative ad ever seen but the result is quite impressive and probably will get its results. The product, by the way, is a drug to deal with gastritis (stomach ache)...as you will see quite clear for the ad, even without knowing Japanese!

2 comentaris:

  1. Che te diste cuenta que podemos ver todos los videos de tu iphone? Jajajabolud estos kapos estan muy locos!!

    1. Maldito Youtube ! Pampita estos son los vídeos del post anterior...mmm voy a fijarme. Petons
