The feature of the day...tonight I was with a friend at the underground going back home, we were chatting as usual when suddenly we realized we were stopped at a station and noticed that no one but absolutely no one was talking in the car, what's more there wasn't a single noise! This is not the first time that happens something similar, actually it's quite common, as I mentioned in other posts, the underground is a place where people always takes the opportunity to take a break in their stressful lifestyle and try to relax and rest for a while...yet I'm still amazed of the situation every time it happens, nothing compared to the noisy and loudly transportation of the west :)
per fer-vos part d'aquesta nova aventura al Japó i les experiències que em vagi trobant pel camí...
De tan tranquil fa por - So quiet is scary
La curiositat del dia, aquesta nit estava amb en Cesc al metro camí cap a casa, anàvem parlant tranquilament quan de cop ens hem parat a una estació i ens hem adonat que ningú però absolutament ningú parlava al vagó, és més no hi havia cap soroll! No és la primera vegada que hem passa i en alguna ocasió ja us havia explicat de la pau i el silenci que es viu al metro on la gent aprofita per descansar i relaxar-se...ara bé no deixo de soprendre'm cada vegada que m'hi trobo i me'n faig creus comparat al xivarri i safareig que hi ha als transports occidentals :)
The feature of the day...tonight I was with a friend at the underground going back home, we were chatting as usual when suddenly we realized we were stopped at a station and noticed that no one but absolutely no one was talking in the car, what's more there wasn't a single noise! This is not the first time that happens something similar, actually it's quite common, as I mentioned in other posts, the underground is a place where people always takes the opportunity to take a break in their stressful lifestyle and try to relax and rest for a while...yet I'm still amazed of the situation every time it happens, nothing compared to the noisy and loudly transportation of the west :)
The feature of the day...tonight I was with a friend at the underground going back home, we were chatting as usual when suddenly we realized we were stopped at a station and noticed that no one but absolutely no one was talking in the car, what's more there wasn't a single noise! This is not the first time that happens something similar, actually it's quite common, as I mentioned in other posts, the underground is a place where people always takes the opportunity to take a break in their stressful lifestyle and try to relax and rest for a while...yet I'm still amazed of the situation every time it happens, nothing compared to the noisy and loudly transportation of the west :)
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Sumo, sumo, sumo!!!
Sumo, sumo, sumo !!! Fa uns dies vaig anar de nou a veure sumo...aquesta vegada una ocasió especial, el 37è Grand Sumo Tournament que va tenir lloc a Tokyo, un esdeveniment d'un sol dia amb competició tipus copa, o sigui que no hi havia lloc per l'error, guanyar o quedar eliminat. Acostumat al torneig estàndard de 15 dies, aquest va ser bastant diferent tot i que al no ser competició oficial es podia palpar en l'ambient que tot estava més relaxat. Tot i això, bons combats, potència humana desfermada i molt de contacte...amb tan de "roce" el sumo em comença a semblar un esport amb cert romanticisme ;) Aquí us deixo una sèrie de fotos
Sumo, sumo, sumo !!! Some days ago I went again to watch sumo...this time was a special occasion, the 37th Grand Sumo Tournament held in Tokyo, a special single-elimination event where there is no room for error, either you win or get out. Used to the standard 15 days tournament, this one was quite different although not being an official competition was clear that the atmosphere was much more relaxed. Nonetheless, as usual good fights of human warriors of amazing power and flexibility that always keeps me astonished... and with all that contact start to see this sport with certain sense of romanticism ;) here some pics of the day
Sumo, sumo, sumo !!! Some days ago I went again to watch sumo...this time was a special occasion, the 37th Grand Sumo Tournament held in Tokyo, a special single-elimination event where there is no room for error, either you win or get out. Used to the standard 15 days tournament, this one was quite different although not being an official competition was clear that the atmosphere was much more relaxed. Nonetheless, as usual good fights of human warriors of amazing power and flexibility that always keeps me astonished... and with all that contact start to see this sport with certain sense of romanticism ;) here some pics of the day
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Cultura japonesa,
Res més relatiu que la bellesa - Nothing more debatable but beauty
Gran història la d'avui, 100% made in Japan. Resulta que des de que vaig arribar en aquest país hi havia un aspecte que des del principi em va cridar l'atenció en les noies...n'hi ha moltes que tenen les dents mal posades! Vaja que no les tenen aliniades, sobretot a nivell dels canins (ullals) que els acostumen a témer bastant sortits però per altra banda tampoc sembla que s'utilitzi gaire l'ortodòncia correctiva...mmm tot un bon misteri que finalment recentment ha trobat resposta...fa poc que he après que al Japó la imperfecció dental és un signe de bellesa (!!), tal qual als nois japonesos troben atractives les noies amb dents descol.locades, fins i tot hi ha un adjectiu per definir-ho, s'anomena Yaeba (literalment doble dent). El tema és tan popular que fins i tot han aparegut cliniques dentals que ofereixen "implants" de canins, conegut com tsukeyaeba! el no va más és que la propietària d'una clínica dental a Ginza sembla ser que com a campanya de marketing va esponsoritzar un grup de J-Pop (Pop Japonès) conegut com TYB48 (contracció entre TsukeYaeba i el famós grup AKB 48) que està format per tres noies que van a la moda yaeba! Què us sembla?? Interassantíssim no?...nosaltres pagant per tenir les dents rectes i aquí per descol.locar-les, però ben mirat qui defineix els canons de bellesa, per a gustos els colors :) !
Great story today, 100% Japanese!. Since I came to Japan one of things (among many others) that caught my attention with girls, was that many of them have crooked teeth resulting in an imperfect smile, particularly the canines pushing forward in a vampiresque look. On the other hand however I don't see that many girls with dental correction so altogether was quite mysterious until few days ago when I finally found the Japan teeth imperfections are considered cute!!Apparently some men find the imperfect smile as attractive, childlike...they even have a word to describe this which is Yaeba (literally double tooth). This subject is so popular that there are even dental clinics offering the possibility to get Yaeba implants for those with "straight" teeth, called "Tsukeyaeba" (added Yaeba). The most stunning thing I read is that the owner of one of these clinics in Ginza decided, as a marketing campaign, to sponsor a J-Pop band called TYB48 (playing with the word TsukeYaeba and the famous J-Pop band AKB48) which is composed by three girls all with yaeba smile! so, how do you like this? Amazing isn't it?...we, in western countries, paying to align teeth and here they are paying to disalign them! But well, it's true that at the end who defines the rules of beauty? everyone to his one taste :)
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Aquesta és la Tomomi Itano una famosa cantant del grup AKB48 i un dels personatges més coneguts amb Yaeba / Tomomi Itani a famous singer of AKB48 and one of the most well-known Yaeba characters |
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I aquestes noietes són les tres components del grup de J-Pop TYB48 / These are the three girls of the TYB48 J-Pop band |
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Societat japonesa
Aprenent cuina japonesa - Learning Japanese cuisine
Un dels desitjos pel 2013 és que a part de continuar gaudint dels plaers de la gastronomia japonesa, vull aprendre a cuinar-ne les seves receptes. La veritat és que al Japó degut a la gran oferta (i barata) de restaurants i al fet que els apartaments acostumen a ser molt petits, la gent menja molt a fora casa i jo que sóc bastant de cuinar i trobades casolanes al voltant d'uns taula doncs des de que estic per aquí ho he trobat a faltar...i evidentment no pot ser, el dia que marxi del Japó a banda d'emportar-me'n bons records gastronòmics també voldria que anéssin acompanyats de coneixement o sigui que finalment aquesta setmana vaig experimentar la primera classe de cuina japonesa. Aquí us deixo el menú bo bo ;)
One of my resolutions for 2013 is that besides enjoying the japanese cuisine, I would like to learn how to cook it. Actually although I like to cook since I'm in Japan I don't do it very often. Here the tendency is usually to go out, either because the offer of restaurants is huge at reasonable price or because the size of appartments are quite small, people tend to meet up outside home. So at then I decided that regardless of this I wanted to learn and finally this week started my first japanese cooking lesson. Here the menú...yummy, yummy!!
1. Amanida de Nagaimo condmentada amb una salsa de Wasabi / Nagaimo salad with wasabi dressing

Bona recepta per començar, el nagaimo (un tipus de boniato) era la típica verdura japonesa que mai sabia com cuinar-la. Em van comentar que normalment es menja cru o lleugerament fregit (com el nostre cas), la seva gran característica és la textura mucosa, bastant peculiar! La salsa wasabi mmm....boníssima!
Nice recipe to begin with, nagaimo (a kind of yam) so far was the typical japanese vegetable that I never knew how to cook. Now I learnt that usually it is eaten raw or slightly fried (like ours), its main characteristic is that is very sticky becoming mucilaginous when grated! The wasabi dressing....yummy yummy!!
2 Soja amb renkon i gobo amakara age / Soybean with renkon and gobo amakara age

La base d'aquesta recepta és la soja (en mongeta) barrejada amb dos vegetals clàssics, el renkon (arrel del lotus) i el gobo fregits amb una salsa agre-dolça a base de soja i sucre. Resultat boní millor de la nit sens dubte!
You take soybeans as the base mix with two classic japanese vegetables, renkon (lotus root) and gobo, deep-fry them and add a sour-sweet sauce made of soy and sugar. The result really me the best recipe of the night!
3. Irodori soboro gohan
Aquesta és una recepta típica japonesa que habitualment forma part dels bentos (carmanyoles) dels més petits. Irodori vol dir colorejat, soboro gohan (arròs) doncs és arròs amb toppings de diferents colors, en el nostre cas, pollastre, ou i gamba que es cuina amb una salsa dolça de soja.
This is a traditional japanese recipe commonly found in bentos especially among children. Irodori means colourful, soboro gohan (rice) then is rice with colourful toppings in our case chicken, egg and shrimp cooked with a sweet soy sauce.
4. Sardine dango isobe maki (Hamburgueses de sardina / Sardine hamburger)

Segurament el plat més elaborat i interessant de fer. Tal qual, hamburgueses de sardina farçides de verdura (entre d'altres bambú) i recobertes d'alga nori. Resultat més que acceptable!
Probably the most sophisticated and elaborated dish. They really were sardine hamburger 100%. with vegetables (among others bamboo) and wrapped with nori seaweed. The results was very interesting!
5. Kuromitsu kinako mochi
Per acabar un clàssic de la cuina japonesa, mochi (arròs enganxós) fregit amb salsa de xarop de sucre i kinako (farina de soja). Bo, però certament no seria el postre més adequat per fer la digestió :)
As a dessert, a classic of the japanese cuisine, fried mochi (sticky rice) with brown sugar syrup and kinako (soybean flour). Yummy, but certainly not the best choice if you look to ease your digestion :)

Aquí el menú complet, presentat a la japonesa....cada cosa té una raó de ser.
The complete menu presented in the japanese way....everything has a reason to be.

I finalment aquí algunes de les companyes que com a bones japoneses van immortalitzar el moment amb unes fotografies també ;)
And finally a picture with some of the colleagues who as a good japanese didn't miss the opportunity to took some pictures at the end ;)
One of my resolutions for 2013 is that besides enjoying the japanese cuisine, I would like to learn how to cook it. Actually although I like to cook since I'm in Japan I don't do it very often. Here the tendency is usually to go out, either because the offer of restaurants is huge at reasonable price or because the size of appartments are quite small, people tend to meet up outside home. So at then I decided that regardless of this I wanted to learn and finally this week started my first japanese cooking lesson. Here the menú...yummy, yummy!!
1. Amanida de Nagaimo condmentada amb una salsa de Wasabi / Nagaimo salad with wasabi dressing
Bona recepta per començar, el nagaimo (un tipus de boniato) era la típica verdura japonesa que mai sabia com cuinar-la. Em van comentar que normalment es menja cru o lleugerament fregit (com el nostre cas), la seva gran característica és la textura mucosa, bastant peculiar! La salsa wasabi mmm....boníssima!
Nice recipe to begin with, nagaimo (a kind of yam) so far was the typical japanese vegetable that I never knew how to cook. Now I learnt that usually it is eaten raw or slightly fried (like ours), its main characteristic is that is very sticky becoming mucilaginous when grated! The wasabi dressing....yummy yummy!!
2 Soja amb renkon i gobo amakara age / Soybean with renkon and gobo amakara age
La base d'aquesta recepta és la soja (en mongeta) barrejada amb dos vegetals clàssics, el renkon (arrel del lotus) i el gobo fregits amb una salsa agre-dolça a base de soja i sucre. Resultat boní millor de la nit sens dubte!
You take soybeans as the base mix with two classic japanese vegetables, renkon (lotus root) and gobo, deep-fry them and add a sour-sweet sauce made of soy and sugar. The result really me the best recipe of the night!
3. Irodori soboro gohan
Aquesta és una recepta típica japonesa que habitualment forma part dels bentos (carmanyoles) dels més petits. Irodori vol dir colorejat, soboro gohan (arròs) doncs és arròs amb toppings de diferents colors, en el nostre cas, pollastre, ou i gamba que es cuina amb una salsa dolça de soja.
This is a traditional japanese recipe commonly found in bentos especially among children. Irodori means colourful, soboro gohan (rice) then is rice with colourful toppings in our case chicken, egg and shrimp cooked with a sweet soy sauce.
4. Sardine dango isobe maki (Hamburgueses de sardina / Sardine hamburger)
Segurament el plat més elaborat i interessant de fer. Tal qual, hamburgueses de sardina farçides de verdura (entre d'altres bambú) i recobertes d'alga nori. Resultat més que acceptable!
Probably the most sophisticated and elaborated dish. They really were sardine hamburger 100%. with vegetables (among others bamboo) and wrapped with nori seaweed. The results was very interesting!
5. Kuromitsu kinako mochi
Per acabar un clàssic de la cuina japonesa, mochi (arròs enganxós) fregit amb salsa de xarop de sucre i kinako (farina de soja). Bo, però certament no seria el postre més adequat per fer la digestió :)
As a dessert, a classic of the japanese cuisine, fried mochi (sticky rice) with brown sugar syrup and kinako (soybean flour). Yummy, but certainly not the best choice if you look to ease your digestion :)
Aquí el menú complet, presentat a la japonesa....cada cosa té una raó de ser.
The complete menu presented in the japanese way....everything has a reason to be.
I finalment aquí algunes de les companyes que com a bones japoneses van immortalitzar el moment amb unes fotografies també ;)
And finally a picture with some of the colleagues who as a good japanese didn't miss the opportunity to took some pictures at the end ;)
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Cuina japonesa,
Cultura japonesa,
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